Century Employee Letter Raises Allegations; Words Fly Between Mayor And Town Planner

June 20, 2019

Words and allegations flew at a recent Century Town Council meeting between Mayor Henry Hawkins and Town Planner Debbie Nickles, and Hawkins refused at the time to say which town employee wrote a letter with the allegations he brought to light.

Hawkins told the council he that was reading from a letter from a town employee. Copies of the letter he distributed to council members had the name of the author redacted (see bottom of story). When NorthEscambia.com asked for an unredacted copy of the letter, Hawkins replied “You won’t get it…until I give it to the ethics commission you will not get it.”

Update: After publication of this story, the town provided the unredacted version of the letter.

In the letter dated June 17, window clerk Tammy Amerson wrote that Nickles asked to be contacted after work, and a discussion about filling problems ensued.

“Mrs. Nickles asked me to gather up information regarding our Town billing clerk,”  Amerson stated in the letter. “Information that included getting copies of all the customers’ documents that have yet to be into the system and were receiving free services for long periods of time because of her not doing her job. I agreed with a lot of the things she was saying. I told her I would call her back. I called her back and told her that I would not do that. I told her that it wasn’t ethical and I thought it was probably against the law. She said that she was gathering this information for Ann Brooks to bring up at the council meeting. Again I said ‘NO’.

“I should’ve never been put in this situation. My job and this community are very important to me,” Amerson concluded.

“That is a board of ethics violation,” Hawkins said. “I’d like to remind us that I am the mayor, and do not want people calling and trying to get dirt on somebody else cause you put everybody in a bad distrust issue. I had several people that was ready to quite on Friday.”

“That is not true. I was told that information was here, that was available, that someone was not doing their job. I don’t appreciate you saying that I’m violating ethics,” Nickles responded to Hawkins. “I don’t care what that letter says. That letter is not correct.”

“I don’t appreciate you Mayor Hawkins of accusing me…It’s not true, and I don’t appreciate it,” she said, also adding that she was told Hawkins threatened to fire anyone “on the spot” or their paycheck would be withheld for providing information about what was happening at town hall.

Hawkins said he became aware of the issue during a staff meeting last Friday, and he had the employee put it writing and had the letter notarized.

“I’m tired of you Mr. Hawkins,” Nickles said.

“You have been showing that you are tired of me because I understand that you have a petition trying to get me impeached,” Hawkins said shortly before Nickles walked out of the meeting.

Nickles issued a written letter of her own emailed to NorthEscambia.com after the meeting with the subject line “Tammy Amerson’s letter”.

“I feel sorry for the employees of the Town as they must work under conditions of intimidation and the threat of losing their jobs if they air the Town’s dirty laundry with outsiders. Apparently, Town Hall has something to hide,” Nickles wrote. “On another note, I want to set the record straight in that Council President Ann Brooks had NOTHING to do with my request for any documentation nor was any information provided to me ever going to be brought to the Century Town Council meeting(s).”

The mayor claimed the letter to be notarized, and it does appear to include the notary seal of Kimberly Godwin, the town clerk. However, the letter is missing Godwin’s signature and certification statement as required by Florida Statute 117.05.

Godwin originally provided a redacted copy in response to a  NorthEscambia.com email requesting the letter read by Hawkins. “I am forwarding a copy of this email to Mayor Hawkins as I do not hold the original,” she wrote. As of Wednesday night, Hawkins had not responded to our original request or to any email forward from Godwin. Thursday morning, Godwin had obtained and emailed the unredacted letter to council members and NorthEscambia.com.

NorthEscambia.com image, click to enlarge.


48 Responses to “Century Employee Letter Raises Allegations; Words Fly Between Mayor And Town Planner”

  1. Michelle (My Sister's only Voice) on June 25th, 2019 4:33 pm

    Words of advice to the Town of Century “Don’t let one individual deceive so many people.” “True colors are hard to see when you are blinded by someone’s outward persona.” And lastly, the recent hiring of this individual just added more “fuel to the fire” of how you were perceived by some of the public to begin with. I’m sure you are beginning to realize that by now. I can assure you this letter is just the beginning of the unknown. So good luck to everyone! Hoping for a brighter future for the Town of Century in moving forward!

