Escambia County Employees Could See Higher Minimum Wage By Fall

June 1, 2019

An Escambia County administrator has proposed increasing the minimum starting wage to $13 per hour this year with a goal of topping $15 per hour in 2024.

The proposal was made Interim Assistant County Administrator Chips Kirschenfeld after recent budget meetings with department directors.

“It became very apparent that most directors are having trouble recruiting new employees and retaining current employees at our lowest hourly salaries.  Many private businesses, local governments and states are phasing in a $15 per hour minimum ‘livable’ wage ($31,200) over several years,” Kirschenfeld said.

He suggested a starting minimum pay for full time of $13 an hour. With the county’s traditional 3 percent cost of living raises for all employees, the minimum hourly pay would reach $15.06 per hour in 2024.

There are 177 full time county employees that earn less than $13 per hour now. The are mostly custodial workers, equipment operators, emergency medical specialists, maintenance workers, detention assistants, animal control officers, library clerks, and office support assistants.

The cost to implement the $13 per hour salary this fiscal year is estimated to $378,258. photo.


26 Responses to “Escambia County Employees Could See Higher Minimum Wage By Fall”

  1. Alex on June 4th, 2019 11:00 pm

    Robery, I new what toy meant, just funin. I believe rhat you should make more money, but in the long run everything goes up. And nothing is gained. What do we do?

  2. HARD WORKER on June 4th, 2019 11:35 am

    Does that mean for employees working now for the county that they will be compensated the difference, even if they make just a little over the $13.00 and been working for serveral years to be where they are now. Every county which is already experienced in the job duties should get a raise and be compensated fairly.

  3. Robery on June 4th, 2019 1:57 am

    Db…. come on down and we can get you an application
    So you can benefit from all this greatness that the county provides us! I’d love to work with you!

  4. Mr. Metoo on June 3rd, 2019 8:24 pm

    Some of those lazy government employees pay property taxes. If you have a problem with paying local government employees more, cut the grass, clean up your roads and parks, repair streets , pick up dead animals, put out fires they don’t add ten dollars to your taxes if you own property. Or don’t use the services and roads. Gulfpower gets to raise rates just in case we have a storm. Ecua still charges for moving and improving the plant. We pay or get cut off. Stop the crab bucket mentality.

  5. Aaron on June 3rd, 2019 12:28 pm

    Where are these people you speak of to drive the trucks around. All County Departments have openings they can’t find qualified or interested people to fill.
    If you have a CDL and would like to work for $12.49 an hour + benefits the County looks forward to hearing from you.

  6. David Huie Green on June 3rd, 2019 11:00 am

    “The govt t*t always pays and hard to get fired.”

    Maybe eventually, but don’t forget the President shut down the government because Congress refused to OBEY him. People went without pay for a time.

    David for sane, honest, reliable employers

  7. David Huie Green on June 3rd, 2019 10:56 am

    “… should all county workers be trailer park trash??”

    You have hurt my sensitive feelings.

    David in a trailer

  8. Robery on June 3rd, 2019 8:53 am

    Alex…. what I’m saying is, when the county a
    Percent raise… it usually follows an increase of our
    Insurance premiums going up 5 percent

  9. Please be nice on June 3rd, 2019 8:48 am

    @State Worker I have a granddaughter that wants to have friends over so bad, she cries about it (no one knows but Nana aka ME) but she’s ashamed of her own home because it’s a TRAILER! Now I’m wondering is this WHY… Are her friends hearing their parents, Uncles, friends, ect. make NEGATIVE COMMENTS such as the one you made in your comment about TRAILER PARK TRASH? I KNOW you don’t mean to hurt anyone but OUR WORDS we choose to use, are heard by others
    (our own children, others children) then repeated…the end result…a precious girl just wants to have friends over, but now she’s ashamed of her home just because it’s a trailer. WORDS HURT.

  10. Kim on June 2nd, 2019 2:31 pm

    Will the increase include Teacher Assistant’s and Bus Drivers?

  11. State worker on June 2nd, 2019 10:21 am

    Hey DB how about you get off your keyboard and actually get in the heat, rain, freezing weather and tell me how the job is. You see someone standing did it occur to you that they just came out the hole and another went in? Last I seen we are not robots never seen a man or woman who can work 8 hours or more never stop. Or is DB a superhero who never stops never take a break. DB is my hero gonna show the world how to do it!

  12. Alex on June 2nd, 2019 7:39 am

    Raising wages = inflation.
    Winners, no one.
    Losers, people on a fixed income
    So play your games and look good in goont of uninformed people.

    Robery. So your insurance is the same as your pay?

  13. County employee on June 1st, 2019 2:08 pm

    Yes we need more money cause where in the heat all day and working hard to keep the county up to date on maintenance,an doing what we’re told but nothing comes out of doing a good job for our citizens!!!

