Century Man Charged With Mistreating Nine Dogs

May 9, 2019

A Century man is facing multiple animal cruelty charges.

Melvin Manuel, 34, was charged with nine counts of unlawful confinement or abandonment of animals.

Escambia County Animal Control responded to his residence on Hilltop Road where they found nine dogs being kept improperly on chains and in pens filled with feces and urine, according their report. All of the available water on the property was filled with algae and non-potable.

The dogs had fresh wounds and scars and were unlicensed and unvaccinated, according to court documents.

The ribs and spines of two dogs were visible from a distance, and a puppy was in a pen filled with feces and urine, animal control reported.

All of the dogs were seized and taken to the Escambia County Animal Shelter.


22 Responses to “Century Man Charged With Mistreating Nine Dogs”

  1. ROBERT on May 14th, 2019 10:06 am

    OK..so maybe the animals weren’t as bad off as stated but stll the fact remains..they had no shots or vet care..dirty nasty drinking water..what little there was….poop all over the pens..chained to trees etc….Maybe a first step should have been a warning to make him comply to humane treatment codes in 10 days and get his animals vetted and shots brought up to date. If that wasn’t done then charge him…It would only take an hour to scoop poop and clean and fill water dishes…He needed to do those things every single day….

  2. Susan on May 10th, 2019 12:43 pm

    All these folks defending documented cruelty to animals maybe this is normal to you ….possibly you need your backyards looked at too. An animal that is being kept locked up in filthy conditions with wounds and dependent on its owner to whether it’s convenient for the owner to feed or even run a hose for a minute so they can have fresh water needs a new owner. The comments comparing domesticated dogs to wild animals and the meat industry are just nonsense. Stay on topic please.

  3. Questioning on May 10th, 2019 9:14 am

    It’s amazing that no one flips out when they stop at Whataburger or whines about a cow being killed to get that burger; no one cries at Popeyes or KFC about the chicken killed to get fried chicken; no one backs away from the table when bacon and sausage are served for breakfast, pork chops and ribs are served at lunch or a big juicy steak for supper. No one complains about the large fish hanging on the wall for show because it was caught at the tournament and won first prize. No one is yelling crucify them for eating a pig, cow, chicken or fish. But, people will say mean things about an animal, although not living in the best conditions, is Not on the dinner table.

  4. Womack on May 10th, 2019 8:11 am

    when you all are eating at the best restaurants in your local area or out of town. Such as steak chicken bacon sausage pork chop hot dogs . How do you all feel about those animals? They were actually were killed on purpose. But people dont have a problem swallowing them to make sure they are full….

  5. Questioning on May 10th, 2019 7:10 am

    It’s amazing that no one flips out when they stop at Whataburger or whines about a cow being killed to get that burger; no one cries at Popeyes or KFC about the chicken killed to get fried chicken; no one backs away from the table when bacon and sausage are served for breakfast, pork chops and ribs are served at lunch or a big juicy steak for supper. No one complains about the large fish hanging on the wall for show because it was caught at the tournament and won first prize. No one is yelling crucify them for eating a pig, cow, chicken or fish. But, people will say mean things about an animal, although not living in the best conditions, is Not on the dinner table.

  6. JK on May 10th, 2019 6:53 am

    All the dogs had fresh wounds and scars. Does that not throw up a red flag, folks? Unlicensed and not vaccinated. I’d be really interested to hear what breed of dogs they were!

  7. Mike on May 9th, 2019 7:38 pm

    I was walking recently in the woods and saw a family of coyotes. They were underfed. I bet they suffered the insufferable cold of Florida Panhandle without being given a shelter. Not only that, I have seen deer that were preyed upon and killed by humans. I bet coyotes and deer suffered much more than the dogs this guy had in his house. Why don’t we find and crucify somebody responsible for well being of wild animals? Do they deserve less than dogs???
    Sarcasm. It just appalls me to see comments of some who want to destroy a human over well-being of animals. Fight for the lives of cockroaches too, why do they have less rights than cats???

  8. Cheyenne on May 9th, 2019 3:29 pm

    It doesn’t matter if it was a lie or not. It doesn’t matter if he was a good person or not. All it matters is the rules and regulations of having a pet. In Florida law it’s against the law to have your dogs tied up on the chain to begin with! He didn’t keep a good environment such as clean the pen for example (shovel the poop out), make sure the dog has water, make sure the dog has food make sure the pen is all clean out. So pay the fines and shut up! Century is nothing but a hell hole of qnimal abuse and drug dealers! So glad I don’t live there anymore gezz! He’s an adult he knew what he did was wrong! So grow up and fact the the reality! This hurts my heart poor babies!

