Blessings Abound: Reimagine Spring Held In Gonzalez (With Photo Gallery)

May 12, 2019

The hearts and lives of area residents in need were touched during Reimagine Spring on Saturday in Gonzalez.

The faith-based event included a 15,000 pound food giveaway, free clothing, free lunch, free haircuts, children’s activities, free blood pressure and health screenings, free baby diapers, free toys and much more during the event at Ascend Park on Old Chemstrand Road.

Everything at the event was free.

Reimagine Spring is a project of Doers of the Word Ministry and is sponsored by numerous churches and other organizations.

For more photos, click to enlarge. photos, click to enlarge.


One Response to “Blessings Abound: Reimagine Spring Held In Gonzalez (With Photo Gallery)”

  1. Well on May 12th, 2019 3:51 pm

    It’s good to see these events.
    Giving or receiving a hand up can certainly be a great feeling.