Inmate Fatally Stabbed At Fountain Prison In Atmore

June 17, 2019

An inmate was fatally stabbed at Fountain Correctional Facility in Atmore on Saturday.

At approximately 5:15 p.m., correctional officers found Jeremy Reshad Bailey, 29, inside a facility housing area suffering from a stab wound. Bailey was taken to an area hospital but later succumbed to his injury.

Officials identified 31-year-old Jarvis Terrell Taylor as a suspect in the stabbing. Taylor, who is serving a 30-year sentence on a 2007 first-degree robbery conviction in Montgomery County, faces a murder charge.

Bailey was serving a 7-year-sentence on a 2017 distribution of a controlled substance conviction in Jefferson County.

The incident remains under investigation.


10 Responses to “Inmate Fatally Stabbed At Fountain Prison In Atmore”

  1. David Huie Green on June 20th, 2019 6:18 am

    Prison would not be so bad if you just had better neighbors.

  2. Ooops on June 18th, 2019 1:59 pm

    There’s nothing that can be done about it. An inmate buys honey-buns, cokes, spice and tobacco from the unit-store (another inmate) all month and then doesn’t pay his bill? That’ll be a stabbin’ or a beatin’ in about any state prison… especially if a release date is coming close and it becomes obvious they might slip out of it… these geniuses love to not tell others when they are leaving, then run up huge bills all over the compound and then jet… not thinking about what is going to happen when they violate in about 6 months and come back to the same prison.

  3. R.M.A. Lambeth on June 18th, 2019 12:43 am

    I understand struggles the COs go through. I have seen it with my own eyes and I dont think they get paid enough for it. They are physically assaulted, spit, thrown urine and feces and god knows what else at them. They go in and assist nurses with making they are safe while each inmate gets the medicine and medical treatment they need. They break up fights were there are more inmates then there are COs and yet they still do it cause its their jobs and without hesitation and to save lives and no one ever says thanks to them. No they dont get paid enough for what they do. I was a nurse in the system and I say thanks to them. Prison is hard ppl dont understand how hard it is but the low end criminals dont need to be with the ones that nothing to loose cause they just dont care…they gonna make you hard or gonna make you have more time either they win and you loose.

  4. Latice Ellis on June 17th, 2019 11:05 pm

    It’s only going to get worse….

  5. Anne on June 17th, 2019 11:04 pm

    Went with a good friend to a program in a Fla State Prison some years ago.
    We were with a group of others and all totally unknowing of the scope and reality of where we were going. We did know that at the end of the program we would be escorted safely, we hoped, back thru the gates and out of confinement.
    Let me tell you, hearing the noise of those gates being closed and Locked behind you as we walked in is Chilling and something you never forget. Inside it was noisy and busy although we were not in direct contact with the inmates.
    The sounds, feeling of being locked in with no easy exit and realization that surrounding us were some persons who had done very horrible things was very frightening and “edgy”.
    My Heart goes out to the Corrections Officers who daily are assaulted with words and perhaps threats to their lives, my Prayers go to those families of the Officers who worry constantly about the safety of their loved ones.
    It is saddening that anyone would willingly do something that they know may put them behind prison walls and barbed wire and guards.
    My greatest question is “WHY????” What were you thinking or doing to get into prison.? What in the world could possibly be more valuable than your freedom?

  6. Latice Ellis on June 17th, 2019 11:03 pm

    This is a dangerous prison and the inmates actually run the prison.
    I conversated with a guy there shedrick Ramon Johnson from Montgomery off Facebook for 30days and during that time I witnessed him get drugs brung in thru visitation shoes and all the guards were bringing in drugs as well… And after I blocked this guy my house burned down… I feel in my heart he was able to pay someone to do this… Because I witnessed on the phone him paying officers to do anything… The prisoners run that prison and to get anytime there is an automatic death sentence… Especially if you have a release date

  7. Working man on June 17th, 2019 5:34 pm

    Everyone has an opinion until you step inside the gates. It can be a scary place to work. So instead of complaining about MY job, why dont you put on that uniform and shine your boots, and come make a difference.

  8. Esc co leo on June 17th, 2019 12:54 pm

    @ molino jim

    If you think the price of incarcerating these criminals is high, consider the cost of NOT keeping them locked up. It’s a necessary evil.

  9. molino jim on June 17th, 2019 12:16 pm

    @ Tee bug. How about more C.O.s with a better level of pay for starters. Support the C.O.’s when they are involved with fights with the inmates instead of automatically acting as if the C.O. is at fault. Yes it is a jungle in the prisons and the governor nor the legislators are willing to fund the needs. This country has more people in prison per capital than any other and we the tax payers are not willing to pay the price for their upkeep.

  10. Tee bug on June 17th, 2019 11:42 am

    This is totally ridiculous that this kind of stuff just continues to happen in our prisons something has to be done and be done quick it to the point now that we are hearing of this type of violence almost on a daily basis seems to me the governor needs to step in and forward and address this and they wonder why no one wants to work as a correctional officer any more !