Top Names For The New Bay Bridge Released; Naming Committee To Meet

June 10, 2019

The public’s suggestions for the name of the new bridge across Pensacola Bay are in.

Topping the list overwhelmingly with 359 votes were variations of U.S. Air Force Gen. Daniel “Chappie” James, following by 65 votes for keeping the official name of former Florida Senate President Phillip D. Beall on the bridge.

Rounding out the top five were “Three Mile Bridge”, names related to the Blue Angels and “Bridgey McBridgeface” tied with names related to Spanish explorer Tristán de Luna.

Here’s the list of names received:

  • “James”” variations — 359
  • “Beall,” “current” and similar variations — 65
  • “3 mile,” “Three mile” and similar iterations — 57
  • “Blue” (i.e Blue Angels variations) — 37
  • “Bridgey McBridgeface”and variations — 21
  • “Luna” (i.e. DeLuna/De Luna variations) — 21
  • Various notables (mostly local, some one-offs) — 60
  • “Paradise” variations — 18

The names were received by the Pensacola Bay Bridge Naming Committee. There were 1,069 emails, with 265 removed from duplicate email addresses for a total of 804 submissions.

The public is invited to attend two upcoming meetings hosted by the Pensacola Bay Bridge Naming Committee regarding the new name for the Three-Mile Bridge. The committee will meet again on Tuesday, July 9 to discuss, review and select a name.

Tuesday, June 11, 5:30 p.m.

  • Ernie Lee Magaha Government Building, 221 Palafox Place, Board Chambers 1st Floor

Wednesday, June 12, 5:30 p.m.

  • Gulf Breeze Community Center, 800 Shoreline Drive, Gulf Breeze

The current bridge is named after former State Senate President Philip D. Beall Sr.

The county commission and city of Gulf Breeze adopted resolutions establishing the Pensacola Bay Bridge Naming Committee to assist in the naming of the new Pensacola Bay Bridge. The committee is composed of nine voting members – one Escambia County resident appointed by each of the five commissioners and four appointed by the city of Gulf Breeze.


48 Responses to “Top Names For The New Bay Bridge Released; Naming Committee To Meet”

  1. M. White on August 19th, 2019 12:13 am

    I like the “Blue Angel Bay Way”. The Blue Angels represent the Pensacola area, and they do so much for our community.

  2. joker on June 13th, 2019 9:18 am

    The proposed “Pensacola-Chappie-James-Beall-Memorial-Veterans-Blue-Angel-Deluna-Three-Mile-Paradise-Bay-Bridge” was turned down because the name was longer than the bridge.

  3. Joanne Butd on June 12th, 2019 9:23 am

    It’s always been referred to as “The 3Mile” that’s what people know that should be the name!!!!

  4. Loraine on June 12th, 2019 7:48 am

    First, why are we taking away the honor given to Mr. Beall? I am not family to him nor do I understand the sense of need to rename. Does an updated bridge equate to a new honoree? IF the Committee decides a new name is required, and remove the honor from Mr. Beall, then create a separate memorial to him elsewhere.
    Second, let’s find another way to honor General James. With his aviation honors, I offer these suggestions: a memorial at NAS Pensacola, add his name to Pensacola International Airport, or create a memorial to him in the main entrance our airport.
    Finally, IF the Committee decides a new bridge requires a new name, consider using this opportunity to physically and emotionally connect our two communities. I previously suggested Pensacola Breeze Way or Pensacola Breeze Parkway. Regardless of the bridge name, we should also consider naming the park(s) planned at the green area on the landing on the Gulf Breeze/each side, creating memorial(s) there with signage at the end of the bridge denoting the recognition and access for the same.

  5. Jamie on June 12th, 2019 6:55 am

    Will always be 3 mile Bridge to anyone that has lived in this area for any length of time.

  6. LisaPcola on June 11th, 2019 6:19 pm

    Pensacola Bay’s
    3 Mile Bridge

  7. Joan on June 11th, 2019 5:26 pm

    U.S. Heros Three mile bridge is the perfect name for it. It puts all our hero’s in it and it satisfies all three mile people.. So what’s the problem.

