Mike Hill Says He Will Propose Abortion Ban Similar To New Alabama Law

May 25, 2019

Florida Rep. Mike Hill says God has told him to sponsor a bill next year to ban almost all abortions, very similar to a bill signed into law in Alabama recently.

Hill sponsored a fetal heartbeat abortion bill during the recent legislative session that included exceptions for incidents such as rape, domestic violence and incest.

“I’m going to fight like hell to kill this bill,” Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Nikki Fried posted on twitter, asking for retweets “if you’ll fight for women’s rights with me”.

“We need MORE per se unconstitutional bills in state legislatures. Sad,” President Donald Trump tweeted later Friday afternoon on Hill’s plan.


33 Responses to “Mike Hill Says He Will Propose Abortion Ban Similar To New Alabama Law”

  1. mr obvious on May 29th, 2019 11:23 am

    Lots of comparisons here between abortion and the death penalty, but the two are different:
    – Abortion takes an innocent life
    – Death penalty takes a guilty life
    Also, illegal immigrants have no rights as they are not citizens; they are criminals. See the difference?

  2. NativeTongue on May 28th, 2019 11:47 am

    Mike Hill is currently 0 for 9 on bills, let’s hope his streak continues.

    I wonder if God mentioned to Mr. Hill to stop flopping addresses based on open offices or to stop making children with women who aren’t his wife.

    You can’t pick and choose which scriptures to follow Mr. Hill, follow the whole book or none of it. Take off your polyester suits, stop eating at the crab shack, stop lying to your neighbors for political gain, stop abusing President Trump’s name with your baseless hollywood star propaganda.

  3. NJ on May 28th, 2019 11:08 am

    Abortion wasn’t “settled” a long time ago? Abortion was advocated by the demonic liberal base while they held the power at the time. The church was extremely too silent and allowed it to happen. But many are rising up to speak out again abortion and restore the principles of LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that America was founded upon. It is so sad that the left would prioritize money and liberal ideals over innocent life! I am very proud Mr. Hill is representing the conservative voice in Tallahassee. That’s why we voted him in – to represent our voice. And he’s doing a great job! Thanks Mike!

  4. tg on May 27th, 2019 8:00 am

    Hey Mike i think its God again on line 3.

  5. Pro Choice on May 26th, 2019 7:04 pm

    Mike Hill , I do believe that you will help yourself be voted out.

  6. josh on May 26th, 2019 3:24 pm

    yes everybody has opinion on abortion , correct but I’m tired of paying for them and you should be to

  7. James on May 26th, 2019 1:11 pm

    Using abortion and the death penalty as examples of hypocrisy is a misinformed comparison the same as comparing apples to oranges. The justification for pro-life while supporting the death penalty is based on eye for an eye. An adult has a choice to murder or commit an otherwise heinous crime and must accept the consequences of that action. An unborn child has committed no crime and thus is not subject to an equal consequence. The unborn child is receiving the death penalty as a result of the mother’s action. Now, this viewpoint lends itself to question if the mother who wishes to abort should herself be sentenced to death. The abortion debate would likely take on a whole new perspective implementing this philosophy.

  8. Vincent on May 26th, 2019 11:50 am

    It’s one issue: misogyny. The Bible is heavy on control of women by men.
    Separation of church and state is necessary because of outgrown Bronze Age ideas like that and others. A democracy isn’t dictated by a voice in one man’s possibly schizophrenic brain. Yes, read your Bible, preferably cover to cover like I did. Then you will appreciate America better. This country was founded without religion being the source of our laws, but rather The Enlightenment.

  9. misstrish on May 26th, 2019 8:23 am

    to Matt and Michal Payton: there is no such language in our constitution, please check it out. This is often misquoted and misunderstood!

  10. Just here for the comments on May 26th, 2019 7:39 am

    We are against abortion unless…… but we are for the death penalty. This is a tired debate.

  11. ELW on May 26th, 2019 7:32 am

    Everybody has an opinion on abortion, but life is sacred no matter how young it is. This country is demeaning the teachings of the bible in so many ways. Personally, I think this is country is going to hell (rapidly), politicians first.

  12. Kate on May 26th, 2019 6:14 am

    The only problem here is laws against murder and possibly a death penalty hasn’t stopped murder why would passing such a law stop abortion. Perhaps more pastors speaking about the sanctity of life and families teaching their children better sexual habits would actually make the desired change.

  13. James on May 26th, 2019 3:24 am

    Here’s a bizarre idea! If the woman should choose what to do with her body, then take the proper precautions and make the proper choice prior to sex rather than destroying a human life after the fact. And for those who are burning their keypads to type rape, incest, etc, just hold on a minute! While I agree with those items because they are not within the woman’s control and choice, I don’t want to hear a mess of illogical justification for the entire abortion debate based on what I presume is one percent or less of all abortions.

  14. Matt on May 26th, 2019 12:36 am

    If the law you want the government to pass and impose on all people is because of your religion, then you are morally and legally WRONG!
    Separation of church and state is built into our constitution if you dislike that then leave the USA it’s one of our founding principles.
    Everyone doesn’t share your religion so dont try to force it on everyone else, just as you wouldn’t want someone else’s religion forced on you.

