Deputy Adopts Kitten He Rescued From Storm Drain

July 11, 2019

An Escambia County Sheriff’s deputy has a new furbaby that he rescued from a storm drain.

Deputy C. Bowling was working patrol last week and stopped at a Tom Thumb near Pace and Navy Boulevards. As he returned to his vehicle, he heard crying in dark and took off to find the source. After some searching, his flashlight caught some movement in the storm drain.

His flashlight revealed two tiny eyes staring back at him. He tried to use some tuna to lure the kitten out but the kitten was so young he wasn’t interested. Deputy Bowling was finally able to get close enough to the kitten to grab it. The poor thing was dirty and flea-covered and no mother could be located.

When Deputy Bowling took the kitten to the vet to get him medical attention, the vet said had he not rescued the kitten when he did that the kitten would have not made it. Deputy Bowling and his wife adopted the little kitten and named him Rambo.

Rambo is doing well, now clean and flea-free. Rambo, as pictured below, is definitely enjoying his new home and snuggle time with his new family.


23 Responses to “Deputy Adopts Kitten He Rescued From Storm Drain”

  1. Karen B. on July 19th, 2019 8:36 am

    It’s so nice to read something POSITIVE. Rambo, you got it made little man. God Bless you Deputy Bowling.

  2. TUMOM on July 16th, 2019 3:57 am

    What a heartwarming story. God Bless and protect you always Deputy Bowling.

  3. Wanda tiller on July 14th, 2019 11:27 am

    Awesome hero

  4. One Kool kat on July 13th, 2019 4:23 am

    “One can judge a man’s true heart by his treatment of animals.”

  5. Jamie on July 13th, 2019 4:18 am

    This is too precious! What a sweet story and perfect ending… I’ve always heard,and believed,that “You can judge a man’s true heart by his treatment of animals.” Beautiful.

  6. New to Century on July 12th, 2019 8:35 am

    I just love stories with happy endings.
    I am also fond of human interest stories.
    This story started my day WONDERFULLY

  7. MR REALITY on July 11th, 2019 6:09 pm

    A cat can LOVE you as much as any of our other pets.

  8. Sedition on July 11th, 2019 5:18 pm


    @Derek F

    You win the internet today!
    Haven’t laughed that hard in days.

  9. Sedition on July 11th, 2019 5:16 pm

    Welcome to the rescue club…there’s nothing like it.

  10. Dave thomas on July 11th, 2019 4:09 pm

    A good story to read now a days!

  11. Carlos E McGugin on July 11th, 2019 12:10 pm

    Thank you for saving this kitten. I hope you have many good years together.

  12. anne 1of2 on July 11th, 2019 12:07 pm

    This is exactly why we pray! Good works are happening all of the time. God bless this whole family on two and four feet.

  13. Mee Maw on July 11th, 2019 10:13 am

    Love this! Great job deputy! My daughter rescued a kitten from a storm drain at school many years ago, and 17 years later he is still going strong. We named our little rescue Chance.

  14. Derek F on July 11th, 2019 8:46 am

    Great story. I would have named the cat Draino!

  15. Blessed on July 11th, 2019 8:44 am

    Sir, you will be blessed.

  16. Lou on July 11th, 2019 8:12 am

    OUTSTANDING JOB, Deputy Bowling!!! I’m glad we live in an area you patrol.

  17. molino resident on July 11th, 2019 8:02 am

    Great job Deputy. That little kitten has now gone from rags to riches. I love these kind of stories.

  18. Blessed on July 11th, 2019 7:46 am

    Sir, you will be blessed. Good job.

  19. Mary Ann Bishop on July 11th, 2019 7:21 am

    God bless you Deputy Bowlin.

  20. Jimmy Brantley on July 11th, 2019 7:10 am

    He looks like a great guy. It’s always a great feeling to see a person with a job like his and have enough time for compassion. I pray blessings on you! Be safe and I appreciate the job you do!

  21. Bama Belle on July 11th, 2019 5:41 am

    I too rescued a small kitten on the side of a road at a busy intersection. That kitten thinks I’m her mommy. Good job deputy!

  22. troubled on July 11th, 2019 5:14 am

    Very cute. Way to go!!!!

  23. Rebecca hart on July 11th, 2019 2:19 am

    That is so precious