New Circle K Convenience Store Planned For Beulah

June 24, 2019

A new Circle K convenience store is planned for Beulah.

The 4,968 square foot store will be built at Nine Mile and Beulah roads, directly north of an existing Tom Thumb.

Circle K tells that the store will be the most modern Circle K facility in Northwest Florida. At 4,968 square feet, along with 16 fueling positions, it will also be among the company’s largest locations in the area.

The Beulah location will include the standard Circle K beverage offers, hot prepared foods, a seating area and more.

Construction is expected to begin after the permitting process is complete.


22 Responses to “New Circle K Convenience Store Planned For Beulah”

  1. Beulah Gal on January 2nd, 2020 7:37 am

    There were places in town Navy Fed could have developed, like that superfund area between Fairfield and Brent. I own property in Beulah that’s been in my family three generations, but my dream of building a home there is gone because it’s a madhouse now. I know a lot of people are happy to have nearby shopping choices, and that’s great, because it can never go back to that peaceful small community it once was.

  2. A Alex on June 26th, 2019 4:52 pm

    I live in Molino,BUT

  3. Tabby on June 25th, 2019 9:02 pm

    @ Olin Schultz
    I’m with you 100%. I see all these folks moving over my way wanting to escape town. Some wanna be country without living a country life. Others just want to enjoy it. Most however, want to change what brought them here. And the “Beulah Beltway” hasn’t even started. It’ll be a damn zoo in Molino. If that road gets built, Molino will be unrecognizable.
    Needless to say, we’re moving from property my great grampa settled on. It’s sad. Just like the America I once knew is no more. Never will be. All we can do is outrun it until a reckoning.

  4. DLo on June 25th, 2019 6:57 am

    For all the people that are complaining about what’s being built, you have every right to purchase the property, apply for the permits and develop it the way you see fit. The county commission does not own that property, nor do they make arbitrary decisions about what will be put there based on a popular vote. It’s like some of you think if enough people say that there should be a grocery store on a corner, it will just happen.

  5. Freda on June 24th, 2019 11:27 pm

    Ok and why does Beulah not get any public transportation like Century and Cantonment. How can we get a bus out here. School age children up to the age of 18 can ride for free. With a student library card from the public library. People who are unable to drive could get out of the house and go places. They are building like crazy out here but do not want to give us the same services. Great Idea they could build a small YMCA out here for our youth and people to have someplace to go to I’m sure Beulah would love somthing like that. So I’m pretty sure we will never get any bus service. But maybe a small YMCA. That would be great for the community.

  6. Olin Schultz on June 24th, 2019 8:10 pm

    Everyone keeps yelling for stores and gas stations but who gives a darn about the citizens ideas and comments. All I have heard is if you don’t like it, then move. Guess what? We were here first. Sounds childish doesn’t it? I can remember counting deer in my yard and sharing that with our children. I can also remember never seeing a deer in my yard again. I for one believe that if it’s not broken don’t fix it! Let all the county commission have people camping out in their yard and all heck would break loose. For those that tell the older residents to move if we don’t like it can take a long walk on a short pier and remember some of us were here when the streets were dirt or woods! We moved to escape the crap that half of Pensacola has to deal with now! That includes street corner pharmacies and street corner prostitution. We still say yessir and yes ma’am and raise our kids like we were raised! So let see how many feathers are ruffled with this commentary.

  7. Tabby on June 24th, 2019 8:01 pm

    Yes, I am aware not every single person at NFCU is. But most. You help me make my point. My aunt is a conservative christian who retired from there this year.
    Pine Forest isn’t Beulah although it has also seen it’s fair share of growth. Not sure how long you’ve been here. To a long time Beulah resident its like living in another place compared to what they wanted and expected. (Let me clarify “most”, since I need to).
    Besides, your definition of conservative may be different.

  8. nod on June 24th, 2019 5:51 pm

    50 years from now none of you will care

  9. Lorene on June 24th, 2019 4:03 pm

    I’m retired from NFCU, I’m a Christian conservative and everybody working there is not a yuppie nor a liberal. You should get your facts straight . Hey there’s already a Starbucks at 9 Mile and Pine Forest and it’s been there for years.

  10. Richard Flynn on June 24th, 2019 3:57 pm

    For those complaining about needing a fast food choice. Circle K has the Made to Go kitchen on site at most new builds! Reading the short article and judging on the size of this building, you are in for a treat! Pizza , burritos, sandwiches, salads and more prepared insight for grab and go or made fresh to order!

  11. Fed Up Beulah Res on June 24th, 2019 3:52 pm

    Not very Convenient, we need something like a grocery store or fast food. Especially when NFCU traffic causes ANYTHING on the other side of the interstate un-accessible, unless you are desperate enough to sit in your car for an extra hr or two. Seriously somebody use your God given brain!!!!!

  12. Vinny P. on June 24th, 2019 3:38 pm

    I’m voting for a Publix and hopefully a What-a-burger near that intersection. Sorry but progress is progress for all of you sour apples out there.

  13. Beulah Boy on June 24th, 2019 2:48 pm

    And after the new Publix and strip center is built on the SE corner across from Tom Thumb it will only leave one corner not taken. Gonna get real busy at that intersection.

  14. SR on June 24th, 2019 1:49 pm

    We need a gym in Beulah! Anytime Fitness or the like. Please and thank you!

  15. Tabby on June 24th, 2019 1:20 pm

    PS. Thanks for the “progress”.

  16. Tabby on June 24th, 2019 1:17 pm

    I hope nobody expected any different. Won’t be long, Beulah will be all yuppies up. Probably get a Walmart, Starbucks, some super cool eatery, a Dick’s, etc. Cause they know their target demographic. And if you weren’t a yuppie or liberal before working at NFCU, you most certainly are at least leaning that way now. Nature of the beast.
    I feel sorry for longtime Beulah residents. All I can tell you is move now, it’s only going to get worse.

  17. Mike J. on June 24th, 2019 8:23 am

    We don’t need another convenience store. What we would like to have is a fast food restaurant. Since the new Beulah Middle school is nearby to the west and Navy Federal is nearby to the east, I would think that a fast food place would be a good idea. AND with all this development, Nine Mile Road should have been widened several years ago BEFORE Navy Federal and new schools and new houses and new businesses, etc. build in Beulah. But that’s now how Escambia County works.

  18. tg on June 24th, 2019 7:35 am

    Right in the heart of new city limits.

  19. Round One- ding ding on June 24th, 2019 7:31 am

    I bet Tom Thumb gives this a thumbs down!
    Round One, fight …ding, ding, ding!

  20. NFCU EMployee on June 24th, 2019 7:16 am

    I think this will be a good thing for the area. Right now Tom Thumb is overwhelmed with all the NFCU employees and construction workers that go there several times a day. There have been numerous accidents in the parking lot because it is so over crowded. Go anywhere between 1100-1230 and you have to usually wait on a parking space to open up (and they have ample parking for their size of store). Big trucks/commercial trucks block you in while they are trying to unload so you have to just sit and wait on them to finish (no fault of theirs-again, due to the parking situation). I welcome a new store-of any kind-to help alleviate that mess! I started just driving on by and going to the Dollar General a block away….no parking issues there.

  21. James Tabor on June 24th, 2019 6:50 am

    Just what we need out here a new gas station…

  22. Henry Coe on June 24th, 2019 1:19 am

    Oh,yippy. I’m guessing a CVS and a Walgreens for the other two corners?