Interim Escambia County Administrator Lovoy Resigns

April 16, 2019

Interim Escambia County Administrator Amy Lovoy has resigned, saying it’s hard to work in an environment filled with “allegations of any variety” that can ruin a person before they can respond. She is the fourth top level administrator to step down from the county this month.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed my years with the County and will miss the incredibly hardworking and talented employees. They are of the finest caliber, and I have always admired all they accomplish every day,” Lovoy wrote in her letter of resignation Monday afternoon. She worked for the county for nearly 20 years.

“I find it difficult to continue performing my duties in a place where allegations of any variety can be made and reputations ruined before an individual is allowed to answer for the charges against them. Behind all the immediate distractions, I know the county is a better place than that,” Lovoy continued. Her last day on the job will be July 12.

Earlier this month, Fire Chief Rusty Nail and Human Resources Director Erik Kleinert resigned. Public Safety Director Mike Weaver also stepped down after questions were raised about the county’s EMS department.

Lovoy was named acting interim administrator after the Jack Brown stepped down from the administrator post due to his wife’s health condition.

The county commission plans to interview the final candidates for administrator on April 29.

Pictured: Interim Escambia County Administrator Amy Lovoy during a county commission meeting last week.


21 Responses to “Interim Escambia County Administrator Lovoy Resigns”

  1. Denny on April 18th, 2019 7:41 pm

    I came back into town and was shocked to read Amy resigned. I worked with her for several years at the County, and found her to be knowledgable, hard working, and one who truly cares about services to citizens. Her leaving indicates she’s tired of dealing with clowns. A great loss to the County. I hope her next employer provide her the recognition and appreciation she deserves.

  2. Well on April 17th, 2019 10:13 pm

    Don’t go out like this Amy.
    At least Fire some of these deadbeats causing the problems 1st.
    Someone has to quit cowering from them.

  3. Katie Draughn on April 17th, 2019 6:56 am

    2 things: Quitters never win.
    And at this point, given how many have quit, I’m very suspicious of the ones left. Seems that we may be left with the same good ole boys………

  4. Captain Obvious on April 16th, 2019 9:26 pm

    I think they are cowards for letting D2 Grandstand from this budget push. They think people don’t connect the dots. Even at public forum I think you will see that you guys main rep may be seeing a more subtle timely approach may be better. Some gave a monster some bait and he took it but yeah the other sweetheart s were hoping maybe no one noticed that they play politics for votes but are actually losing because we hate spinless politicians.

  5. Melissa Pino on April 16th, 2019 7:12 pm

    K. Jones, I would be happy to respond to your statements concerning my political involvement in your above comments, except that I don’t discuss politics with anyone who doesn’t have the courage to reveal his or her identity when offering an opinion “publicly.”

    So I’ll limit my response to stating that there was nothing of a political nature in the comment I left here on Ms. Lovoy’s resignation, unless it’s politics to speak regret about the loss of a decent, capable, and long-time public servant. I have, however, commented on the politics and context of her resignation through other venues, including during public forum at the BOCC meeting this morning.

  6. Todd on April 16th, 2019 6:43 pm

    Sounds like the new Administrator is in for a fun ride. Pleasing the egos of some (one) on the commission will be a challenge. It’s a shame. The position should be attractive for any qualified candidate, but this environment reminds me why Pensacola has always struggled to make progress.

  7. Oversight on April 16th, 2019 5:51 pm

    Rats leaving a sinking ship.

  8. Anne on April 16th, 2019 5:27 pm

    Amy Lovoy, you will be GREATLY missed by the citizens of Escambia County.

    I am seeing a common thread unraveling here. Four top level administrators have decided that their integrity, honesty, work ethic, strengths and personal dedication to the People has been basically sabotaged by some persons on the BoCC who are impossible to please and to work with. This is the tipping of an iceberg and hopefully some from the state level will investigate the shenanigans that go on.
    Unresolved landfill issues causing harm to citizens, unsafe conditions by ignoring the legitimate needs of Public Safety EMS, Fire, etc.
    BoCC persons who have obvious special interests in their district and in kowtowing to their more influential individuals and groups. Ignoring the needs for roadway improvements, etc.
    The list of “Issues” is near endless.
    Seeing these top 4 persons decide to leave tells us that there is more going on that has yet to be brought to the light of day.
    BoCC you have collectively begun to lose the confidence of we who voted to put you into office to represent US.
    Top level persons can leave because they usually find equal employment elsewhere.
    Hands-on workers from the beginning to top mid-level employees cannot leave because of vested time, if they leave they risk losing retirements. So they stay and work hard and keep pushing the ball ahead hoping for a better county for all.
    Two of our “Representatives” need to drop their high school sniping at each other on facebook and other media and GROW UP and do the job for which you were elected. You and WE know who you are.
    Lord Help WE the Citizens of Escambia County.

