Molino Woman Facing Animal Cruelty Charges

May 8, 2019

A Molino woman has been charged with animal cruelty.

Virginia Jerlean Smith, 45, was charged with three counts of unlawful confinement or abandonment of animals.

Smith allegedly had several animals including horses, dogs, a cow, a pig and a cat on her property on Chestnut Road that were not properly fed. An Escambia County animal control report notes an emaciated horse and a cow with no food or water, and horses being kept in  large dirt pit with no grass, only a few weeds that provided no nutritional value for the animals.

Numerous animals were signed over to the custody of Escambia County.

Smith was released from the Escambia County Jail on a $3,000 bond. A judge also ordered that Smith not have care or custody of any animals.


15 Responses to “Molino Woman Facing Animal Cruelty Charges”

  1. Sammie on May 12th, 2019 3:54 pm

    And what was the excuse for them not having any water? Has the price of water gone up to where she could water those animals?

    People please think to make a donation to the rescue organization who saved these animals. Without them none of this would’ve been possible and there’s a good chance the animals would’ve been euthanized already

  2. April on May 9th, 2019 12:08 am

    PLEASE PLEASE guys……when leaving your comments, keep in mind she has children who live in our community. A daughter who loved her horse and is at a very young impresionable age.

  3. April on May 8th, 2019 7:26 pm

    I know personally of other instances where someone has been arrested before the investigation was complete. And in this instance it was found to be that the two horses in question were taken in as rescue animals and the man that was arrested was the one trying to nurse them back to health. people are quick to jump to conclusions. Ginger has a big heart, and would never intentionally hurt an animal. Don’t be so quick to judge someone that you don’t even know because karma has a way of rearing its ugly head. Innocent until proven guilty! Remember that folks!

  4. D on May 8th, 2019 7:24 pm

    I have known this lady and her family for years.
    They must be having a hard time because there animals have always been took care of. I don’t like animals being treated bad. I have never known them to abuse or mistreat their animals

  5. Animal lover on May 8th, 2019 7:22 pm

    I’m honestly not surprised by this!! She should never be aloud to own another animal or even be in the same house hold as another animal!!! It’s sad that she let these animals get so bad it was reported! Especially the horses because those are supposedly barrel racing horses!!! I hope she gets jail time for this!!

  6. Doanie C Ashby on May 8th, 2019 5:17 pm

    Dear Friends,
    Fat shaming does no good. Sadly, the price of owning animals has sky rocketed! I live in Molino and it is hard in this clay soil to maintain pasture without weeds etc..I am not trying to make an excuse but horses and cows don’t eat what people eat. Hay this year costs about $8.00 per bail and the big round bails were around $70. A horse and
    a one cow can consume greater than one bail per day. if you see an animal suffer, what would it hurt to knock on the door and say ,”Hi! Could I help with some Hay this year”??? I wish I had done this. Let’s make Molino a good community to live in by helping out friends in need. Could any of us have helped this family?? Sometimes a friend stopping in is all it would take to give us the motivation to overcome when we might be feeling helpless to fix the problems.

  7. Teresa on May 8th, 2019 3:16 pm

    I know Ginger real good she is always taking care of her animals she is a very caring and loving person she did not need this so whoever turned her in it was wrong

  8. Rational on May 8th, 2019 1:42 pm

    Wait, only a $3,000 bond and ordered not to have any animals. Outrageous! Her not having any more animals, really Judge? How do you monitor that? She will move out of state and start all over again. Jail time with no food is best for her, and do it now!

  9. Shay on May 8th, 2019 10:23 am

    I rescued and adopted 9 unwanted senior dogs and work 2 full time jobs to make sure that they get what they need. I have had as many as 16 pups at one time because of people like this woman. My rescues were overweight and spoiled rotten when they left my home for their forever homes. The nine I have now were unwanted and not adoptable, due to health issues like dementia,so they will live out their lives with me. If you can’t take care of animals then don’t have them. Shame on her!!!

  10. Dakota on May 8th, 2019 10:03 am

    People like this don’t deserve to have animals and I’m glad the judge said she can’t have any

  11. Bartender on May 8th, 2019 9:59 am

    I hope she never gets those animals back.everytime I pass by there made me sick.if they not gona properly take care of them why didnt they get rid of them.she will get a slap on the hand as usual.laws are not stiff enough on animal abusers.she hasnt missed no meals as u can see

  12. barbara on May 8th, 2019 9:44 am

    Why?????????? this is going on more than we want to believe……..people reach out tell others you cant feed your animals…….dont let them starve. dont do it, this lady looks pretty healthy did she not have left overs……..For Gods sake there is no excuse……….

  13. Me on May 8th, 2019 8:49 am

    This just can’t be true! ………..I guess it is or it wouldn’t be reported on here nor would she have been arrested unless everything pointed to this being the case.
    I sure hate this has happened!
    signed…………old friend!

  14. Karen on May 8th, 2019 8:08 am

    Sure looks like she has been fed mighty good shame on this heartless female hope she is done the same way she has done these poor animals.

  15. C Lynn on May 8th, 2019 7:57 am

    Maybe she should back away from the table & share some of what she’s been eating with the animals!