  8. Sidney on June 11th, 2019 3:52 pm

    Blue Angel bridge

  9. Vicki McNabb on June 11th, 2019 2:28 pm

    Please keep it as The Pensacola Bay Bridge. I have lived here my entire 64 years and I love that name. Thank You, Vicki

  10. Kathryn Diamond on June 11th, 2019 8:29 am

    I vote for the “James” bridge name. Why not honor someone who deserves it for serving his country. What did some of the other people, who have streets named after them, do so honorably to deserve it? Did ALL of them serve their country. Do what is right, for a change, and honor this man.

  11. Charlie on June 11th, 2019 8:06 am

    So…This is how our tax dollars are spent? how many thousands of dollars are going to be spent on naming a bridge which already has two names?

    What kind of stupid will these idiots come up with next?

  12. Suzy on June 11th, 2019 6:16 am

    If you are a true native this bridge was, is and will ALWAYS be the 3 mile bridge. WAY to many memories for us to call it anything else (-:

  13. Tabby on June 10th, 2019 10:19 pm

    Lived here for let’s just say numerous decades. I, as well as a majority of residents, had no idea of the actual name of the bridge. It will be known as 3 mile to everyone but a tourist looking it up on maps. So let’s just please the liberals, minorities, downtown clique, and through the propaganda pushed, many residents and name it after Chappie. Doesn’t make a difference. Nobody will say, “I’m going across the Gen Daniel Chappie James Bridge”.

  14. Rae on June 10th, 2019 9:27 pm

    Bridgey mcbridgeface

  15. Linda on June 10th, 2019 9:23 pm

    It will be “Three Mike Bridge” for at least the next 2 generations regardless of any “official” name.

  16. Angi on June 10th, 2019 4:01 pm

    Best Name: “US Heroes 3 Mile Bridge”
    No names, not cutting another out, just the plain and simple.
    The bridge is 3 miles long and we have tons of heroes, so why single anyone out?!?
    I say, “US Heroes 3 Mile Bridge”.

  17. Roberto Fernandez on June 10th, 2019 3:51 pm

    I saw a headliner that stated “less than 55% of Americans have any idea what Memorial Day is all about!” What an opportunity, by naming the bridge after General Daniel “Chappie” James, USAF, Ret. (Deceased ), to teach a youngster about an American hero and Memorial Day as they make their way to their vacation spot on the beach.

  18. Nicole collins on June 10th, 2019 3:38 pm

    Luna is amazing and fits perfectly with deluna

  19. barbara on June 10th, 2019 3:29 pm

    Pensacola Bay Bridge plain and simple

  20. ...phread on June 10th, 2019 3:07 pm

    It will always be Bridgey McBridgeface to me!

  21. mat on June 10th, 2019 2:32 pm

    J D,

  22. Shirley chase on June 10th, 2019 12:47 pm

    Military Veterans bridge

  23. James Ford on June 10th, 2019 12:41 pm

    I think The Blue Angels Bridge is a great name since the Blue Angels are stationed in Pensacola.

  24. Stan Roose on June 10th, 2019 12:34 pm

    I think that it should be named the ” Chappie James 3 mile bridge”

    I was actually at the ribbon cutting of the existing bridge and looking forward to being at this one. I was 5 or6 years old.

  25. J D on June 10th, 2019 12:19 pm

    @ mat the old bridge sections are going to be lifted and put on barges then took out in gulf and made reefs out of. I work out here and the barges for this are being built at the lay down yard as we speak.

  26. Renee on June 10th, 2019 11:23 am

    If that bridge gets named bridgie mcbridgeface I am going to have to move. That is the most childish stupid name I have ever heard of. Just name the damn bridge what it’s been known for since the early ages, the three mile bridge. End of story.

  27. Pensacola Retired on June 10th, 2019 11:05 am

    I have to agree and say that Pensacola Bay Bridge or Three Mile Bridge would be the most logical and there are plenty of men and women who have done great things in Pensacola to name the bridge after. Not everything needs to be named after the same person. Chappie James did great things, but others have too. Maybe it’s time to step away from “people” and call it what it is, a bridge that crosses the bay that is 3 miles long…

  28. Howie on June 10th, 2019 10:51 am

    Maybe this article will make it to the meetings with these responses.

