Century Looks To Form Charter Review Committee

June 24, 2019

The Town of Century is accepting applicants for a Charter Review Committee.

Applicants must reside within the town limits and submit an application by 3 p.m. on Thursday, July 25.

If the town council goes forward, the committee will explore the town charter — the document that establishes the town, outlines its powers and spells out how it should operate. The current Century charter has not been updated in almost 40 years.

The town council held a workshop in May with Lynn Tipton of the Florida League of Cities explained to the council that municipal governments in Florida often review and update their charters to meet the ever-changing landscape of government.

The Century town charter was adopted on November 27, 1979, and ratified by referendum on January 8, 1980. It has been unchanged since.

Tipton said the first step toward possible changes to Century’s charter would be the formation of a charter revision committee. The committee would hold several public forums and would work to involve local citizens every step of the way in a process that could easily take a year.

“The role of citizens in this process is crucial,” Tipton said.” Representation of the public, ability to weigh issues and to understand the charter’s importance of the city’s governing foundation.”

The number of council members, the length of their terms and how the mayor is selected could all be changed through an updated charter.

To download an application (PDF), click here.

NorthEscambia.com file photo.


14 Responses to “Century Looks To Form Charter Review Committee”

  1. Resident on June 28th, 2019 2:05 am

    They are going to need more than that. Law enforcement needs to prove this town… Let hope for the best and just pray.

  2. Jimbo on June 25th, 2019 8:50 am

    Hire the guy that ran the Radio Shack…he is the only honest guy I know that would turn things around in this Mayberry town….just saying.

  3. David Huie Green on June 25th, 2019 5:56 am

    “negative comments from people who are unconcerned with making things better, just pointing out what they think is wrong. ”

    You can’t make things better until you have identified what might be wrong. If I thought I were perfect, I wouldn’t know better without friends and enemies pointing out the truth to me.

    Thus, pointing out flaws (if any), is a reasonable action, no matter what their reason.

    David for better

  4. Resident on June 24th, 2019 11:12 pm

    You don’t have to go to a meeting to offer suggestions.

  5. Resident on June 24th, 2019 11:08 pm

    Noted on the petition.. And I also do not think the present council nor king henry would act to disincorporate. As far as Governor and both member representives, they are not over stepping their authority. It truly is in the hands of the ones presently elected. It is their duty and responsibility to straighten this out. We’ve been watching and considering the options. There were some more qualified people than ran but were not elected. Things have apparently been dysfunctional awhile. The Warren Everitt audit hopefully will address the lack of them collecting money properly. Honestly, we don’t want to be a part because it seems it is getting even more out of hand. If the mayor will not turn over info to the council something will have to give. The states ATTN can not continue to be complicit. We wonder if there is anyone left in the town who can and will be able to govern. Looks bleak.

  6. Buster on June 24th, 2019 10:53 pm

    You know , there are always so many negative comments from people who are unconcerned with making things better, just pointing out what they think is wrong. Again do you attend meetings, offer suggestions or just talk and write about what you think is wrong?

  7. William on June 24th, 2019 10:35 pm

    >>> Why is Thursday the deadline? Should you allow more time for people to apply?

    “by 3 p.m. on Thursday, July 25.”

  8. Bob on June 24th, 2019 9:54 pm

    Could the Charter Review Committee action just be scheme to take heat off the TOC? Why is Thursday the deadline? Should you allow more time for people to apply? Have they already decided in advance who will get the position(s)? TOC has an integrity problem among many other issues.

    Maybe they should hire someone to fix the splash pads?

  9. M in Bratt on June 24th, 2019 7:04 pm

    I’d love to know who will be doing the picking for the charter committee? I would certainly hope it’s not the king

  10. M in Bratt on June 24th, 2019 6:57 pm

    @Resident; Just FYI, a petition drive would be a waste of time because under Fl. Law, there are only two ways to revoke the charter of a city or town. The first being the governing body (town council) would have to vote to put a referendum on the ballot. Under the sitting Town Council, I see little or no chance of that happening. The second way is for both houses of the legislature to approve rescinding the charter. I doubt that the legislature would step in until things get way worse in Century. If the audit, or any of the investigations prove any wrong doing, Gov. De Santis could step in and replace any of the bad actors, then something could possibly be done. In the mean time, King Henry is trying to fly that plane into the ground.

  11. resident on June 24th, 2019 4:02 pm

    They need to demonstrate they are taking care of the billing problem, following the Grand Jury recommendations, the League of Cities recommendations and publish this years audit. They need to demonstrate they have followed through and have a grant for the lift stations.

    To only be following the recommendation to update the charter is a little too little too late.

    If they try to raise the millage–
    Then the petition to dis incorporate begins.

    If there are citizens with enough thoughtfulness and energy to do this and go for a manager style government and hire a decent public servant — take the strong mayor power away– fine.

    If all it takes is $50 and a few votes, obviously that shows that some people elected don’t know enough about running utilities and a municipal government.

    Certainly don’t run it like Buzz Eddy suggested. Most of the electorate rents, many of the business owners do not live in the limits nor do many of the people who receive municipal services

    Unincorporated D5 would be better for our pocket books and services in the long run, it seems to us.

    I think if you don’t straighten out all the billing problems and have a poor audit, I think there will be no need for this committee.

    Watching and waiting.

  12. chris on June 24th, 2019 2:36 pm

    Maybe, upon review of the charter, it will be revoked, and Century will be managed by Escambia County. Couldn’t be any worse than what the citizens have now.

  13. Preston Hardy on June 24th, 2019 8:20 am

    It is time for Century to surrender its charter. The citizens and leaders of the community have amply demonstrated their unwillingness to work together and create a better place to live.

  14. tg on June 24th, 2019 7:32 am

    Will you be excluded from any and all law suites if you are picked. Could be risky.