Molino Man Charged With Allegedly Stealing Two Trailers From Roads, Inc.

June 26, 2019

A Molino man was charged with two felony counts of grand theft of a motor vehicle for allegedly stealing two trailers belonging to Roads, Inc.

Randal Thomas Smith, 47, is accused of taking two flat bed trailers, one 16-feet long and the other 20 feet. The trailers were valued at $7,000 and sustained $1,500 in damage, an arrest report states.

Smith was using one of the trailers to haul his race car to Southern Raceway, the report states.

After being made aware the trailers were reported stolen, an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputy spotted the 16-foot trailer with a race car loaded on it sitting in the driveway of Smith’s home on Chestnut Road, and the 20-foot trailer was also in plain view. Both trailers had Roads, Inc. welded on the frame, and both had registration documents in watertight containers identifying them as belonging to Roads, Inc, according to arrest report.

Smith returned home and spoke with the deputy, but Smith’s statement was redacted from the arrest report.

Smith was released from the Escambia County Jail on a $10,000 bond.


32 Responses to “Molino Man Charged With Allegedly Stealing Two Trailers From Roads, Inc.”

  1. Wise Years on June 30th, 2019 11:51 am

    Very ODD that his statements were redacted from the arrest report. Did he have INTENT to deprive rightful owner of his property? Did he start out with PERMISSION, AND keep it beyond the agreed time for use? I’m that case it becomes “conversion.” A lesser charge hav ing a lesser degree of scienter.

  2. in the know on June 27th, 2019 1:00 pm

    randal quit working about 6 or 8 mounths before they found the trailers now if roads let him barrow trailers you would think he would have brought trailers back

  3. Stumpknocker on June 27th, 2019 10:50 am

    I have no idea about guilty or not. It the comments of leaving them in plain view doesn’t make since to me, people steal cars all the time leaving the tags on them and drive all over town, so plain view doesn’t really mean anything. I think the trailers were reported stolen and at the time of report or shortly after someone advanced law enforcement of a possible suspect and address. Me believing a deputy just happened to spot trailers on chestnut rd is slim to none.

  4. Former roads inc worker. on June 27th, 2019 9:00 am

    Roads Inc did in fact let people borrow equipment from time to time including vehicles when employees have no way to work . I’ve borrowed. He’s had those trailers to haul his race car for well over a year . Just like Truck forman selling product to private property owners but we will never know if Cody okayed it. Mr Cody you have a lot of thieves working for you right now. The hatred and jealousy these people have for each other is insane. I have no doubt this man was set up. Someone waited I’m sure the time was right. I enjoyed working for the Owners of Roads as they are good people and good to their employees But the Some of the new supervisors are strait up bullies and thugs . So exactly when were those trailers reported stolen ?

  5. David on June 27th, 2019 7:53 am

    My Grand daddy used to say…it will all come out in the wash….dont care if he is innocent or guilty, thats what courts are for. Stop all this confounded nasty stuff trying to stir the embers.

  6. Grease monkey on June 27th, 2019 12:19 am

    You people don’t know this theif I’ve know him for a while and tailers has been stolen for a while y’all don’t know the whole story but like every one they get theirs in the end. Roads inc. is good company but people like every where there are those idiots who think they can do what they want and get away with it, but guess what Busted finally. Like every theif it eventually comes back to bite them in the butt.You do the crime you do the time

  7. Honestly People on June 26th, 2019 10:25 pm

    I have read all these comments and have to laugh. I agree it doesn’t make sense he would leave them in the open with the companies name on them, any smart thief would take that off. If he did it then they will find proof but if he didn’t then everyone on here is wrong for judging him, bet you won’t admit your one of them if he’s innocent. lol. The reason I laugh is I bet every one of us has used a pen somewhere and walked out with it or worked somewhere and thought oh I need this paper, etc. at home. I realize the value of the trailers are a lot more than pens, papers, etc. but stealing is stealing so why don’t all of you look at yourselves and your family members before judging others. For your information I do not know this man or any of his family. Just being honest.

  8. Charlie on June 26th, 2019 10:05 pm

    What exactly did the $1,500 damage involve. Not explained. The whole story does not quite make sense, & seems like a lot of unanswered questions. Bad communications in them being borrowed, as some claim him to be an honest man, or were they stolen & left in plain sight with the company name welded on & visible? More answers needed here before “keyboard judges” should make bad comments as to guilt or innocence.