  2. Sunshine in on June 24th, 2019 4:16 pm

    At next meeting should have ALL the records spread on the table out in the Sunshine Looking at the BILLING–all of them– or they all deserve to be investigated.

    This needs to be turned in to the auditor.

    Full report.

  3. Cc on June 23rd, 2019 10:46 pm

    Lord help century with those town officials, if it ain’t one thing its another

  4. Witsandspunk on June 23rd, 2019 3:22 am

    Obviously you do not know Miss Amerson very well. I worked with her for many years. She is kind hearted, generous, silly and 100% herself no matter who she is around. More importantly she’s intelligent and very strong-willed.
    I was told by a TOC employee that Miss Amerson had several attorneys call her at City Hall on day the story was printed in North Escambia.com. I can assure you that her attorney was already all over this before she ever read the article.
    My opinion they did Ms. Amerson very wrong. She deserves an apology from both the mayor and Godwin. They should apologize publicly at the next Town council meeting. JS

  5. JJ on June 22nd, 2019 7:21 pm

    Bully:Someone who habitually seeks to harm or intimidate those perceived as vulnerable.

    Hawkins is a bully. He believes those around him are weak and/or not intelligent enough to stand up to him. We need to rally together and remind him that this is not just HIS town. It’s OUR town!

    I still can’t believe this man got elected. It really concerns me that a man who was so adamantly against anything good for the town during his tenure on the council got placed in this role. Let me just say this, a good leader doesn’t have to tell anyone that he/she is a leader. His/her actions show it. All I hear from Hawkins is how he is the “leader” and “head of the town”. He may have the monogrammed shirt, but that’s about all he has. He is NOT a leader at all. He wants to be a dictator and you know what all dictators are??? BULLIES!

  6. Tabby on June 22nd, 2019 1:23 pm

    People talking about Hawkins saying ” he can’t do that” in regards to denying records requests. He certainly can. Just like any government official from cop to judge. They can do whatever they “want” to do. It’s up to you to correct it. Unfortunately, in most cases, they do it to the ones who either don’t know any better, aren’t informed enough to complain, or don’t have the financial resources to fight. It’s sad. I wish we had a reset button for the entire world.

  7. Truestatement on June 21st, 2019 5:35 pm

    Godwin has told me and others that her not signing the document was not an oversight. Neither she nor Ms. Amerson agreed with what the Mayor was forcing them to do! Therefore , it’s not notarized by law , so it isn’t binding. Maybe they were just trying to keep their jobs. Hawkins will have his day of judgment. Hopefully very soon .

  8. Rodney on June 21st, 2019 1:23 pm

    @teebug……I never met nor do I personally know Charles Manson either. A persons actions speak volumes about who they are.

  9. JustSaying on June 21st, 2019 5:58 am

    Stealing utilities can be a felony. And you can’t plea ignorant about knowing you aren’t supposed to be paying for gas, water, sewer, electric, WiFi and TV these days. It is actually stealing from your neighbors, because YOU make the rates go higher, the less paid for has to be made up somewhere. So neighbors, if you know this and are tired of paying for others bills, speak out, no matter what utility service it is! JustSaying!

  10. Bottom line on June 20th, 2019 10:17 pm

    Drama aside. The elected officials need all the cards on the table and to run the town via FLStatutes. If they don’t have the talent and run off Mrs Nickles again and are not following professional advice then they will fail. These stories should be about what they are doing to remedy and solve problems like a professional government.

    As long as it appears its a power struggle the ignorance is apparent.

    To the one who claims Hawkins heart is in the right place, well that’s nice.

    Hopefully he can match that with his head and knowledge. Time is running out.

  11. Red Dog on June 20th, 2019 10:13 pm

    RC — you hit that one right on the head. That is the question that needs to be answered.