  15. Josh on May 25th, 2019 8:37 pm

    you want these people to fund you getting all this when we go out and get it ourselves ? no pitty

  16. JMG on May 25th, 2019 6:07 pm

    Mike Hill, since you are pro life, also fund child care so families can work, fund transportation, so parents can get to work, fund employment skills so people can get good jobs and then be independent. Legislating morality without support is a misogynistic imposition of your values on others. I do support banning partial birth abortions, they are an abomination.

  17. david lamb on May 25th, 2019 5:55 pm

    In this age of equal rights, it is only appropriate for the unborn to have an advocate for their rights! We were put on this earth to procreate and our creator gave us something as an added option. It is the pleasure of practicing and enjoyment. something the other forms of life do bot have, Once there is a heartbeat then the fetus has rights too. If one does not want the pregnancy then abstain or use proper protection!

    nikki Fried seems to only know about weed Does she really know AG?

  18. I have questions on May 25th, 2019 4:13 pm

    All of you god fearing, every life is sacred folks, I have a question:

    Do you also oppose the death penalty?
    Because if you don’t, your a hypocrite.

  19. ROBERT on May 25th, 2019 4:05 pm

    Maybe God friended him on Facebook too…..I think it’s all a plot to get the heat off the Democrats and the Mueller report. Get the public fired up over something other than the liars and criminals in DC.

  20. Mj on May 25th, 2019 2:08 pm

    It’s a womans right to choose whatever she needs or wants to with her body. It’s not up for the government to decide what should & shouldn’t be done. Who wants the government to decide what she can
    Or can’t do with her body. This is America not Russia!

  21. John Q. Public on May 25th, 2019 9:50 am

    “God told him to sponsor a bill..”

    Does anyone else see the madness in this? This is a mental disorder. We are subject to the laws of our nation, not the laws of whichever deity you choose to worship.

    If Mike Hill wants to propose pro-life legislation, he should start by ending the death penalty in Florida, reuniting separated migrant children with their families and instituting oversight on the living conditions of detained migrants.

    Or do those lives not count?

    Let’s be clear, this is not an anti-abortion bill that Mr. Hill is proposing, it is an anti-women bill.

    Of some consolation is the fact that none of Mr. Hill’s proposed legislative acts have ever come to fruition. Hopefully this insane idea will follow suit.

  22. tg on May 25th, 2019 9:28 am

    Wonder if God calls him on his cell phone and how often.

  23. Doug and Donna Webb on May 25th, 2019 8:56 am

    You have our full support. Thank You!!!!

  24. anne 1of2 on May 25th, 2019 8:38 am

    This has nothing to do with Mike Hill loving babies. The politicians can look at statistics and see we are running short on humans to work and vote and go to war.. So what’s next? Forcing women to habv a baby every year during child-baring yeaw?

  25. elmer on May 25th, 2019 7:59 am

    I wonder where he was at when god spoke to him ether that he needs to lay off the drugs

  26. Bob C. on May 25th, 2019 7:27 am

    A short time ago, Mike Hill was in Favor of abortion if it involved rape or incest.
    Now, Mike Hill is against his Own Bill he’d previously filed that was Defeated.
    Is Mike Hill just struggling to get even one of his numerous bills passed?
    Seems he’s flip-flopping on this issue like a fresh caught mullet thrashing on a pier.

    Mike, there are already laws in place for incest and rape. It just takes a State Attorney to feel they have a ‘winnable case’ to prosecute a and Judge and Jury to , as you say, “…what we should be doing is punishing the father and not the child for those horrendous acts,” Rep. Hill said.”

    Sounds like this is an issue in which Mike Hill has decided to just jump on and ride the train.

  27. David on May 25th, 2019 7:12 am

    Trying to figure out the for the people by the people on Hill Fried
    So many self important politicians swearing if you vote me in…..
    They both need to leave Florida and help Florida in that way

  28. pat walker on May 25th, 2019 6:51 am

    thank you mr Hill. you are helping President Trump M.A.G.A

  29. James on May 25th, 2019 6:32 am

    First off, how about Nikki Fried stay focused on crops and gas pumps?! Secondly, I would like to see the conservative legislators focus on illegal immigration, protecting the second amendment, protecting reverse discrimination (i.e. Chic-Fil-A and other pro-Christian exclusion), and the prevention of a socialistic state. Abortion was settled long ago – the Republicans have jumped on this more radical pro-life movement to counter the looney left’s live birth abortion radicalism. It seems no one can be moderate and find common ground these days.

  30. misstrish on May 25th, 2019 6:00 am

    to Nikki Fried: you cannot consider yourself a Christian and be pro-choice. You’re either a child of God or Satan is your father! God’s commands trump the rights of women. . .don’t agree, you need to read your Bible.

  31. A momma on May 25th, 2019 5:49 am

    So Ms. Fried is suppose to be an advocate for Children but I’m assuming she’s also for abortions , since she said she’s going to fight like h*** to kill this bill?! They should protect the babies and the victims by not forcing them to have anything to do with the rapists by taking their parenting rights to that child or any that was from rape, if they had any to begin with. Abortion isn’t the solution neither is adoption. A child is created by rape, it gets put up for adoption because mom or whoever doesn’t want it. Does anyone see future concerns with that kid? If that mom got help and counseling, she could be there for her child.

  32. M in Bratt on May 25th, 2019 5:32 am

    Maybe in the spirit of cooperation, Nikki can help Mike get his septic tank inspection law through the legislature in the next session.

  33. Michal Payton on May 25th, 2019 2:38 am

    Mr.Hill needs to remember the separation of church and state .