  14. Db on June 1st, 2019 12:39 pm

    Tired of hearing county/state/govt employees whine the blues
    If they don’t like the pay. Leave. The benefits they enjoy are far more than the average working person who does not enjoy paid holidays and subsidized insurance by us the taxpayers. If it were up to a vote. I vote no raise. You can get plenty of people to drive around a truck. And stand with a group of others holding up a shovel.
    Flame all u want. I don’t care. The stereotype fits for a reason.

  15. Tracy A Smith on June 1st, 2019 12:27 pm

    I’m all for raises for workers. The problem is that everytime they raise wages, the price if everything else goes up also. You can’t get ahead. The companies pass on these raises to consumers. They don’t want to lose their profits.

  16. anne 1of2 on June 1st, 2019 11:39 am

    That looks like a fairer wage to me. One of the library clerks worked her butt off trying to help 5 of us one afternoon. She was great at explaining how that place works, too. I had a lot of information when I left and confidence too. Felt like an attorney, lol.

  17. State worker on June 1st, 2019 8:46 am

    You claim county workers over paid if want more money go back to school that is fine and good. We can have a nation of doctors, lawyers, and engineers no roads for you to drive your fine Mercedes and BMW so when you bend you wheel on your fancy car don’t cry because there are no workers to maintain the highways or when crack heads take over because nobody runs the jails don’t cry when they rape your children. It take many skill sets to run this world everyone is entitled to earn enough to support there family or should all county workers be trailer park trash??

  18. Debra Cooper on June 1st, 2019 8:34 am

    It’s not County only its everywhere cost of living goes up every year and some people dont get a raise then if you get 10 cents the ppower people want it or property taxes go up instant gulf power going up 8 dollar’s thats not right people have homeowners insurance to pay for damages i seen people work at jobs 5 years never get raise it is frustrating some didnt finish school so cant get a 15 dollar hour job but yet. Have better work ethic than a high school graduate and better attitudes and respect also been at their job 7 years @9 dollars an hour sad world we live in also people pay their social security and never see it.

  19. paul cadwallader on June 1st, 2019 8:22 am

    I would like to know why Escambia County sends 3 trucks & 10 people to fill in 4 potholes with gravel 4 times a year why so many people & why not fill the potholes with asphalt…… obviously it is not cost effective

  20. Robery on June 1st, 2019 7:28 am

    Yeah the county gives you a raise maybe every 3 yeats.
    They give you a 3 percent cost of living raise them religiously raise your insurance 5 percent! So in reality we lose a 2 percent CUT in our paycheck!


  21. Sedition on June 1st, 2019 5:47 am

    Yea…let’s raise governments’ wages so that they are better off than many civilians. And who pays for the governments’ higher standard of living?

    The citizens.

    Exactly who is suppose to work for who?

  22. Chris J Paul on June 1st, 2019 4:00 am

    Young people..
    Forget college and all that debt.
    Get a govt job at all costs.
    The govt t*t always pays and hard to get fired.

  23. Gavin R. Putland on June 1st, 2019 3:56 am

    What would be better than raising the minimum wage by $X/week? A broad-based punitive “vacancy tax” on vacant land and unoccupied buildings, which property owners are so keen to avoid that it *reduces rents* by $X/week. Why would this be better? Because:
    (1) When you allow for income tax and withdrawal of welfare, a dollar *saved* is worth much more than a dollar *earned*.
    (2) By themselves, higher wages would be competed away in higher rents. Landlords might even try to raise rents by the *gross* increase in wages, not allowing for the Effective Marginal Tax Rate.
    (3) Nobody says lower rents would price workers out of a job! Indeed, the scramble to avoid the vacancy tax would *create* jobs. And the lower rents would create more jobs, because jobs can’t exist unless (a) the employers can afford business accommodation, and (b) the employees can afford housing within reach of their jobs, on wages that the employers can pay. (Implication: The tax should apply to both commercial & residential property.)
    (4) Why should employers pay for a problem caused by deadbeat landowners?
    (5) The economic activity driven by a vacancy tax would broaden the bases of other taxes, allowing their rates to be reduced, so that the rest of us would pay LESS tax!

  24. Bartender on June 1st, 2019 3:17 am

    They should start out a better can go to fast food an make what they pay.and dont work in all that heat. Your first job is the bottom of the pole Bush hogging in all that heat an not many people are gona stay.most people stay there to something better comes along. As people say you dont get up the pole if you’re not a good ole boy.sad but true

  25. Anonymous on June 1st, 2019 3:12 am

    Ive Heard a lot of people post negatively about how the county shouldn’t have to pay a “Liveable” wage and if you want more money to go back to school or find a better job. What everyone also seems to forget is that for Escambia County, Firefighters, EMT’s and 911 Dispatchers all start out at way less than $15/hour. Retention and hiring for these positions are becoming increasingly difficult. Many other counties or areas pay more and some agencies have less call volume or workloads to deal with as well has having a starting wage higher than Escambia County. If we as a county want to be marketable we need to be compatible with our pay

  26. Why not on June 1st, 2019 1:06 am

    Drop the Bay Center. Pay employees.