Jeff Bergosh Guest View: Learn from History-Don’t Erase It

June 1, 2019

Guest editorial by Jeff Bergosh

In 2021, the $427 Million replacement bridge now under construction over Pensacola Bay will be completed. Current FDOT policy and practice dictates replacement structure(s) carry the same designations as the original structure(s) replaced-absent any new legislative action.

In this instance and by an act of the Florida legislature in 1961-the bridge connecting Pensacola with Gulf Breeze is officially recognized as the “Philip D. Beall Sr. Memorial Bridge”—although most locals call it the “3-Mile Bridge.” (Sen. Philip D. Beall was a State Senator from Pensacola from 1935 until 1943.)

But some folks now insist we give this replacement structure a new name—stripping the Beall family name and re-naming it the Daniel R. “Chappie” James bridge. (Chappie James was a decorated combat aviator, the first black man to become a 4-star general in the U.S. Military.)

I believe a better tribute for a great man like Chappie would be for us to rename Pensacola’s airport in his honor—after all, Chappie was an aviator! If Louisville Kentucky can rename their city’s airport for their favorite son, Mohammad Ali, then why can’t Pensacola do this same thing for Chappie James?

Beall’s descendants have suggested a fair compromise amidst all this rancorous debate—a dual designation of the bridge, honoring both men.

Unfortunately- this magnanimous, common-sense gesture was rebuked.

Our legislative delegation, meanwhile, has signaled its willingness to introduce legislation to change the bridge’s official designation– if this is the will of the four interested communities.

Pensacola and Santa Rosa County have already taken formal votes on this.

Escambia County and the city of Gulf Breeze, however, have wisely moved forward with a committee approach for considering this issue–allowing individual citizens a voice in this decision. (citizens may send their thoughts to: )

I’m hopeful this committee will listen to all sides of this matter with open minds.

Because sadly–some folks that are supportive of changing the bridge’s name have now resorted to denigrating a family’s legacy by calling Sen. Beall a “racist”- an insidious claim that has no basis in fact!

This negative turn in the discussion has been devastating to Beall’s descendants.

Senator Beall’s daughter sat in my office going through memorabilia recently—and emotionally asked me this: “Why do they want to erase my family’s history-our family wasn’t racist?”

Nevertheless– individuals pushing to tear Beall’s name from the bridge continue assaulting his legacy, pointing to legislation the senator sponsored in 1935 that made Democratic primaries statewide “white only.”

But these primaries were ubiquitous in the 1930s south; the Supreme Court decision in Grovey v. Townsend ruled that such primaries were lawful and didn’t deprive citizens of their 14th or 15th Amendment rights. It was about party politics of that time, not race.

Meanwhile– every racist injustice committed by Andrew Jackson, FDR, Robert Byrd, and other historic figures that have monuments locally and nationwide—apparently, these are a non-issue. (Jackson owned slaves, FDR force-segregated black troops and illegally interred American Citizens of Japanese descent. Byrd was in the Ku Klux Klan—yet all these guys’ monuments stand proudly?)

It’s rank hypocrisy that’s borderline delusional.

Allowing ANY angry mob to become the de facto “monument police,” re-writing our history to suit their agenda and ideology, condemning selected historical figures while ignoring historical realities, acting as judge, jury and executioner to erase history—this is wrong!

I don’t– and we shouldn’t—countenance the sanitizing of history by condoning the forceful destruction of statues, the removal of monuments, and/or the stealing of families’ memorial designations—-on the orders of ANY angry mob.

Jeff Bergosh is an Escambia County Commissioner representing District 1.


16 Responses to “Jeff Bergosh Guest View: Learn from History-Don’t Erase It”

  1. John juarez on June 5th, 2019 7:15 pm

    Pensacola does not have Customs agents. They have TSA agents but not customs agents. Two separate entities.

  2. True Story on June 3rd, 2019 1:06 am

    The birth of this nation is a true story. Watch the movie. No matter how one wants to feel indignation, we all came to this county one way or another.

    If people can’t handle the truth that after slavery the one’s in power weren’t keen on being ruled by the slaves so soon after the defeat then they need a reality check.

    Now days some don’t want equal rights– they want $$$$ and revenge.

  3. City of Five Flags on June 2nd, 2019 1:27 pm

    Why would Dosev, Gray and Underhill or anyone want to strip Pensacola’s history?
    It’s dedicated to Senator Bealll. He served the area well with honor.

    Stop politicizing this. Mr. Bergosh is spot on as usual.