  12. Outsider on June 20th, 2019 9:49 pm

    Any document within the city is public record. Taxpayers have the right to know what’s going on in their town/city. The Town of Century needs a complete overhaul of their employees. Every time you turn around, there seems to be some sort of a problem. The citizens and residents of this town deserve much more than this. It’s an embarrassment on their town. What a shame!

  13. RC on June 20th, 2019 8:11 pm

    @ Notary Myself-What are the requirements to have the notary seal in your possession-security wise? Would it have to be in a locked drawer so no one else has access to it? I understand you have to sign and certify anything you stamp.If it can be in an unlocked desk or whatever while the Notary was away at lunch or gone for the day it could be possible that someone stamped it without her knowledge and presented it to make it more “legal looking”, especially with no signature or certification to accompany it.I wouldn’t think a notary would affix a seal to something that couldn’t be legally completed,as this would lead to problems. Someone needs to ask Ms. Godwin point blank if she stamped this letter or not. We would all like to know the answer to that.

  14. chris on June 20th, 2019 5:43 pm

    @ tee bug: Here is a quote from your buddy Mr Hawkins: “He is a lie.”
    Sounds charming.

  15. X on June 20th, 2019 5:36 pm

    It was for a recall not impeach (sounds like Maxine) but because he is not a voting member of the government by Florida statute he cant be recalled by a special election. Once that went to the county attorney and supervisor of election that was cleared up. but yes there was definitely a petition to remove him. I believe a vote of the council could remove him, or the State could. It looks like the state is leaving it up to the lower levels first before taking action.

    He is being watched closely, this is not a good move for him. So council–what next?

    Going down with the ship? Or are you all going to float this boat?

    It’s nothing personal just don’t break the law and be incompetent.

    write letters to SAO, and others instead, send them links to these articles.

    The people deserve good governance and accountability for their tax dollars.

    Public Office is a Public trust.

  16. IMHO on June 20th, 2019 3:09 pm

    So, where’s that petition to have the mayor impeached? I’ll sign.

  17. Resident on June 20th, 2019 2:46 pm

    it sounds like Hawkins has created a hostile work environment.
    The Town of Century is being put in a position of liability by Hawkins if an employee files suit

    Nickles did nothing wrong by asking for records..

    Ann Brooks also understands the laws.

    If Hawkins can not self correct, and the state does not intervene, then what is the recourse?
    Do the other council members understand what they signed up for?

  18. Tee bug on June 20th, 2019 2:34 pm

    Most of you all writing these comments probably has never met Mr.Hawkins much less know him well I do and me and him go back along ways and he is one of the best people I have ever known and he cares so much for people and not just his people but all people.I will give you an example of what kind of person he is a couple of years ago this should tell you where his heart is

  19. chris on June 20th, 2019 2:00 pm

    “make sure you have your ducks In a row” So, don’t be like Century then?

  20. Advice on June 20th, 2019 1:12 pm

    pass the record request to Godwin to fill
    If she doesn’t –she is breaking the law
    If Hawkins tries to stop her or you he is breaking the law

    to @embarrassed to be a town resident

    There is a states attorney office
    A Governor and a representative in the state house and senate.

  21. Cms on June 20th, 2019 12:47 pm

    As a city Employee, I feel that I need to correct some of you on here. I can 100% guarantee you that there is not one single employee getting any utilities for free. It’s kinda hard to get free utilities from the town when you only have one employee who resides in the city limits. So before any of you throw your petty non-sense out on social media make sure you have your ducks In a row and know what your talking about.

  22. notarymyself on June 20th, 2019 11:52 am

    New Flash for Kim Godwin her Notary needs to be taken from her for using it incorrectly and inappropriately!

  23. Century on June 20th, 2019 11:44 am

    First off this young lady should not have been put in the middle of all of this mess. She is just there trying to do her job. She should not have been asked to do anything that could jeopardize her job. I think if I was her I would go get me a lawyer and then maybe you could own the town of Century

  24. chris on June 20th, 2019 11:04 am

    Hmmmm. Henry Hawkins and ethics in the same sentence.

