DeSantis Signs Bill Allowing For Drug Importation From Canada, Other Countries

June 12, 2019

Florida residents could gain access to cheaper prescription drugs from Canada and other countries under legislation signed Tuesday by Gov. Ron DeSantis, if the federal government gives it the go ahead.

The bill establishes two programs – the Canadian Prescription Drug Importation Program (CPDI Program) and the International Prescription Drug Importation Program (IPDI Program) – to safely import federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved prescription drugs into the state for the benefit of consumers and public programs.

“Floridians have been paying inexcusably high prices for prescription drugs for far too long and today, we are taking action,” said DeSantis. “I thank President Galvano, Speaker Oliva and the bill sponsors for this innovative legislation that empowers Florida to lead the way toward affordable prescription drugs. We are ready to work with President Trump and his team to make access to affordable prescription drugs from Canada a reality in our state. Floridians don’t need more bureaucratic delays, they need Washington to follow suit and get this done.”

The bill outlines the importation process, safety standards, drug distribution requirements and penalties for violations of program requirements. Both programs also establish eligibility criteria for the types of prescription drugs which may be imported and the entities that may export or import prescription drugs.

The bill requires both programs to seek federal approval or cooperation prior to importing prescription drugs. DeSantis said his administration is currently working closely with the White House and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to submit its plan for the importation of prescription drugs for their consideration.

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8 Responses to “DeSantis Signs Bill Allowing For Drug Importation From Canada, Other Countries”

  1. DTF on June 13th, 2019 7:04 pm

    @jp I’m tired of American companies sky rocketing the price of drugs because they can. It’s ridiculous for a drug to increase 1000s of percents

  2. jp on June 13th, 2019 8:20 am

    The FDA does not even inspect everything that American drug manufacturers do.

    Refiling one prescription at a very large chain I did not reconise the brand, so checked it out.
    The company has somewhat about (who knows) 500 different manufacturing sites in China and India.
    There is obviously no inspection on any or all of those sites.
    This drug from China was the same price as American drugs!

    My doctor tells me that there have been major disasters from some of these drugs not being what they were supposed to be.

    At some point in the chain (not nessarly the consumer) the price is lower on drugs from China and India.
    So if everyone converts to those drugs it will finish running American drug makers out of business, and only leave drugs with unknown ingredients.

    I refuse to accept drugs from unsafe drug manufactures.

  3. billy on June 12th, 2019 11:44 pm

    I wouldnt touch any of those drugs…….who inspects them…….be careful

  4. Dennis Wiggins on June 12th, 2019 8:43 pm

    @dman – The explanation is simple. Big Pharma lining the pockets of FDA and other government officials. I take Advair. It costs right at $400 per month if bought in America. But I buy mine directly from a Canadian pharmacy and get a generic from India for a little under $100 for THREE MONTHS! My doctor was a little hesitant about buying drugs from Canada, but he agreed provided I promised to tell him if it was legitimate or not. I’m glad he wrote me the script because I have saved THOUSANDS of dollars over the last 15 months that I’ve been taking it.

  5. Cindy on June 12th, 2019 1:30 pm

    I hope this includes insulin of all types. People with type 1 diabetes can’t live without insulin.

  6. nod on June 12th, 2019 9:53 am

    Hope they will be the real things and not the fake ones that they get from Mexico and china.

  7. tg on June 12th, 2019 9:28 am

    Drug Lobbyest will kill this before ink dries.

  8. dman on June 12th, 2019 8:44 am

    When I look at most of the medicines I take, it seems like all of them are manufactured in India (Tevia Company) or Isreal, or some other country other then the USA. I’m all for cheaper medicine. But it seems like we already are doing this, it’s just being done in a different way. Can someone explain the difference?