Man Gets 15 Years For DUI Manslaughter

June 28, 2019

An Escambia County man was sentenced Thursday to 15 years in state prison for DUI manslaughter.

On August 4, 2018, Blake Jordan Shull was driving his 2002 Saturn L200 at a high rate of speed westbound on Michigan Avenue in Pensacola at approximately 2 a.m. The defendant struck the deceased victim’s vehicle from behind, near the intersection with Memphis Avenue. The collision caused the victim’s vehicle to strike the curb, overturn and impact a traffic signal pole on the corner of the intersection. The victim passed away at the scene.

The Florida Highway Patrol’s investigation revealed Shull was traveling over 80 miles per hour at the time of impact. A blood test determined Shull to have a .12 blood alcohol content. He also had cannabis and cocaine in his system.

he court also ordered he pay a $10,000 fine. There is no parole in Florida and so Shull will be required to serve at least 85% of the 15 year sentence.


10 Responses to “Man Gets 15 Years For DUI Manslaughter”

  1. Williwonka on June 30th, 2019 1:42 pm

    Want to save lives? No, not by gun laws, but rather by outlawing alcohol–the drug of choice of politicians and judges.

  2. Kane on June 29th, 2019 11:37 am

    To those of you that are of the opinion that this town is a “dumpster fire” how about you leave and move some where that you like instead of staying here where you are not wanted? Pensacola may not be perfect but it is where I prefer to live and if you don’t like it leave it instead of just talking trash.

  3. Vic on June 28th, 2019 5:55 pm

    It’s not enough. He should’ve gotten the full 35 and ALL three charges should’ve stuck. Shull should’ve been ordered to pay 35 grand in fines instead of 10.

    I wish it was more than just 15 years. Dean and his family deserved better.
    I guess this county doesn’t care about their veterans. Either way they’re no winners here. All because of a stoned drunk driver.

  4. paul on June 28th, 2019 5:49 pm

    This murderer was intent on getting drunk not caring about anything but his own drunken needs – sounds premeditated that he got drunk then got behind the wheel to take his drunken ass home or wherever and this devil may care attitude resulted in death. The manslaughter charge is wrong – the law needs to be changed.

  5. anne 1of2 on June 28th, 2019 1:05 pm

    Someday we will figure out why judges go so easy on people who kill. Are these fine citizens just having a bad day? It will never be OK that this woman lost her entire life!

  6. John Q. Public on June 28th, 2019 1:00 pm

    Just playing devil’s advocate here:

    The sentence is light due to it being DUI manslaughter. Murder requires intent. Is it fair? No. Is it the law? Unfortunately.

    I guarantee you that DUI deaths happen in both New England and Washington state. It is not limited to Pensacola. The state of Maine’s max sentence for negligent manslaughter is 5 years and you can add a minimum of 6 months to 10 years for operating a vehicle under the influence.

  7. mick on June 28th, 2019 11:44 am

    As everyone is saying – no justice here – a drunken fool murders someone and will walk on this joke of a sentence. Absolutely sickening to read the outcome of this.

  8. Nathan on June 28th, 2019 10:39 am

    This would not happen in New England, after being stationed in Maine for 12 years, then Washington state, now this dumpster fire called Pensacola, I regret being from here. This guy would have gotten life anywhere else I have been stationed. I am from Pensacola, born and raised, I left in 2001 when I enlisted. I regret coming back here to retire.

  9. Whisperjet on June 28th, 2019 5:10 am

    ..80 MPH. Drunk , drugs ? 15 years not enough …

  10. Ryan Beesby on June 28th, 2019 1:40 am

    Now how do the courts explain that:. This guy gets loaded on party drugs, kills an innocent victim but only get 15 years? AND ONLY has to do 85% of his sentence? Unreal.

    Looks like there is more incentive to be a party type and not care about life rather than work and follow the law. I guess I’ll just quit my job and be as reckless as this guy. What’s the worse that can happen, I’ll only get 15 years and only have to actually serve 13 years.

    Way to go Escambia…. NOT.