County Rejects Escambia Fire Chief Nail’s Desire To Rescind Resignation; Nail Accepts Decision

May 1, 2019

Interim County Administrator Amy Lovoy says she is inclined not to accept Escambia County Fire Chief Rusty Nail’s decision to rescind his resignation.

Lovoy said Nail had resigned or talked of resigning several times and had been talked into staying. She also said Nail had actually resigned in December and then rescinded his resignation several days later, but never made mention of any of the specific Escambia County Public Safety issues currently in the media.

In an email to Nail late Wednesday morning, Lovoy explained:


In December 2018 you came to a meeting with Matt Coughlin and turned in your letter of resignation.  When I came into Matt’s office, I asked you 1) why you were leaving and 2) if I could talk you into staying.  You told me at that time that you were certain that you wanted to leave and that the reasons were personal.  I asked you to think about it over the next day or two, and if after that you still wanted to resign, I would accept it.  You returned and again stated that you were certain you wanted to resign, and at that time I accepted it.   Several days later, you asked to rescind that resignation, and I happily agreed.  At NO point during any of these conversations did you mention ANY specific issues in Public Safety up to and including those currently in the media.  In fact you did not make me aware of any issues until late January, early February when Matt and I asked to initiate an investigation.

On April 1, 2019, you again submitted a resignation.  On April 10, 2019 you sent an email stating you would be on leave from that day until June 1, 2019, but on April 12, 2019 you changed your mind and stated that you will be back in the office on April 15, 2019 working until May 1, 2019.

On April 28, you changed your date to begin leave the following day on April 29, 2019 extending your final date to June 15, 2019.  Two days later on April 30th, you asked to rescind a resignation.

This week I’ve been made aware of a meeting you had in September with Jack Brown where you again discussed your dissatisfaction, and Jack talked you out of leaving at that time as well.

With this totality of circumstance, I am not inclined to accept your desire to rescind your resignation.  If you have any questions or if you wish to discuss this, please do not hesitate to give me a call at (850) 595-3936.

Nail replied:


Good morning and thank you for a response. While most of the statements are accurate, I will offer my impression for the record below within your narrative. That said, protecting the County from liabilities, as well its image are why these ‘issues’ were not brought forward on a public scale. Rest assured they were brought forward in some form/fashion along with a plan for action.

That said, I respect your decision and authority as the County Administrator and humbly accept that decision. Can either yourself or anyone else please clarify with a response, that you approve of my request sent on Sunday to end employment 6/15/2019?

I wish the County best success moving into the future, and appreciate the selection of Janice Gilley as County Administrator. I also apologize for any additional strain created by having a change of heart. This after considering the Board’s recent progressive/positive actions, hearing Ms. Gilley’s vision, countless employees support, and prayers from citizens of this County. Thank you again for your consideration and opportunity to serve.



19 Responses to “County Rejects Escambia Fire Chief Nail’s Desire To Rescind Resignation; Nail Accepts Decision”

  1. Richard Hawkins on May 3rd, 2019 6:53 pm

    Once again we have armchair quarterbacks knowing everything that transpired and exactly how to handle it! Having spent most of my life involved in the fire service as well as county operations there is no black and white answer when administrators and commissioners refuse to let the FireChief do his job. This isn’t the first Fire Chief to be run office under the same circumstances:
    Mike Slover
    Ken Perkins
    John Edwards
    Daniel Spillman
    Pat Grace
    How many chiefs do we need to go thru before they are given reins to run their department. Contact any of these and find out the cooperative atmosphere they had to try and perform their jobs in.

  2. 429SCJ on May 3rd, 2019 5:30 am

    @Required, old Twoquart, how quickly we forget.

  3. paul on May 2nd, 2019 11:22 am

    Oops no do overs, or take backs…

  4. M in Bratt on May 2nd, 2019 9:28 am

    Looks like Lavoy hit the Nail on the head this time…anybody that indecisive doesn’t belong in emergency service to begin with.

