Shots Fired At Pensacola Police Officer

June 27, 2019

An investigation is underway after someone fired shots from a vehicle early Thursday morning while a Pensacola Police officer was working traffic enforcement.

The officer was not injured. The incident occurred around 3:08 a.m. near the intersection of North J and Garden streets. At the time, Officer Sarah Barbosa was monitoring traffic from her vehicle on the north side of Garden Street between I and J streets.

Barbosa said a red two-door Chevrolet Camaro with tinted windows traveling westbound on Garden Street slowed down as it crossed I Street. She then saw an individual reach their arm out the driver’s side window and shoot approximately four to five rounds from a firearm before speeding up to leave the scene. There were no other vehicles or pedestrians in the area at the time.

The officer activated the blue lights on her patrol car in an attempt to stop the vehicle, but the driver kept going and fled on several streets. The last time she saw the vehicle it was headed eastbound on Cervantes Street and then possibly south on H Street.

The car is believed to be a 2016-2018 model Camaro with fog lights.

Anyone having information on the incident is asked to contact Detective Lisa Alverson at (850) 435-1971 or the Pensacola Police Department at (850) 435-1900.


20 Responses to “Shots Fired At Pensacola Police Officer”

  1. Caitlin B on July 2nd, 2019 8:25 am

    I’m so glad officer Barbosa nor anyone else was injured or killed in this senseless crime. She don’t know me but I sure know of her and her family. I was in a program and both her in laws taught separate classes to me about bettering my life. Idk where I’d be if it wasn’t for her in laws and the program I was in and i can remember them saying her patrol area was one of the most dangerous in Pensacola. I’m sure glad her 2 boys had their mama to come home to them.

  2. Caitlin b on July 2nd, 2019 8:20 am

    I’m so glad officer Barbosa nor anyone else was injured. She doesn’t know me but I sure know her and her family. Her in laws used to each teach me a class in changing my life on a program I was in. So I’m glad her boys have their mama to come home to them after this senseless crime.

  3. SMH on June 28th, 2019 4:43 pm

    1. Back up units are not very close normally. 1-3 minutes away.

    2. Drive by shooters have a leg up on the intended target because they are “drive by shooters” meaning they are driving already while the target is sitting stationary.

    3. Chasing a vehicle through neighborhoods at high rates of speed is incredibly dangerous for everyone. What good comes from running down a pedestrian, bicyclist or having a vehicle crash while chasing a suspect. To dangerous and that’s why the decision to cancel a pursuit is allowed to be made by the initiating officer.

    4. Pensacola has always had crime, like every city. It’s better then it used to be in most cases.

  4. Justathought on June 28th, 2019 11:53 am

    Seems like they fired shots to make the police leave the area. With that said, I seriously doubt any tag on the car was legitimate.

  5. NativeTongue on June 28th, 2019 10:23 am

    Hey Chief Lyter – It sounds like @Theresa & @LoveB are ready for their first day on the job. They’ve got this whole “police man” thing figured out and can accurately handle every thing a criminal throws at them.

    @Theresa understands that you’ve got so much money available you can throw a backup unit on every corner and @LoveB thinks every vehicle automatically has the proper tag, if any at all, attached to the vehicle.

    Good luck to your new recruits!
    And thank God above the shooters can’t hit the broad side of a barn; because for at least one more day my hero in blue gets to patrol her beat again.

  6. Escambia resident on June 28th, 2019 1:46 am

    I’d never want to do that job. Way to risky… And stressful dealing with all the unpredictable mentally ill and wild drug addicts. I personally think they need to hire more police for drug raids and start cleaning up the streets. I’ll pay more in taxes. Build a bigger jail, hire more police and for heaven’s sake give them A RAISE! Many of these drug addicts need to go be in jail and prison for a while and get them off my street. I am tired of seeing all these crazy drugged up people walking down Cervantes. Escambia county commissioners/Pensacola city need to do more in helping the law enforcement agencies.

  7. nod on June 27th, 2019 10:50 pm

    It is time for the cops to take back the streets with all out war against criminals. Criminals are the scum of the earth and should not be allowed to be around descent law abidding people. If I am wrong then what?

  8. anne 1of2 on June 27th, 2019 8:07 pm

    God blessed the Officer, that is all I want to say.

  9. Gene on June 27th, 2019 6:59 pm

    Glad she is ok . am all the way in texas

  10. Seriously? on June 27th, 2019 6:53 pm

    @Dina. We need new County Commissioners too. They’re building a brand new jail that houses several hundred less inmates than we have on roll. :(

  11. Seriously? on June 27th, 2019 6:51 pm

    To “Loveb” let’s put you in a uniform while being shot at and see how you react. Will your first reaction be 1)Ewww! Let me get that tag number!! OR 2) Take cover and try not to DIE. I assure you neither the city nor county want this type of “action”.

  12. Randy on June 27th, 2019 5:04 pm

    Oh yeah .. Crime is down ..

  13. Dina on June 27th, 2019 5:00 pm

    Pensacola is getting out of control! There is literally someone illegally shooting a firearm every day in one sense or another! Give the cops a raise so more cops will stay here. Elect Judges with stricter standards. Build a bigger jail so the criminals can stay there! How bad does it have to get before we open our eyes!

  14. Loveb on June 27th, 2019 4:50 pm

    Doesnt sound right to me. Things dont add up. You mean to tell me they didnt get any piece of a tag number?? Maybe city police were tired of county getting all the action.

  15. Peggy Hendrix on June 27th, 2019 4:37 pm

    I am so thankful that the people who some say “thought that they were being bad” were not good shots! A dead or injured policeman-especially as a totally random shooting IS a big deal! This should be a priority. Praying they find the car that leads to the criminals who were driving and firing guns – soon!

  16. Justbeachin on June 27th, 2019 3:46 pm

    Pensacola is NOT Chicago!…Calm down! These are isolated incidents and these areas are pretty much called “the hood”. Of course, back when I was a little girl, both grandparents lived within a few miles of each other in this area and it was a nice area. Times change. Areas change. There is good and bad in all cities. Yes, this person needs to be found and dealt with. But, this is not big city crime! These things happen everywhere. Someone thought that they were being bad…but, yes, they need to serve some jail time!

  17. Teresa on June 27th, 2019 3:27 pm

    Where the hell was back up?? You don’t let people like this simply get away!

  18. Austin Epp on June 27th, 2019 3:24 pm

    That’s just crazy , Pensacola is getting just like Chicago, i use to live in Chicago and there is always a shooting or murder daily.

  19. Jason on June 27th, 2019 3:04 pm

    I’m sure it was just another set of spiritual individuals on their way to choir practice.

  20. paul on June 27th, 2019 2:55 pm

    That’s just Crazy.. I wouldn’t expect them to stop for bluelights after shooting at a cop..
    The car is probably stolen or baby’s momma rented it…..