    “Three Mile Bridge” is what I’ve known it for – 60+ years. It don’t matter what
    it is voted on to be called, I’ll always call it THREE MILE BRIDGE.

  29. Richard on June 10th, 2019 10:38 am


  30. w.w. on June 10th, 2019 10:26 am

    It’s the “Three Mile Bridge”. Think about it; PSC is still called PJC. No matter what they spend money on to rename, it’ll always be the “Three Mile Bridge”

  31. Barbara on June 10th, 2019 10:16 am

    I suggested Veterans Memorial 3-Mile Bridge. No names. Just honor the military that is such a large part of our area’s history/future and call it what it is-a 3 mile bridge.

  32. jamie on June 10th, 2019 10:13 am


  33. Lisa D on June 10th, 2019 10:04 am

    Three Mile Bridge or Pensacola Bay Bridge are the most logical choices.

  34. Norman LaFountaine on June 10th, 2019 9:46 am

    Naming the new Bridge for General Daniel “Chappie” James, USAF, Ret. (Deceased ) is the right thing to do!
    It will show that Pensacola appreciates a Native son that has brought respect from afar to the City of Pensacola.
    It will also show that the City of Pensacola recognizes the amount of bread and butter that is derived from our great Military presence.
    Active duty, retired, and Veterans, all are watching our elected and appointed officials response to the will of the people.
    These elected and appointed officials are not used to being held accountable, this time they may be in for an awakening!

  35. Tony Defries on June 10th, 2019 9:23 am

    No more names of people !! To much controversy later !! It should be the Pensacola Bay Bridge or the 3mile Bridge!! We have enough Chappie things in this town we have enough!! Someone will be offended and file a lawsuit because the name offends them just like the five flags of Pensacola, the cross in bay view park the statues that have been taken down!!

  36. Sherrie Flowers on June 10th, 2019 9:01 am

    Actually it was my suggestion not vote

  37. Sherrie Flowers on June 10th, 2019 9:01 am

    My vote was “Blue Angel Parkway”

  38. Fred on June 10th, 2019 8:10 am

    What about a “hurry up and get it finished” meeting? I think the best thing to call it would be “complete”.

  39. mat on June 10th, 2019 7:43 am

    Does anyone know what they are going to do with
    the current bridge after the new one is completed?
    Are they going to tear it out or make it a fishing pier?

  40. David Glaze on June 10th, 2019 7:40 am

    Doesn’t matter what you name it locals will always call it the Three Mile Bridge

  41. Heather on June 10th, 2019 7:20 am

    They can name it whatever they want, it will always be the 3 mile bridge

  42. German on June 10th, 2019 7:03 am

    I think the bridge across Pensacola Bay should be called the Pensacola Bay Bridge.

  43. Phil on June 10th, 2019 6:58 am

    Exactly who and where do these votes come from, or are we just to accept it?

  44. tg on June 10th, 2019 6:33 am

    With the traffic in Gulf Breeze name it Bridge Over Troubled Waters.

  45. Bob C. on June 10th, 2019 6:18 am

    Looks like some “block” voting here but of course that wouldn’t happen in Escambia County.
    Pensacola has a fine and attractive building in downtown named for Gen. Chappie James yet that hardly has a mention in this mix.
    Name it whatever “the They” want to, we’ll always call it “the Three-Mile Bridge” because that is what it is.

  46. mick on June 10th, 2019 5:43 am

    THE GULF GATEWAY or P’COLA BREEZE (name shares both P’cola & Gulf Breeze)

  47. Ellen Melton on June 10th, 2019 4:41 am

    I’m not sure where they are getting their votes from? Every forum, Facebook post, news article, etc that I’ve seen are filled with responses OVERWHELMINGLY with votes to name it 3 Mile Bridge, which is what we will call it anyway. Who is not listening?

  48. Susan on June 10th, 2019 1:42 am

    It will always be “3 mile Bridge”, it doesn’t matter what you come up with.