  4. Dodger on June 2nd, 2019 12:10 pm

    Bob C — Pensacola has an “international” airport because there are customs agents here. People can leave Pensacola for overseas without again going through TSA or customs. This is a great advantage for Pensacola because we don’t have the lines of bigger airports.

  5. Sedition on June 2nd, 2019 6:26 am


    Somehow…that doesn’t surprise me at all.

  6. Jacqueline Rogers on June 2nd, 2019 3:46 am

    Mr. Bergosh,

    Mr. Beall’s name was NOT the first name on the bridge, lol.
    The bridge was originally named for Thomas A. Johnson.
    When the bridge was redone it was *renamed* to Senator Beall’s name.
    So please cut down the drama about ‘tearing down monuments’.
    Was Mr. Johnson’s name “torn down”, too?

    But seriously? Senator Beall’s bill was not about race?
    You said:
    “… individuals pushing to tear Beall’s name from the bridge continue assaulting his legacy, pointing to legislation the senator sponsored in 1935 that made Democratic primaries statewide ‘white only.’ ”

    How much more about race could it be when you you are restricting non-whites from voting? “Ubiquitous” never is a justification for anything.

    Anyway, the bridge has had two different names so far and the BCC agreed to having a committee, even though Santa Rosa County and the City of Pensacola have already voted to name it for General Daniel “Chappie” James, an honorable local military hero.
    Let’s ‘follow the process’, as you like to say.

    From a media report:
    “The bridge committee will be taking suggestions until the close of business June 3. Suggestions must be sent by email to Only one name per email address will be accepted. Emails sent to the county become public record.”

    Let the people decide. It will be OK ..

  7. MR REALITY on June 2nd, 2019 12:04 am

    Sedition…reffer bridge? What rock do you live under? NEVER EVER VER heard it called that….IN 50 years….LOL

  8. Anne on June 1st, 2019 2:35 pm

    W.D. Childers, anyone remember the name and the man?

    He kinda got into a lot of trouble and was one of the Escambia County Commissioners booted out of office by the Governor because of violations of the Sunshine Law.
    He also served prison time for various schemes.

    That said, is the area around the Pensacola Bay (Civic) Center still named after him as in W.D. Childers Plaza?
    Been some time since we were down that way so will have to check on next visit downtown.

  9. Bama on June 1st, 2019 1:43 pm

    “Why don’t we become the first State outlawing the naming of any public structure (including those that are private but receive public funds) for people, companies, or products and then we can move past these silly arguments on what a bridge, airport, football field, etc. needs to be named.
    I find it interesting that most things seem to be named for politicians and lawyers, two groups of people I personally have little to no respect for.”

    I agree 100%. Leave things as they are. If someone wanted something named after them they would have built it.

  10. Alan on June 1st, 2019 9:01 am

    Why don’t we become the first State outlawing the naming of any public structure (including those that are private but receive public funds) for people, companies, or products and then we can move past these silly arguments on what a bridge, airport, football field, etc. needs to be named.

    I find it interesting that most things seem to be named for politicians and lawyers, two groups of people I personally have little to no respect for.

  11. Comment on June 1st, 2019 7:37 am

    There is never any mention of the beautiful federal building located in downtown Pensacola that is named after our Chappie James and I think that should be acknowledged when discussing the naming options.

  12. Duke of Wawbeek on June 1st, 2019 7:22 am

    For the Socialist Democrat agenda to advance, history must be erased.

  13. Bob C. on June 1st, 2019 6:32 am

    Bridge, no matter the official name will always be called “the 3-mile bridge” or “bay bridge”.

    Renaming the airport seems to better be call it what it is instead of the pretentious and inaccurate “International…” because one cannot fly from Pensacola to any point outside the continental USA. Call it “Pensacola Regional Airport” which it really is.

    Dump the “Upside…” goofy title for Pensacola. Never made sense to anyone, “City of Five Flags” speaks volumes about the history of our area. Go back to that.

    Jeff, time to update that photo of you here buddy. This, your high school senior picture is a bit out of date for current day looks. Could barely recognize you Commissioner.

  14. David on June 1st, 2019 6:07 am

    Despite what anyone wants to call will always be called 3 mile bridge…all of the 3 bridges there
    Never seen such dissension on what to call a bridge
    Brother against brother and sister against sister
    Shameful how petty people can be ..politics included

  15. Sedition on June 1st, 2019 5:53 am

    You can name the bridge Fred if you want to.

    Most of the younger crowd will still call it what’s it’s been known as for at least 50 years…reffer bridge.

  16. Stop the madness on June 1st, 2019 1:04 am

    Keep the memorial name. Tired of whiners and liars and victim mentality.