Hear Warning Sirens Coming From Ascend? Here’s What They Mean

June 3, 2019

The warning sirens sounded Sunday at Ascend Performance Materials in Cantonment.

It’s something that happens every first Sunday of the month as the alarm system is tested. But did you know there are different siren sounds for situations ranging from a test to a shelter in place to an evacuation?

Readers reached out to NorthEscambia.com after hearing the sirens Sunday, and here’s what we learned From Ascend:

“Our Cantonment site conducted our standard community alarm testing today at noon, which occurs the first Sunday of each month,” Tony Ferguson, communications specialist for Ascend, said Sunday.

Ferguson said Ascend recently mailed an informational postcard about the alarm tests to households with a three mile radius of the plant site.

The alarm tones, and their meanings, are below and are available on Ascend’s website.

Above: Pensacola Sunday test. An alert to test the system. Testing occurs at noon on the first Sunday of each month.

Above: Pensacola take shelter alert. When you hear this sound, go indoors and stay indoors until you receive the all-clear alert.

Above: Pensacola Evacuation Alert. When this alarm sounds, go indoors and prepare to evacuate the area. Evacuation instructions will come from Escambia County’s Division of Emergency Management via Alert Escambia.

Above: Pensacola all-clear alert. When this alert sounds, you’re clear to return to your normal activities.

Information Source: Ascend Performance Materials.

NorthEscambia.com photo.


One Response to “Hear Warning Sirens Coming From Ascend? Here’s What They Mean”

  1. EMD on June 3rd, 2019 11:17 am

    Useful and needed information. Thank you.