  9. Pk perkins on May 9th, 2019 11:48 am

    We don’t have to show proof of nothing who are u to judge somebody u don’t know and yes this is a lie I’m with this man everyday I know the truth and the people who knows him knows the truth he wouldn’t hurt nobody u don’t even know him to call him a looser u the looser for even commenting on something u don’t even know about but I’m not bout to go on and on about this I know one thing just like I said before if u have anything negative to say just don’t comment cause u wasn’t there point blank now have a good day and may god bless u just like he gone bless my MAN

  10. mq on May 9th, 2019 10:41 am

    If possible, show pictures of these well cared for animals. That will solve the issue of if they were well cared for or not.
    If they are NOT well cared for, I hope his children aren’t cared for in the same way.
    Don’t know this person, so my opinions are based on what I have read in this article.

  11. Shay on May 9th, 2019 10:40 am

    At those defending this loser..DID YOU READ THE ARTICLE?

    You can bet that pictures were taken and every T crossed. Hit these people hard and we’ll see less of this in the news. As a rescuer, I truly believe that we should treat these people as they’ve treated their animals. Give them substantial jail time. We have to be the voice for those that are unable to speak for themselves.

    So you think we shouldn’t prosecute animal abusers because there are rapists raping children out there? Get a grip!! Abuse is abuse is abuse!!! It doesn’t matter if the victim is a person or an animal. Prosecute and give the abusers jail time… PERIOD!!!

  12. Nancy on May 9th, 2019 10:14 am

    Hurting animals and kids is the worse. Those poor creatures. His good complex came crashing down.

  13. Toni on May 9th, 2019 9:48 am

    Omgoodness, Melvin?! I’m having a hard time believing he would do something like this. He’s always been so responsible and a pretty stand-up person! : (

  14. wendell on May 9th, 2019 9:20 am

    These comments are crazy- none of this would have happened without due cause.

  15. just sayin on May 9th, 2019 8:59 am

    So to all the people defending him. Are you saying that all of this is a lie and this entire story is false? None of these dogs were starving and kept locked up in filthy feces infested pens? Please tell us the truth then about the living conditions for these dogs.

  16. Rational on May 9th, 2019 8:48 am

    Defending someone who was caught should wake up the people who think he is a ‘good boy’. Using God or Jesus does not excuse his behavior toward animals. Next it will be his friends and/or relatives who will suffer. Jail time is the answer.

  17. 850 on May 9th, 2019 8:38 am

    Melvin and I went to school together, his smile and personality is infectious. What a great soul. From high school on he has always had a love for his dogs. Hes very active with football and other activities, so the water bowl could be dirty but as far as malnourishment it seems a but much. Hard to believe and sad that he got caught up. Chin up. Take care of fines etc, don’t let this define you. Your better than most! X Heather

  18. Pk perkins on May 9th, 2019 7:36 am

    If you don’t know him keep the negative comments to yourself this is ridiculous all this over some dogs if y’all only knew how much he loved them dogs he’s nothing like how y’all trying to make him but god knows the truth and he is going to get through this with me by his side every step he takes I promise u that .

  19. Bartende on May 9th, 2019 6:27 am

    Another animal abuser.what is wrong with people.this has got to stop.if they would really punish this people with jail time an some road labor it might help.hope he wasnt fighting the poor dogs.so happy someone turned him in.animal lovers could really find them some punishment.

  20. Pk perkins on May 9th, 2019 6:19 am

    That is crazy the things y’all do to slander someone names I know for a fact he didn’t mistreat them dogs he treated them dogs like it was his kids y’all doing a little to much what about these rapist that haven’t been found all these people snatching kids but y’all wanna do the most on some animals

  21. Lekicia Manuel on May 9th, 2019 5:00 am

    God got yo battle Bru. Be still and let the Lord work. No worries.

  22. Lekicia Manuel on May 9th, 2019 4:57 am

    Every one in Century Florida an beyond that my brother knows, know that that’s a lie. He’s a good boy. Never been in trouble a day in his life. Stay working an for hobbies it’s fishing and football. So this bad name that’ll y’all are trying to give him will never stick..the world loves him. Escambia county Florida, give it up. You messing with one of God’s children. An He want, in the name of Jesus…let y’all do this to him. Top that. The most high got this. Watch. Do y’all believe. Well i do . Don’t care if you don’t…this has hurt my heart…