Need A Job? The Escambia School District Is Hiring Teachers

June 26, 2019

The Escambia County School District is hiring teachers.

They are looking to fill positions in elementary education, art, music, American sign language, math, reading language arts, science and ESE.

Individuals with a bachelors, masters or doctorate degree may be eligible to enter the teaching profession and obtain a temporary certificate. Individuals with an associates degree can become a substitute teacher or teacher assistant.

For a list of available positions and other information, click here.


8 Responses to “Need A Job? The Escambia School District Is Hiring Teachers”

  1. James Wilkins II on June 27th, 2019 6:05 pm

    NO NO NO NO thank you!

    Wouldn’t touch this with a 10ft pole.

    Escambia county did away with tenure a few years back. They must be living a dream if they want any qualified person to apply who has any sense. I took my knowledge and skills to another County on the Gulf coast :)

    Your degree can go further in a different field in the private sector where you can make four times as much as a teacher in Escambia. Especially with all the teacher blaming now, you couldn’t get me to work for those pennies…

    Sorry not sorry.

  2. MaMaMia on June 27th, 2019 11:43 am

    The Doer’s comment is 100% correct. As working conditions deteriorate for teachers, fewer enter the field, and what you are left with are people who are unqualified, or those who have good intentions but don’t know what they are getting into and are grossly unprepared for the the shock until it is too late.

  3. Common Sense is lacking on June 27th, 2019 11:01 am

    @Steve Unfortunately most teachers just graduating are young. They have not had the opportunity to get out in the world to experience situations that lead to common sense. I know some think we ARE born with common sense, and I agree to a point but I also believe some aren’t! There is a lot of aspects that lead to common sense, so unfortunately I don’t think this is going to happen. Our teachers don’t get teach what they want or even how they want , they have to go by a very strict plan that is given to them, whether they agree or disagree with it or not. It’s horrible! I’m REALLY surprised we still have people wanting to be teachers. We better count our blessings! I agree with what someone else said, quit spending money on other useless things and pit OUR TAX MONEY where We, The People KNOW IT IS IMPORTANT!!!

  4. Steve on June 26th, 2019 10:54 pm

    Common sense should be the first thing an educator should teach these days!!!!

  5. John on June 26th, 2019 2:10 pm

    The education of our children has taken a seat in the back of the bus. Political correctness seams to be the motivation when it comes to our children’s education. Giving a proper education has never been more important then today. We educate them today so they might live a better life tomorrow.

  6. The Doer on June 26th, 2019 1:17 pm

    @Substitute Teacher:
    I understand what you’re saying, but I disagree. There are certain things all teachers should know in all areas. For instance: math teachers should know how to write correct sentences just as English teachers should know how to figure percentages. All teachers should know aspects of reading and history, etc.

  7. Substitute Teacher on June 26th, 2019 1:00 pm

    One of the biggest reason the county cannot find teacher’s to hire is not because there are not any that are qualified in a certain field it is because everyone no matter what subject has to pass the General Knowledge Test. A large majority of people regardless of their degree unless it is in a math field cannot pass the math portion on the test. It does not matter if you have a English Degree and only want to teach English if you cannot pass the math you cannot teach anything. I personally think this is absurd. If you are never going to teach math what does it have to do with teaching someone to read or write ?

  8. The Doer on June 26th, 2019 8:32 am

    This is inexcusable. Any person with any kind of degree can pretty much now get a temporary teaching certificate. That person would have three years to pass the certification tests. If they don’t pass, good bye. In the meantime, that “teacher” has done untold damage to the students who have been entrusted in his/her care. Many of these so-called teachers are being hired to fill positions of state-tested subjects, such as math, English and science. The damage is obvious. Not only is the district having to curb or excuse standardized scores for district EOC’s, but students are having to repeat required testing in order to graduate.

    Escambia County needs to wake up! Why do you think so many students are leaving the brick-and-mortar classroom and going ahead (those who can) and taking dual-enrollment classes or virtual school classes? Even the virtual school teachers MUST be certified and usually hold actual degrees in their fields! The virtual school won’t even recognize the old middle-school certifications. You must be knowledgeable in your field.

    Having any sort of a degree and then having three years to get certified is unacceptable! Teachers at the middle and high school level should hold degrees in whatever areas they are teaching! You may say this is impossible because there is no one left to choose from. Solution: Pay teachers more. Make the job more attractive. The only way to recruit young and fresh graduates is to make the job something the graduate wants. Go back to teacher tenure/job security. By not having consistency in the classroom, the students are the ones suffering.

    Citizens of Escambia County better wake up. Private schools are growing, while public schools are declining. It is not all about behavior either.