  9. Dewey on April 16th, 2019 4:23 pm

    I agree with you captain obvious….he and the BOCC are crooked

  10. 429SCJ on April 16th, 2019 4:10 pm

    @ Uh Buh, Elmer, Miz Gilly brings the quality of integrity to our table.

    She may not have a doctorates of business administration, communications, economics and political science from Yale, but she does an excellent job.

  11. Captain Obvious on April 16th, 2019 3:48 pm

    K jones
    ignorance must be bliss

  12. K. Jones on April 16th, 2019 12:19 pm

    Melissa pine. I see you are a person who is playing personal politics. Your name pops up everywhere. I was never interested in voicing my opinions about local politics until they removed the cover of this cesspool. I have no personal ties to any of your commissioners so I do not see the need to support either, however you seem to be blindly following bergosh and his anger toward mr Underhill. It is obvious there’s an internal issue that should’ve been dealt with. I’m sure ms Lovoy is a very nice individual, I’m sure she was great at the budget. This does not mean she made a great interim administrator. Too many coincidences between her and Weaver. She made the right decision to leave. Let’s start with a clean slate and get your public safety department squared away. I have to give Underhill kudos for standing up what is the appropriate course to move on.

  13. Mike Whitehead on April 16th, 2019 11:57 am

    This is truly a loss for Escambia County. I worked with Amy for a number of years and she is a truly devoted employee who always did what was right for the citizen. She is dedicated, professional and detail oriented. She will be a huge asset to the organization that picks her up. Job well done!

  14. Sharyn on April 16th, 2019 11:22 am

    I think it’s great that Comm. Underhill has a Facebook page that actually let’s the public really know what’s happening in our county! Information should be made public, not done behind closed doors.

  15. Kate on April 16th, 2019 7:00 am

    There is no better person than Amy Lovoy to guide and direct this County. The BOC was unappreciative of her work and showed no appreciation or respect for her at the April 11, 2019 meeting. Shame on them and shame on elmer and others who show no respect for those who work so hard to make our lives better.

  16. Captain on April 16th, 2019 5:41 am

    Captain Obvious- Just like in today’s day and age, you have failed at due diligence. Have you seen what Bergosh has posed on his blog, Escambia Citizens Watch? What he post on Facebook about his constituents and other citizens of this County? The cleaning of this County was, is long over due. There are some coming in and trying to make this County better and some still settling for the status quo. The trains leaving and it’s time to make a decision to get on board or get left behind.

  17. Ruthie Boone on April 16th, 2019 5:25 am

    I worked directly for Amy for several years. I have never admired and respected anyone as much as Amy. I retired in April of 2010 and have missed working for the county and OMB staff. I wish Amy all the best that life has to offer.

  18. Who’s next on April 16th, 2019 2:24 am

    The old adage, “where there’s smoke, there’s fire” applies here. The smoke has been getting worse as each person resigns in rapid succession. With Ms. Lovoy’s sudden resignation it seems there’s a fully involved structure fire about to make it’s presence known.

    Brace yourselves, this one may be a doozy.

  19. Captain Obvious on April 16th, 2019 1:28 am

    Underhill is causing all this. He is publicly undermining the top level authority, going to the media, usurping the will of the board and posting it all over Facebook. I blame the other commissioners for not reigning him in.

  20. Melissa Pino on April 16th, 2019 12:48 am

    This is a sad loss for Escambia County governance and for our community as a whole.

    Ms. Lavoy has handled her term as Interim County Administrator with toughness and grace, especially given the pressing administrative needs and the fact that she was juggling numerous roles.

    My personal experience with her has been of an engaging, earnest, and good-humored public servant. More important, her institutional knowledge will be gravely missed.

    Thankfully, she has committed to staying long enough to see us through a number of the ongoing challenges our County governance faces. We should all be grateful for that. Much good will come of it.

    -Melissa Pino

  21. Elmer on April 16th, 2019 12:23 am

    Take your friend Janice with you. Maybe the county will actually see some progress now.