T.C. Venom, Pensacola Jets Suspended By League After Century Shooting

April 10, 2019

As the investigation continues into shots fired following an adult football game in Century, both teams have been suspended by their league.

The suspension for the T.C. Venom, which plays in Century, and the Greater Pensacola Jets, is “until further notice,” the Amateur to Professional Developmental Football League told NorthEscambia.com Tuesday night.

After the Pensacola Jets beat the host team T.C. Venom at Anthony Pleasant Park, a brawl broke out and at least three shots were fired by someone on the field Saturday night at Anthony Pleasant Park in Century. There were no injuries. [Click here for more details, shooting video ...]

“The Amateur to Professional Developmental Football League has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to any and all types of violence no matter how big or small it may be. This is and has always been reflected in our leagues rules and bylaws,” APDFL President Anastasia Hunt and Commissioner Bernard Hunt said in a statement. “As this most recent event has been brought to our attention, we feel it necessary to acknowledge that neither the Greater Pensacola Jets nor TC Venom, are present active members of the Amateur to Professional Developmental Football League.”

“We expect more of ourselves and I demand more than that from TC Venom. We are not done. We will be back sooner than many expect,” Venom head coach and owner Luis Waters said after the suspension announcement. ” … my guys deserve to play football. And we will. I stick to my word about more security at our home games. It’s my duty to assure that our fans are protected and I will do that from now on. That’s a promise.”

If the suspension is lifted, the Venom’s next scheduled game is April 27 at the South Alabama Dolphins in Mobile.

NorthEscambia.com file photos, click to enlarge.


9 Responses to “T.C. Venom, Pensacola Jets Suspended By League After Century Shooting”

  1. SF on April 11th, 2019 7:01 am

    @ Luis Waters. I hate to rain on the parade but the dream is over if you are the age of these guys and playing at this level. Sometimes it time to just grow up and get a job. Dreams are great but not always achieved

  2. Really on April 10th, 2019 7:18 pm

    What happen to the love of the sport? Instead these team obviously only care about one thing winning for the coaches to allow this nonsense to happen is beyond me.a child to pull a gun the team needs to be suspended indefinitely. I’m sorry I’ve played sports a all my life never even came close to gun shots but get a little heated ya it’s sad what today society has come to

  3. Luis Waters on April 10th, 2019 3:41 pm

    These young men have a dream, a goal, a desire to be great. They are here chasing their goal, their dream, and who are we to judge them for doing so? That’s why I do what I do for these young men. For many it is a hobby, a platform to do something productive and not only benefit themselves, but hopefully inspire our youth that, a dream is yours, chase it. Never give up, never quit.

    As far as the event that accured prior to the game is devastating and unnecessary. I personally will take more action to insure the public’s safety at our games. Our next game schedule will be posted on our Facebook page( TC VENOM FOOTBALL) and admission will be free to the public. Security will be in full force. That’s a promise and GUARANTEE!


  4. Rasheed Jackson on April 10th, 2019 1:18 pm

    @ football4life, Yes most activities come with risk but injuries from the activities you listed do not even compare to a possible sustained from a football injury. Football is a full contact sport where people are actually trying to hurt one another. All I am saying is unless a person has the means to support themselves and their families if they were to get an injury they may need to rethink their choice of activities. When I was young I enjoyed diving but when I got married I realized I couldn’t afford the risk. As a young man I also loved boxing and as a Golden Glove Champion I was quite accomplished at it, But there comes a time in a persons life when they should reevaluate things and at times let certain things go. I also enjoyed basketball but after a really bad ankle injury that put me out of work for several weeks I again reevaluated my choice of activities. Of course, I was financially able to cover the cost of my injury and continue to support my family. I was dependent on no one while I was out of work. On the other hand I have seen people loose good jobs due to injuries sustained from recreational activities. So , Jealous of what????

  5. Football4life on April 10th, 2019 11:34 am

    Rasheed Jackson To you go to bars, play golf, play basketball, softball, baseball, darts, pool or any other type of self entertainment? If so maybe you need to practice what you preach….football is no different…..you can get injured walking out your own door and not be able to work. Jealous much?????

  6. tg on April 10th, 2019 9:48 am

    Maybe Century can bid on the next Superbowl that will cover all city expenses.

  7. Rasheed Jackson on April 10th, 2019 7:31 am

    If these young men want to get out and play football fine but when it comes to violence then good riddance. There is no excuse for the fighting or the gun being fired at a public event. This may just be a blessing in disguise for some of these young men. Football is a very physical sport and with it brings major injuries. An injury that most of them can ill afford. I wonder do any of them carry insurance or does the league offer insurance for injuries? If not then what happens if one of them sustains a major injury? Do they have loss of income insurance? Who would support their families if they were to break a leg or tear up a knee which would require surgery and extensive rehab? Maybe now instead of their children watching daddy play ball , daddy will be watching the children play ball. Time to grow up so maybe this suspension will help start the process.

  8. Oversight on April 10th, 2019 5:59 am

    Now hear this…. Folks won’t have to be concerned about having security at the game because there won’t be one.

  9. resident on April 10th, 2019 1:10 am

    Good life lesson. If only the justice system were also so swift and definitive.

    The Century council and Mayor need to hold themselves to the same similar standards. The Grand Jury report was the feedback.