  9. MR REALITY on June 26th, 2019 9:29 pm

    James Shelton…LOL…You soulnd like you;re related to him….Its hard to have that many consequeces dont you think…Quit making excuses. if I had TWO, not one but two trailers on my land I would damn well know their history AND if I was using one of them I would damn well KNOW it wasnt stolen!!!!

  10. Two bits on June 26th, 2019 8:26 pm

    Mr. Klm, thats what we do here. We assume, we judge, and sometimes we pass sentence. Then we go to church on Sunday to here sermons about not judging, assuming and casting stones. The only thing I know is that whatever happens in the dark eventually comes to the light, either while we are here on earth or on judgement day.

  11. Michael Brantley on June 26th, 2019 8:22 pm

    Looks like a lot of people here defending Mr. Smith. Stealing is stealing -

  12. james Shelton on June 26th, 2019 8:04 pm

    I personally know this guy him and I both worked for roads inc. that company is known for letting the employies borrow equipment and trailers and other things I no longer work there but I did for many years and I was in management. sounds to me like someone above Randal let him use the trailers with out the owner knowing and when they found out the one above randal that gave the permission didnt own up to it. this man wouldnt steal anything. he is also or was their head mechanic so he could have taken those trailors home to work on them to keep from being at work on Saturday and sunday as he has done in the past but stole those trailors no he did not seal them he is one of the most honest people i know. he worked at that company for many years. those of you calling him a thief putting your nose where it doesnt belong I hope y’all are accused of something like this and bashed for it so you can see how it feels it is really pathetic how our world has turned out I remember when the people was once nice now there are nothing but a bunch of kreeps out here that think they are better then everyone else.

  13. John D Bodie on June 26th, 2019 8:01 pm

    Well, all I know is that I was accused of theft one time, I had to go through hell, court ect, I dealt with it over a year, guess what, I was not guilty of the crime. It was some bad folks out to get me. So let’s not judge until we get some facts. Someone could have set him up. I doubt seriously if he would have left the company’s name on them. After all he has race cars, surely he has a grinder, ect. Come on people.use your brains. Lol

  14. Molino Girl on June 26th, 2019 8:00 pm

    Per the article…
    “After being made aware the trailers were reported stolen, an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputy spotted the 16-foot trailer with a race car loaded on it sitting in the driveway of Smith’s home on Chestnut Road, and the 20-foot trailer was also in plain view. Both trailers had Roads, Inc. welded on the frame, and both had registration documents in watertight containers identifying them as belonging to Roads, Inc, according to arrest report.”

    Key words here “after the trailers were reported stolen”. If the trailers were reported by Roads Inc. as stolen then the deputy most likely received a report and knew to keep an eye out. He was paying attention and did his job. The courts will sort it out. Maybe the man works for roads inc and thought he could borrow the trailers without anyone noticing, maybe a supervisor wrongly told him he could borrow it, or, maybe he’s a thief. The legal system will decide…. but people trying to make it seem like the deputy did something wrong because he happened to see trailers that were reported stolen in plain site and investigated it which is what he gets paid to do?? Really?

  15. Hoo Boy on June 26th, 2019 7:00 pm

    I’m not sure about the “Face of god” digression, but “Roads Racing” sounds about right for this area.

  16. MMC on June 26th, 2019 3:37 pm

    I don’t know Mr. Smith, but this is messed up. Smith uses the trailer(s) to haul a race car. What’s amazing is that a Deputy is driving on Chestnut Road and spots both trailers out in plain view . Deputy: Wow, those trailers are stolen. I don’t believe for one minute, that anyone in their right mind would leave stolen equipment in their front yard. Second, a Deputy just appeared there and spotted the trailers. You could call that a remarkable find!

    Seems to me Mr. Smith borrowed the trailers and possibly the person giving permission was no where to be found when Smith was being accused of TAKING the trailers. Or possibly a setup by someone that doesn’t like Smith.

    But, the Deputy wanted no part of hearing what Smith explained. BAM, taken to jail.

    It infuriates me when some people point fingers and don’t have the full details of the situation. My story here is what I think may have happened, because I wasn’t there.

    Smith will have his say-so in court.

    Waiting to read Chapter #2 later stating the facts.

