Interim County Administrator Lovoy Departing Two Months Earlier Than Expected

May 3, 2019

Interim County Administrator Amy Lovoy will be leaving Escambia County at the end of next week, over two months sooner than originally thought.

The county commission approved letting Lovoy depart before working out the 90 day notice she gave when she submitted her resignation. She had been set for a last day of July 12.

Assistant County Administrator Matt Coughlin plants to align his last day with Lovoy’s final working day with the county.

New County Administrator Janice Gilley won’t begin work until about June 24, leaving the county without an acting administrator for over six weeks if Coughlin departs early.

It is expected that Natural Resources Management Department Director Chips Kirschenfeld will be named active administrator until Gilley arrives.

Thursday, the Escambia County Commission approved a 5 percent retroactive raise for Lovoy to cover the time she has worked as interim administrator through May 9. After voting unanimously for the pay increase, the commission gave Lovoy a standing ovation.


11 Responses to “Interim County Administrator Lovoy Departing Two Months Earlier Than Expected”

  1. See ya on May 4th, 2019 10:41 am

    Good, Get him out of here before he causes anymore problems.

  2. Wise years on May 4th, 2019 9:31 am

    Why would commissioners want a six week window with no Administrator? Vacations from judgement?

  3. Resident on May 3rd, 2019 10:57 pm

    @well then
    Right. A lot could be learned from this. People that step up to govern have an enormous responsibility. The grand jury was feedback for Century. Keep the water running in and sewer running out. Bill everybody. The grass ain’t no greener with ECUA nor the county.

  4. Well then on May 3rd, 2019 4:30 pm

    And people want the county to take over the town of century. Seems like they should get their own house clean before you encourage them to clean someone else’s house

  5. Bill Williams on May 3rd, 2019 4:17 pm

    Seems like Escambia County is being run by the same people who are running Century, Fl.

  6. Sue on May 3rd, 2019 2:16 pm

    Good question! Why is she leaving early? Wherever she goes, best of luck, and take Chips with her, maybe Karma will catch up to them!!! Yes the citizens deserved better!

  7. Preston Hardy on May 3rd, 2019 1:53 pm

    Given the current state of Escambia County government, six weeks without an administrator might be a welcome respite.

  8. Williwonka on May 3rd, 2019 7:58 am

    Sounds like all of the Escambia County Commissioners, administrators, and staff should be removed. What each has displayed by their conduct is that NONE have any leadership skills. The citizens of Escambia County deserve better.

  9. Worried on May 3rd, 2019 6:50 am

    Seems like the blind leading the blind here and we make fun of Atmore for being irresponsible and crooked! Our leaders need to get their act together!!! This makes me afraid to even live here

  10. ABSanders on May 3rd, 2019 6:44 am

    Why is she leaving so much earlier when she could actually answer so many questions as this investigation deepens? I’m not acusing Amy of anything but she most likely holds key knowledge of certain facts.

  11. Resident on May 3rd, 2019 2:13 am

    This has been emotional to watch. God speed to Ms Lavoy. There has been so much turmoil surrounding this. Who ever jumped out and leaked the investigation ahead of schedule to the press is diabolical.

    Greener pasture ahead. Hold your head high.

    You don’t have to take this. I’m ashamed of the behavior of many surrounding this entire ordeal. You know the truth.