DeSantis Signs Law Banning Sanctuary Cities

June 15, 2019

Gov. Ron DeSantis has signed into law a ban on so-called sanctuary cities that protect some undocumented immigrants from being deported.

“Earlier this year, I made a promise that we would ban sanctuary cities in Florida and today we are delivering on that promise,” said DeSantis at the bill signing in Okaloosa County. “I am proud to sign the bill presented to me by the Florida Legislature to uphold the rule of law and ensure that no city or county jurisdiction can get in the way of Florida’s cooperation with our federal partners to enforce immigration law. This is about public safety, not about politics. We must do everything within our power, and use all the tools available to us, to ensure that our communities are safe.”

DeSantis said the bill makes great strides in protecting the public from illegal aliens who unlawfully reside in Florida by prohibiting state and local entities from having policies in place which prohibit or impede law enforcement from cooperating with a federal immigration agency. The bill requires any sanctuary policies already enacted to be repealed, and gives both the governor and attorney general authority to initiate enforcement actions against entities who violate the bill’s provisions.

The bill also requires county jails to enter into agreements with United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to temporarily house persons subject to immigration detainers.

Pictured top: Gov. Ron DeSantis signs a law banning so-called sanctuary cities Friday in Okaloosa County. Pictured below: U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz speaks in support. Photos for, click to enlarge.


10 Responses to “DeSantis Signs Law Banning Sanctuary Cities”

  1. Mike on June 15th, 2019 9:36 pm

    I, as a first generation immigrant, think this is a great decision. I came to this country 25 years ago, and I had to prove that I have no criminal background, my education and skills are in demand, and I am not going to be a public burden. In fact, I had a job offer before coming here. I proved it, I was accepted and I am happy to be here and contribute to the wealth of the country, and my own wealth:) Illegals don’t have to prove any of these. Why would you want to let into your home a person that you know nothing about, don’t we have a lot of trouble in the country already?

  2. Jason on June 15th, 2019 3:28 pm

    I don’t oppose those from other countries from coming to the good ole USA, provide they do so LEGALLY. For those who believe it’s appropriate for others to sneak into the country, do you ever lock your doors or take other measures to safe guard your belongings? Do you call the police if someone you don’t know enters your home without an invitation? IMHO, you must be a hypocrite if you are locking your doors or calling the cops to report criminal activity. Otherwise, I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want the government to safeguard our borders and know who is entering our country.

  3. Rasheed Jackson on June 15th, 2019 2:35 pm

    Most of the illegals flooding into sanctuary cities are not farm workers. Farm workers are generally brought here for the sole purpose of working on farms. The sad truth is these people are usually exploited, under paid and left to find housing on their own. In 1962 the United Farm Workers of America was formed. This caused the creation of an underground of migrant workers who entered the country illegally, and without the protection of the UFWA, they are exploited and taken advantage of. So while there were migrants trying to enter through the correct channels there are others who feel they deserved to go to the head of the line by circumventing the legal process. But these generally aren’t what you would find in a sanctuary city. Personally I think it is sad when people use farm workers as an excuse to support illegal immigration. What you are saying is, I want these people to pick my food so it will be cheap for me to buy it.

  4. nod on June 15th, 2019 11:21 am

    kate, henry and jerry, you miss the point.

  5. Kate on June 15th, 2019 10:26 am

    You all loved mexican aliens right after Hurricane IVAN, now, oh their awful, Just another Trump favor, No laborers in the field mean less veggies and fruit picked. We all live with the effects of stupid.

  6. Henry Coe on June 15th, 2019 9:12 am

    Good. Finally a bigger and more intrusive state government.

    I’ve suspected there were far to many Canadians hiding illegally in Florida. Now officials can stop anyone who looks like a Canadian and ask to see their papers.

  7. Brian on June 15th, 2019 8:13 am

    Thank you Mr. DeSantis. Make Florida great again.

  8. Brian on June 15th, 2019 7:10 am

    Good, thank you mr. DeSantis! And anybody who don’t like it please leave Florida immediately.

  9. Jerry on June 15th, 2019 4:34 am

    “protecting the public from illegal aliens” what a joke, why were they some danger to start with?

  10. Florida resident on June 15th, 2019 3:48 am

    Thank you Governor.