Moped Traffic Stop Ends With Multiple Criminal Charges

June 14, 2019

A Century man on moped is facing multiple charges after a traffic stop in Ensley.

An Escambia County Sheriff’s deputy observed two mopeds traveling on South Palafox Street. One moped was pulling the other moped. The deputy conducted a traffic stop and identified the first moped driver as Billy Burns, Jr.

A computer check revealed that Burns had a Florida drivers license that was suspended in 2008 and four prior driving while license suspended convictions. Records also showed he had an Alabama drivers license suspended in 2009 for five failure to appear cases in Alabama, and one outstanding warrant.

Deputies found heroin and marijuana on Burns’ person, according to an arrest report.

Burns was charged with possession of a controlled substance (heroin), possess of marijuana, driving with a suspending license and failure to register a motor vehicle. He was released from jail on a $4,250 bond.


12 Responses to “Moped Traffic Stop Ends With Multiple Criminal Charges”

  1. David Huie Green on June 15th, 2019 8:43 pm

    “Where people can’t stand on their soap boxes passing judgements on others safety behind a computer screen. If your not walking in someone else shoes it might be best to keep your thoughts, words and overall energy focus on your own issues. ”

    safely you’re else’s , focused

    The problem with judging the judgmental is that you become judgmental and thus condemn yourself since you are one of us.

    The problem with telling others to keep their thoughts to themselves is that you didn’t keep your thoughts to yourself and thereby violated your own advice, becoming one of us.

    The idea that only people who break the law should be able to say whether or not it is okay to break the law inherently implies all laws should be eliminated since they have already spoken by their misdeeds. People should be free to say they don’t want to live that way, even if that involves saying unkind things about those who endanger those we love — even those we might not love, if they exist.

    David for better people.

  2. phillip on June 15th, 2019 2:00 pm

    @ rebecca

    You(‘ve) got to love this world we’re all living in. Where people can’t(can?) stand on their soap boxes(plural?) passing judgements(singular?) on others safety behind a computer screen(syntax and grammar aside, sentence makes no sense). If your(you’re) not walking in someone else(else’s) shoes it might be best to keep your thoughts, words and overall energy focus(ed) on your own issues. Maybe if you did(,) society wouldn’t be so emotionally and materially(?) bankrupt. Because I’m sure since you know everything your life would be the(?) perfect and one by one the whole humanity thing would actually live up to it name.

    Whew, that was exhausting. I’m sure i missed a few. That screed is so poorly written it is difficult to understand if you are coming or going.

    I will attempt to address the “society wouldn’t be so emotionally and materially bankrupt” part. I’m also guessing you meant “,,,emotionally and morally”. The thing that keeps this society running is everyone putting out just enough effort to not need to be supported by others. Enough effort to earn and pay for things. Going to work, earning a living, taking care of your own, staying out of trouble, and staying out of jail. Very simple things. they do not require others to make up for them, they do not require others to give up things in order to be safe and secure. It is the ones who can’t perform these basic acts that cause the degradation of society. They cause the system to be less efficient and occasionally fail. Good people can only support bad people for only so long. So you see Becca, the person who has outstanding warrants in two states, has multiple felonies, has been involved in a situation where someone lost their life, and has never contributed anything of value to the world is who fits the bill for emotional and moral bankruptcy. Everyone else pays that bill. The only person who is possibly worse is the enabler,,,,,

  3. Gloria on June 15th, 2019 12:37 pm

    Rebecca, you must be related to Billy boy. The bible says “you’ll know the tree by Its fruit”, & Billy here has a lot of bad fruit in his life. Everyone of us are given choices in life & what we do with those choices matter, whether bad or good. Billy has made bad choices. So I don’t feel sorry for Billy at all. He needs to be locked up for years.

  4. Marti Tabora on June 15th, 2019 12:18 am

    He was 15 years old when he killed that man and only served 6 years. Since then he has contributed nothing to society. Never even had a job. He prefers stealing instead of working. And damn right I’m passing judgement behind the safety of my computer because I have the right to judge him. He stole from me and my family. Every time I think about the drug dealers having my daddy’s guns that Billy stoled, it infuriates me. Those guns were meant to be passed down to my son and my grandson. My grandfather’s rifle for God’s sake. My moms diamond ring that my dad bought her……Billy took that too. He is the worst kind of filth. He gets arrested and they set him free. It’s been happening since he was 15. He knows he can do anything he wants and he will get to go to jail for a while and have free meals, room and board. It’s not a punishment to him. It’s like a vacation. He gets to eat on our tax dollars. Look at that face…..and hes not even 50 years old yet. Disgusting!!

  5. caine on June 14th, 2019 10:23 pm

    He went to jail for murder ! Killed my friend for no reason took his truck and they found his body on the beach years ago I think he was like 16 then, needs to be locked up and throw away the key !

  6. Williwonka on June 14th, 2019 8:41 pm

    Burns appears to be a career criminal who has total disregard for the law, however, he has a relatively low bond. He needs some long jail time.

  7. Rebecca on June 14th, 2019 6:26 pm

    You got to love this world we’re all living in. Where people can’t stand on their soap boxes passing judgements on others safety behind a computer screen. If your not walking in someone else shoes it might be best to keep your thoughts, words and overall energy focus on your own issues. Maybe if you did society wouldn’t be so emotionally and materially bankrupt. Because I’m sure since you know everything your life would be the perfect and one by one the whole humanity thing would actually live up to it name.

  8. intheknow on June 14th, 2019 3:11 pm

    Awww, Billy’s going back to prison (one can only hope). This time lets throw away the key. Check his record he has been in and out all his life. Let’s give the community and his family a break. Keep this piece of garbage locked-up!

  9. Anne on June 14th, 2019 1:52 pm

    New Jail….????
    Always thought it needs to be B-I-G-G-E-R for holding more “suspected thugs”.

    Ol’ Billy here obviously has no fear of the law, court (which he skips) or consequences for his actions. And he has not the first intention of abiding by the rules of law or society.

    Sad times for my County, State and Country.
    God Bless and Protect the LEO, First Responders and those of us who try to Live Right.

  10. SMH on June 14th, 2019 10:16 am

    High and stupid is no way to go through life.

  11. Too Funny! on June 14th, 2019 9:29 am

    Mr Burns, why didn’t you take the cops on a high speed chase….oh never mind LOL!

    Lesson: Do Not Drive A Moped (whilst pulling another) When You Are Carrying Your Drugs On Your Person

    ***HERE’S YOUR SIGN***

  12. Native 1950 on June 14th, 2019 6:53 am

    Possession of Heroin and released? …only to already be out on the streets using/selling it again? And we wonder why our town and entire country is going to hell. Smh…Lord please help us!