Fire Destroys Large Hay Barn In Bratt (With Video)

June 24, 2019

Fire destroyed a large hay barn in Bratt Monday afternoon.

The blaze reportedly spread from a field to the barn, but the cause of the fire was not immediately available.  The 2,250 square-foot barn was about 130 feet from the nearest structure; there were no other structures damaged.

The fire was reported about 4:20 p.m. behind a home in the 4500 block of West Highway 4, across the street from the Travis M. Nelson Park. The fire was declared under control by 6 p.m. The hay bales were expected to continue smoldering through the night.

The Walnut Hill, Century and McDavid stations of Escambia Fire Rescue and the Atmore Fire Department responded.

There were no injuries reported. photos, click to enlarge.


13 Responses to “Fire Destroys Large Hay Barn In Bratt (With Video)”

  1. Jay on June 25th, 2019 9:23 pm

    @ Florida logger, TYFYS!!!!

  2. chris on June 25th, 2019 1:05 pm

    “Well William I do have training I’m first responder,rescue 1,2,3 levels certified in anatomy and physiology,structure rope rescue,confined space rescue cpr the list goes on and on 5 years worth daylight to dark school and training” but yet cannot correctly spell “here” and “hear” smh.

  3. Mark on June 25th, 2019 9:14 am

    @Florida logger. Fires aren’t always put out. Sometimes it’s better to let it burn itself out. The hay was already a total loss anyway.

  4. SMH on June 25th, 2019 9:11 am

    It’s amazing the things people think and say! To think you could “save” a pole barn that is fully ablaze when the VFD gets there, and then blame the VFD for it’s loss. Be careful out there, folks… these people live among us!

  5. Ole timer on June 24th, 2019 11:02 pm

    @ FL logger, I bet you won’t have anything to say when your own house catches on fire and volunteer firefighters come to help you or maybe they shouldn’t help you since you think they don’t know what they are doing. Maybe you should suit up with a heat index of 105 and put out a fire.

    Good job boys. Keep it up.

  6. Jen on June 24th, 2019 10:57 pm

    I dunno what the above comments are about with the negative remarks. Ut I drove by a few times and didnt see anything reckless. I dont see anything in the post about blame. Just that it was a fire. Calm down folks. Everyone lived. Fire was smoldering a few hrs ago. Think we good here.

    Ps. People shouldn’t drive so slow while passing or pull over to admire. Someone did that before the fire dept got there and was driving maybe 20 in a 55 just to gawk.

  7. Florida logger on June 24th, 2019 10:26 pm

    Well William I do have training I’m first responder,rescue 1,2,3 levels certified in anatomy and physiology,structure rope rescue,confined space rescue cpr the list goes on and on 5 years worth daylight to dark school and training that why I respect what they do and go trough just saying they need a check like everyone else and not volunteer they deserve a check I should say

  8. Florida logger on June 24th, 2019 9:59 pm

    I know how hay works aleast I got everybody attention though I would just like to know why wasn’t anybody putting out fire I here the walkie talkie of the fireman I do appreciate them guys and gals if it was my shed I would wanna save it best of there abilities

  9. Bobbie Respress on June 24th, 2019 9:31 pm

    @Florida Logger……it is VERY obvious that you know absolutely nothing about hay….the bales can go thru a “heat” if put away with too much moisture thus causing a fire and they will smolder for hours….as for the volunteer fire department…I take great offence with you demeaning and insulting comments….I have you to know they rescued my son and daughter in-law from a very unfortunate head on collision…..please think twice before you make such uneducated statements

  10. Bratt resident on June 24th, 2019 8:53 pm

    @Florida Logger I was on the scene, I am part of the owners extended family and I believe I speak for us all saying we are thankful for the hard work of all the men there today! Since you weren’t there you do not know that they did bring in a tractor and get the fire out. The fire department done their job well! We will always support any and all first responders in this family regardless of volunteer or not!

  11. Vol. FF on June 24th, 2019 8:43 pm

    Florida logger… I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are clueless when it comes to rolls of hay burning.. the fire isn’t going anywhere and everything was and still is under control. No other structures are threatened, and Unfortunately we don’t carry backhoes with us to rip the hay bells apart! Thanks for the input though, come with us next time!

  12. William on June 24th, 2019 8:41 pm

    >>”And u get what u pay for by having volunteer fire department not even trying put out fire and it still burning just rode by 4 hours later they just may well roast marshmallows and tell stories lol”

    And that is what you get when you assume. The barn fire is out, and it was put out by hardworking volunteers who took their time on their dime to keep it from spreading to nearby homes. The hay will smolder for hours or even days..that’s what a hay fire does unless you use heavy equipment. If you know more than the well trained volunteers who go through hundreds of hours of training, by all means please volunteer.

  13. Florida logger on June 24th, 2019 8:28 pm

    And u get what u pay for by having volunteer fire department not even trying put out fire and it still burning just rode by 4 hours later they just may well roast marshmallows and tell stories lol