County Bans Big Trucks On Stefani, Pine Forest Roads

July 20, 2019

The Escambia County Commission has voted to restrict truck traffic on Stefani Road and West Ten Mile Road.

District 5 Commissioner Steven Barry brought the recommendation to the board. He said the prohibition will serve to keep truck traffic in the area on Pine Forest and Nine Mile Roads.

The prohibition is on vehicles over 10,500 pounds gross weight.

In February 2018, the commissioner imposed the truck prohibition on several other roadways in the Cantonment and Ensley areas:

  • River Annex Road, from Muscogee Road To Jacks Branch Road
  • Nine and One Half Mile Road, from Pine Forest Road to US Highway 29
  • Ten Mile Road, from Edendale Lane to Stefani Road
  • Edendale Lane, from Ten Mile Road to Nine and One Half Mile Road
  • Ashland Avenue, from Ten Mile Road to Nine Mile Road
  • Bowman Avenue, from Ten Mile Road to Nine Mile Road
  • Cove Avenue, from Ten Mile Road to Nine Mile Road
  • Fowler Avenue, from Nine and One Half Mile Road to Nine Mile Road

The truck ban does not include trucks servicing or having business within the area.


20 Responses to “County Bans Big Trucks On Stefani, Pine Forest Roads”

  1. John on July 24th, 2019 4:01 pm

    @Michelle, 14,000 lbs. GVW you mentioned is not the same as the trucks ‘Curb’ weight which another responder researched at 9000 lbs. The GVW will also include “vehicle payload capacity”, in your case could be another 3 to 4 thousand pounds.

  2. w.w. on July 22nd, 2019 8:30 am

    No Truck laws are just like Gun Laws…. not enforced.

    Like gun laws, if truck laws were enforced, we’d be having a different conversation here.

    The answer isn’t “more laws” it’s enforce the laws we are already subject to. Js

  3. JM on July 21st, 2019 9:32 pm

    Commissioner Barry. These truck signs have been posted on Sandicrest Drive for years between 297 and 97 and are not enforced. The water lines have to constantly be repaired by Farm Hill. There is a constant flow of Gulf Power Trucks,especially,in addition to other large vehicles that are not even doing repair work on this road.

  4. BrattBrat on July 21st, 2019 2:33 pm

    The same signs have been on North Highway 99 for years! Never enforced, just decoration.

  5. Just me on July 21st, 2019 10:10 am

    How are they expecting to even know who’s doing it still and when? Not like cops sit out here to watch.
    Wish theyd put speed bumps along Stefani road for the idiots that like to go 70 down it.

  6. Stumpknocker on July 21st, 2019 3:11 am

    @ Molino Girl, you took the words out my mouth, dodge 3500 doesn’t weight 14,000 lbs lol . If your stopped and have legitimate business then your fine, like have a load of dirt brought to your home, the driver produces an invoice and good to go, however if the driver is only using the road to cut through then a ticket is issued. Funny as heck someone wanton to fight a ticket they haven’t received yet for something that’s not even a violation lol.

  7. Molino Girl on July 20th, 2019 11:02 pm

    Michelle, I’m not sure where your GVW info came from but the dodge website lists no dually trucks over the limit, even the mega cabs and up to the 5500’s all are below 9000 lbs. This is the dodge website.

    Even if somehow your truck is over the 10,000 lbs, you are not commercial and you have business being there to visit family or friends.

  8. Michelle Franklin on July 20th, 2019 10:32 pm

    Well my husband & I both have Ram 3500 Dually trucks. The GVW on both trucks comes from the factory at 14,000 ! I don’t agree with this. I have family in that area and how are we supposed to get there ? Walk ? I will fight a ticket on this one to the end ! Pure ignorance in my eyes !! Makes absolutely no sense !

  9. Stumpknocker on July 20th, 2019 7:31 pm

    I’m happy to see this especially on 10 mile road, since the 9mile road construction big trucks 18 wheelers have been flying down the side streets to avoid 9 mile and hwy 29 intersection. The speed limit on 10 mile should be reduced from 40 mph to 35 mph , century is 35 mph all the way through, 4 lanes with a paved median, verses 2 lane residential.

  10. Margielu on July 20th, 2019 4:29 pm

    Yes, please! As others have said, please do something to restrict industrial and forestry/logging traffic FLYING down 95A through Cottage Hill, particularly near Jim Allen Elementary! They also need to be way more cautious or be prohibited near 95A and McKenzie and Coweta! They come around the curve after a natural downhill acceleration on southbound 95A and I have personally witnessed several crossing the lanes into oncoming traffic, and was run off the road by one a year or so ago. If they can’t use Quintette to 29, they need to find another way or SLOW DOWN!

  11. JOHN on July 20th, 2019 1:41 pm

    Who will enforce this when it’s not in a city police jurisdiction? ECSO won’t because sheriffs departments are stretched too thin.

  12. troubled on July 20th, 2019 1:08 pm

    Years ago they tried to enforce on 297a but a large company cried foul and they stopped enforcing. I know this because I to listen to big company.

  13. ps on July 20th, 2019 11:57 am

    need to ban on crabtree church rd also

  14. Terry Wilcox on July 20th, 2019 11:19 am

    What about Hwy.297A. This road has had NO TRUCK signs on it for years. It has become a race track for Dump Trucks and Concrete Trucks.. I also understand that Google Maps has started routine traffic through here. Why can’t we enforce this road. If the County and the DOT don’t enforce your new roads no better than 297A it’s all lip service. Good luck.

  15. misstrish on July 20th, 2019 10:02 am

    How about giving the same consideration to the 95A speedway in Molino?!

  16. pencil on July 20th, 2019 9:42 am

    It would be nice if they did the same thing on Hwy 95A . . . . the various trucks that come racing down at unimaginable speeds in the early morning should warrant that consideration. There are many homes along that path and we see them daily.

    Particularly the logging trucks, they could stop everything north of Quintette Rd and make them travel along Hwy 29.

  17. Just saying on July 20th, 2019 9:20 am

    What about the North end of 95a (Porky’s to Tom Thumb Molino) and all the log trucks flying through here and avoiding the weigh station on 29? I know we have trucks that have to get back here but 70% of them go straight through to Porky’s or Tom Thumb depending on direction and they’re destroying the road back here! And all we get is cruddy patches, no repaving or banning big trucks. Just tore up tires from driving on this mess.

  18. Williwonka on July 20th, 2019 6:17 am

    A great idea. Let’s see if it is enforced.

  19. Wilykyote on July 20th, 2019 4:41 am

    Good job Commish Barry….there’s some speed limits
    that need looking @ in District 5 and others as well. Being
    aware of how traffic affects residents will bode well come
    election time. Now, if the law enforcers could slow down
    the speed-demons we could have our quiet country life back !

  20. suggestion on July 20th, 2019 1:42 am

    How about State Line Road in Century. Route traffic down 4A.