Ombudsman Delivers Written Report On Escambia Public Safety Department

May 16, 2019

An ombudsman has delivered a final written report into Escambia County Public Safety, and it essentially mirrored a verbal presentation she gave to the county commission last week.

Janice Kilgore began work on the report on April 17 and interviewed over 50 people including public safety employees, county administration and volunteer fire chiefs.

Her findings dealt mostly with issues like funding and staffing and did not include the state investigation into possible wrongdoings with Escambia EMS since that inquiry has not concluded. As we previously reported, the report did indicate there is an EMS coverage issue in North Escambia [read earlier story...].

Kilgore said 8 to 10-year old policies and a lack of funding are major talking points that need to be addressed.

Her report said the county needs to improve coordination between fire and EMS divisions, use the workforce more effectively and improve training. There has been no medical training since October 2018, a public safety fire training facility is needed and training needs to be more skills based and hands on.

Kilgore’s report also found a multi-year vehicle replacement program is needed, EMS coverage in North Escambia needs to be improved and the department’s public image needs addressing.

Commissioners said many of the issues will need to be addressed during the preparation of the county’s next budget.

Interim County Administrator Amy Lovoy appointed Kilgore as an ombudsman after Weaver’s resignation. She worked for the county for 36 years, moving from a clerk for the Santa Rosa Island Authority to county Emergency Preparedness head. She was named Public Safety director when the position was created in 1997.

To read the complete 37-page report, click here.


6 Responses to “Ombudsman Delivers Written Report On Escambia Public Safety Department”

  1. Information on May 16th, 2019 11:04 pm

    on the ECTV during the regular meeting the Committee of the Whole recommendation is quite a discussion.

  2. Resident on May 16th, 2019 9:05 pm

    So is the union delaying calls so they can push the BOCC? Are the no confidence votes just union ploys. Not a good look at all. The medical director bullying the BOCC with an against medical advice form to get her buddy a contract just seems like poor leadership at those levels. Why would they start the media circus and not just do their jobs and go through proper procurement protocols. They are not helping the morale of employees.

  3. Stateline on May 16th, 2019 5:50 pm

    so was this a good decision? cancel Atmore?
    so if you let the ambulance stay in the south end and we have no coverage, maybe reconsider this also

  4. concerned on May 16th, 2019 9:26 am

    Sounds like Ms Kilgore and Ms Brooks are in cahoots with one another. Now Pensacola will be drug thru the mud like Century. Birds of a feather….SO NOT GOOD…… Why can’t we get NEW faces and be done with the SAME ones that have been running these cities and corrupting them?

  5. Gman on May 16th, 2019 4:51 am

    So everything we already knew.

  6. Resident on May 16th, 2019 1:29 am

    Not yelling fire in a crowded theater might have helped also.

    Thanks to our first res-ponders.