  17. MR REALITY on June 26th, 2019 2:24 pm

    Kim, we arnt assuming anything. The man was in POSSESSION OF BIOTH trailers. Maybe one you call a misunderstanding but two? two mistakes? YEAAA RIGHT. This guy is a thief. I hope they toss the book at him!!!!

  18. KIm on June 26th, 2019 12:21 pm

    First of all you people need to stop assuming what you think happened. I have worked with law enforcement for over 15 years. Deputies have been known to lets say make mistakes in their reports. Amazing how that part of Escambia County.a deputy just spots a trailer like that. Second why would anyone leave something that was stolen in plain sight? Makes no sense to me. I know this family and the trailers were already returned. So, people keep judging. Thank you for reading my opinion and carrying on with what ever it is you all have to do with your life.

  19. Citizen on June 26th, 2019 12:07 pm

    I’m concerned for those who think it’s okay to judge as quick as y’all do. Why in the world would he “steal” the trailers but take them in plain sight? Shame on y’all who are quick to judge get a life and fix your own problems before judging others. There is always more to the story but people like y’all don’t care for that side.

  20. anne 1of2 on June 26th, 2019 11:32 am

    Would this man knowingly use a stolen trailer to take a vehicle to a raceway? Wouldn’t that would be one of the first places the leo’s would search for it?

  21. Louise on June 26th, 2019 11:01 am


  22. Bartender on June 26th, 2019 10:42 am

    Maybe the employer lent it to him an they forgot.just like his wife forgot to feed her horses.

  23. Roads inc worker on June 26th, 2019 10:32 am

    I work for Roads and he definitly stole the trailers bc we arent allowed to take any trailers home.

  24. Interesting on June 26th, 2019 10:27 am

    So a deputy just happened to notice 2 trailers belonging to Roads Inc. Interesting. I wonder if someone reported the trailers in the yard and wanted them to investigate. The article doesn’t state if a report was called in for stolen trailers.

  25. someone on June 26th, 2019 9:55 am

    first off, let’s stop bashing him and saying things like that unless you know they whole story. That is what is wrong with society today, everyone is quick to judge. I know this man personally and he would NEVER steal anything. Read the article! If he would have actually “stolen” these things he would not have pulled a race car with it and had it in plain sight. This man y’all are bashing on is someone’s Husband, Brother, Son, Dad, Uncle! Let’s be more considerate and stop judging!

  26. EMD on June 26th, 2019 9:01 am

    It infuriates me when people steal stuff that others paid for. But, who knows? Maybe in a few years, it will be a protected lifestyle. Perhaps we will have Thieves’ Pride Month. Or at least a special day that flies in the Face of God, being clearly opposed to His written will.

  27. JW on June 26th, 2019 8:55 am

    I doubt he stole it in the “sneaky thug” sort of way that first comes to mind. I’m guessing this is one of those cases where an employee became too comfortable on the slippery slope of just “borrowing” the employers equipment. I’m sure this is very embarrassing for Mr. Smith and his family. I hope it all works out for them.

  28. Jason on June 26th, 2019 8:11 am

    @JT – The Florida Statute 320.01 defines a “motor vehicle” as follows:

    (1) “Motor vehicle” means:
    (a) An automobile, motorcycle, truck, trailer, semitrailer, truck tractor and semitrailer combination, or any other vehicle operated on the roads of this state, used to transport persons or property, and propelled by power other than muscular power, but the term does not include traction engines, road rollers, personal delivery devices and mobile carriers as defined in s. 316.003, special mobile equipment as defined in s. 316.003, vehicles that run only upon a track, bicycles, swamp buggies, or mopeds.
    (b) A recreational vehicle-type unit primarily designed as temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, or travel use, which either has its own motive power or is mounted on or drawn by another vehicle.

  29. Bumpkin on June 26th, 2019 7:43 am

    no. If the trailer is registered with the dmv and has tags, it’s considered a motor vehicle.

  30. john on June 26th, 2019 6:18 am

    Whatever hobby you get involved, make sure it’s one you can afford.

  31. Williwonka on June 26th, 2019 4:44 am

    Excellent law enforcement work.

  32. BT on June 26th, 2019 2:38 am

    Doesn’t it have to have a motor to be considered a motor vehicle?

    Not objecting to the arrest, it’s still theft. It just seems like a silly charge.