Florida Chamber Recognizes Doug Broxson As Distinguished Advocate

June 26, 2019

The Florida Chamber of Commerce has recognized Senator Doug Broxson as a 2019 Distinguished Advocate for his work during the 2019 Legislative Session.

The Florida Chamber’s Distinguished Advocate award recognizes lawmakers who fought tirelessly for the passage of pro-business legislation and advocated for the Florida Chamber’s goals of securing Florida’s future and commitment to Florida’s business community through job creation, economic development and free enterprise.

“Senator Broxson successfully passed assignment of benefits legislation, carrying a six-year Florida Chamber-led effort to protect homeowners from unscrupulous vendors across the finish line,” said Frank Walker, vice president of Governmental Affairs for the Florida Chamber.

This award is designed to honor legislators who prioritize the priority business community’s legislative goals.

“It took six years to finally pass meaningful AOB reform and I was proud to champion an end to this fraud and abuse. Thank you to the Florida Chamber for working alongside me on these reforms and for their recognition as a Distinguished Advocate,” said Broxson.


2 Responses to “Florida Chamber Recognizes Doug Broxson As Distinguished Advocate”

  1. Brianh on June 27th, 2019 4:57 am

    What award does he get for selling out our 2nd Amendment rights?

  2. chillywilly on June 26th, 2019 8:23 am

    Mr Doug Broxson, how about become a advocate for the Garcon Point Bridge. One of the great political blunders of all time in the state of Florida. ” Bo Johnsons Bridge” while the state of Florida tax payers where left on the hook , paying for all repairs and maintenance to the bridge the Bondholders collect the tolls. Florida DOT should own the bridge , it is needed for a Hurricane evacuation route pending landfall of hurricanes and for access to and from the south end of the county. I know this was created before your time but it is way past time this issue was resolved for the benefit of all Florida residents and taxpayers. The bridge is a testament of how dysfunctional Florida politics and Tallahassee is .