  5. retired on May 2nd, 2019 8:29 am

    Sounds like George Tourt, reborn

  6. SAM on May 1st, 2019 10:19 pm

    I spent 15 years in an FD working my way from FF to Lt to Cap. to asst. Chief. I have spent the last 29 1/2 years since then in public safety. I wouldn’t trust this man with the well being of the FD service. He quit when things didn’t go his way and when things got a little tough. Good call on the outgoing administrator not to accept his rescinding of his resignation.

    The union might want him back but why? If I was in the union I would want someone who stood tall even when things got tough. This chief did not of this but quit when things went bad. Do you really want this man running the pump or feeding the hose?

    After almost 30 years in PS I am willing to sit on the floor or pull a shift, not run when things get tough.

  7. Bewildered on May 1st, 2019 9:30 pm

    I don’t have insight information like a lot of the people commenting seem to have. Escambia County as an employer is not any different from a private company – no matter how valuable and irreplaceable any individual thinks he is – on-off-on – off – again will lead to: “don’t let the door hit you “ every time.

  8. Williwonka on May 1st, 2019 7:00 pm

    Nail has made his “need to spend time with his family” speech. Good riddance. It appears he is not a leader.

  9. Citizen on May 1st, 2019 6:05 pm

    Wow. If firefighter wanted some one to get you a raise you sure chose a couple bungling boobs. Ready between the lines on this email too. Also Underhill running to WEAR after he got a email from Lavoy about the write off that was decided near the first of April for billing is telling. Sic em Lavoy. If the other commissioners try to pretend they don’t see this you are complicit. He trying to distract and pretend he is bringing something about the budget.,Take off the kid gloves and stop talking in code. How much did the union pay for one rogue commissioner. This has to be against ethics laws.

  10. K jones on May 1st, 2019 4:55 pm

    Hmmm. Lovoy seems to want to leave one bad taste in her mouth. From all the information that has been provided over the last several weeks they seem to have the same names pop up as far as obstructing those who wanted to correct the wrong: Mr. Weaver and Ms Lovoy. She’s on her way out why does she gets to make this decision?? Another example of backwards politics. I’m not sure about you, but if you keep hitting your head against the same wall you’d consider moving on too!. Once that wall has been removed (weaver and lovoy resigning) he probably finally saw a way forward. Give the man a shot now that his leash is off. I want him to work for tax paying citizens.

  11. Willis on May 1st, 2019 3:13 pm

    Good call Ms. Lovoy!!!

    Obviously your not blocked. It’s just rolling out.

  12. Tee bug on May 1st, 2019 3:12 pm

    I think he should go we don’t need or want a leader in this position that is wishy washy or pouts when they don’t get there way we need someone who is willing to stay during the good times and the bad…I’m just saying…

  13. r on May 1st, 2019 2:49 pm


    No get your facts straight she resigned because the board has allowed Underhill to jump out in front of investigations and start trouble to attempt to make him self look good and cast blame on everybody else. Read her letter, read been the lines if you are capable.

    He’s going down.

  14. Just saying on May 1st, 2019 2:39 pm

    Strong women? Isn’t She leaving because she was called out for not doing her job along with other admin level staff. Glad she’s trying to make sure this county fails after she takes her job with the city. She sure is running this place. Right into the ground.

  15. Me on May 1st, 2019 2:29 pm

    Rocks and Glass Houses Amy. You resigned because you got egg on your face. Rusty resigned because he had a vision for the future and was being systematically blocked at every turn and continues to be by you and your cronies.

  16. Lol on May 1st, 2019 2:12 pm


  17. c on May 1st, 2019 1:34 pm

    The last thing Escambia county needs right now is another flake running things. Sounds like she made a good call.

  18. Exactly on May 1st, 2019 1:32 pm

    Heard mutiple times from different people, before all this, he was wanting to leave. I want someone in the key position of Fire Chief of Escambia County to be committed. If the position was so important to him like he spoke about in his speech to stay why, has he been trying to leave since Christmas. Get rid of this guy and get someone in that’s ready to work. Let the new county admin pick her Fire chief and EMS chief and with the help of the medical director get this chaper of public safety behind us. We need leaders that dont jump ship when things get hard.

  19. resident on May 1st, 2019 1:22 pm

    Good for her. Weak men fear strong women.