  25. Jnjhappyj on June 20th, 2019 10:30 am

    Mayor, council members and anyone else involved with getting this young lady tangled in your mess should be ashamed of yourselves!!! I have only known her since then she’s been working at City Hall. There have been very few times that I have walked in or gone through the drive up payment window. and think greeted with a smile and someone with happiness. Since this article has been released I have made a point to speak customers of the town of Century. Across-the-board I got the same response, “the pretty blue eyed blonde at the drive window is the only one who will take the time to help with problems with our bills and stuff. Nobody else cares or is ever even there working for the money we pay them. You folks best straighten up. Pick on those lazy ass so called workers and leave our good ones alone. KUDOS TO MS. TAMMY AMERSON FOR BEING HONEST. Finally a honest person who does the right thing in our Mayors office.

  26. Laughing on June 20th, 2019 10:25 am

    Can’t disagree with public records requests.
    But there may be a more appropriate way than pressing a new employee after hours.

  27. Ashamed to admit I'm a town resident on June 20th, 2019 10:03 am

    I’m tired of paying high utilities to cover up for the ones who doesn’t have to pay them. I wish someone would tell us how to stop this. Please don’t come on here and put us all down because we are not all beggars looking for a hand out.

  28. M in Bratt on June 20th, 2019 9:19 am

    A News Flash for King Henry; Asking for public information is certainly not a ethics violation, but concealing information certainly is.

  29. Bowhunter on June 20th, 2019 9:11 am

    Hawkins Can Try A Lot’s Of Thing’s But To Hold Someone’s Check Up Will Result To Him Having To ( SUCK SOUP THRU A STRAW )

  30. mat on June 20th, 2019 8:06 am

    King Hawkins,
    If you want to improve ethics, you need to look
    into the mirror and start with that person looking back at you.

  31. David on June 20th, 2019 8:05 am

    May may may…what is it going to take to run this SO called mayor out of town… it’s one thing after another….anybody with any sense can see that this scam artists in no looking out for the people of Century and will go to any lenghts to cover his butt and is not doing a good job of that either.. the people needs to put this guy on the road as soon as possible…head to Prichard where his kind of stuff is common. ..

  32. sam on June 20th, 2019 7:47 am

    lol. what can anyone say that hasn’t already been said?A sad situation.

  33. Candace on June 20th, 2019 7:30 am

    All Thay are worried about stuffing there own pockets and I bet most of them are the ones getting free utilities and there family’s are fire them all and let pensacola take over

  34. Concerned Citizen on June 20th, 2019 7:29 am

    Why is it unethical? Someone is receiving free services and they shouldn’t. Everyone has to pay, they’re no free rides in life. Sounds like the Mayor is worried that he’ll lose voters if they have to pay their bills like every other American is suppose to. That’s what is wrong with Century, 75% of the people are looking for a handout.

  35. tg on June 20th, 2019 7:21 am

    House Divided Now things will Blow Up.

  36. Jim on June 20th, 2019 7:04 am

    I feel so sorry for the residents of Century and the surrounding areas. The only way to redeem any faith in the city government will be to remove the current administration and start over. How does anyone think anyone or any business would ever want to make Century their new home town or business location? As strange as it sounds to say this we need someone in the government to step in and take over. If we wait on the voters it will not happen. If you were getting free services such as gas and water would you vote them out?

  37. bewildered on June 20th, 2019 6:58 am

    And the BS just keeps piling up! Century must be getting tips on how to cheat lie and deceive people straight from Washington DC. If a list of customers with courtesy utilities exists it should be public information. No sneaking around and anonymous letters needed, .

  38. Pop on June 20th, 2019 6:53 am

    Century has more problems than Washington!

  39. James on June 20th, 2019 6:41 am

    To imagine this likely all sounds plausible in the mayor’s mind when he hatches these schemes. Reminds me of the super secretive airline tickets that took so long to reveal for no legitimate reason. I’m wondering who stamped the letter with a notary seal. Was the stamp unknowingly taken which I presume is unlawful? Or did the notary actually use her stamp but fail to sign it appropriately because she infact didn’t witness the author’s signature, an act that would result in the revocation of her notary status? This mayor just doesn’t have a clue how to put down the shovel and quit digging his own hole.

  40. Merry on June 20th, 2019 6:33 am

    Hmm…threatening employees, not releasing public records, and the town continuing to not bill folks for utilities? That’s what sounds unethical to me.

  41. M in Bratt on June 20th, 2019 6:29 am

    What are you hiding King Henry? Maybe the list of who all in city hall were getting free utilities? You need to come clean, it will come out sooner or later anyway.

  42. SW on June 20th, 2019 6:20 am

    This is better, or worse (depending on perspective), than any soap opera. The only thing missing is a brawl.

    The malfeasance and incompetence is more staggering each week.

    It’s not funny any more, it is sad. Is there no state agency that will step up and investigate this linept little town’s government? Really, it’s time to put an end to it.

    Pull the charter, send everyone home, and divest assets. If there is criminal or ethical conduct issues, handle accordingly.

  43. Babbs on June 20th, 2019 6:19 am

    Need to sweep the whole bunch out. Get real people that know what they’re doing, guit waiting so long to get rid of them. Seems like a bunch of kids there.

  44. David Huie Green on June 20th, 2019 6:14 am

    Sometimes you are tempted to suggest they fire everybody including selves and shut the door behind them on the way out.

    (It would be a silly thing to do, of course, but is still tempting.)

    David for better people

  45. SF Sage on June 20th, 2019 2:07 am

    In my opinion, Boss Hawkins, with his delusion of grandeur, is a simple minded criminal who is ruining the Town of Century. While my comments are not proof of anything, it does appear that he may have bullied Amerson to at least sign this statement, whoever wrote it, and then used Godwin’s Notary Public stamp without her knowledge or consent. Otherwise, Godwin would have signed it and included her certification statements required by law. Failing to do so would have violated the law and she could be in trouble.

    As for Hawkins, if things did go down this way, what laws did he violate? As for his comment, “That is a board of ethics violation”, I doubt he knows anything about ethics. He is correct when he said he is the mayor. He is the mayor and he is responsible for the actions of the TOC employees, staff and department heads. He should want everyone to be well trained and supervised and to do their jobs correctly. If “mistakes” are made, he should be proactive in correcting them and resolving any issues caused by them. He should ensure total transparency and accountability. Also, while he is not a member of the Town Council, the legislative body, he does control enough votes to ensure the Council votes how he wants them to vote. While Boss Hawkins did not create every problem the TOC has, HE is the biggest problem.

    What will it take for the citizens to see this and do something about it? Why won’t all 5 council members work together and vote on issues that better the entire town, instead of just the way Hawkins wants the vote to go? Why have the state authorities not done something? Wake up, people!

  46. Bewildered on June 20th, 2019 1:46 am

    To Town employees

    It is required by law to provide documents to anyone who asks for them.

  47. OMG on June 20th, 2019 1:33 am

    I didn’t even finish reading this yet—- ANY ONE– ANY WHERE can ask for ANY Document from the town. The clerk is supposed to fill these public record requests.

    They are NOT to be redacted.

    THIS IS GROUNDS FOR HIS REMOVAL. Vote of three on the council.

    The people who were NOT Billed does need a public record request to be known and Public INVESTIGATION!!! AND THEY NEED TO BE BILLED AND TURNED TO COLLECTIONS.



    Turn it to the Ethics committee Hawkins, that YOU won’t turn in documents per open record laws and that you used a notary stamp also most likely.

    This is beyond outrageous.


    Some of us have stayed away hoping he and others would finally get a clue from the feed back…..because it would be very hard to not resort to outbursts, if the truth be known.

    Did he learn anything after the airline tickets fiasco?

    Back to paragraph one.. Many have no clue how a government organization is supposed to be run and are apparently unteachable.

    The accountant or the auditor should have this info.

  48. MR REALITY on June 20th, 2019 1:05 am

    Anyone receiving free services from century is stealing from the people. Their names SHOULD be made public and if they are century employees they should be arrested and fired. They dont want the info out there cause everyone they “hooked” up is their friend or relative….Where the hell is the ECSD?