Gunfire Erupts During Fight At Crowded Football Game In Century (With Video Of Shooting)

April 7, 2019

Gunfire erupted during a melee at a crowded minor league football game in Century Saturday night.

At least three shots were fired on the football field but no injuries were reported, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

The T.C. Venom had just lost 33-6 to the Greater Pensacola Jets at Anthony Pleasant Park on East Highway 4. As the game ended, players from both teams started fighting. In a video obtained exclusively by, players can be seen fighting as fans enter the field. Suddenly, just off camera, at least three gunshots can be heard in rapid succession.

(Shooting can be heard at about 37 seconds into the video below. Story continues below video.)

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office confirmed three shell casings were recovered on the football field.

Multiple witnesses told that the gunman did not have a shirt on but was wearing the team uniform pants of the Jets. The male jumped the fence and ran toward a nearby wood line, possibly toward a foot bridge that leads to the adjacent Showalter Park.

There were no arrests made. The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office is continuing their investigation.

It was estimated that somewhere between 200 and 400 people were at the game.

Escambia County EMS responded to the park following the incident for a person experiencing a medical emergency, but that person was reportedly not injured in the fight or gunfire.

This was the third game in Century for the T.C. Venom, the newest team in the Amateur to Professional Development Football League (AFDFL). The “T.C.” in T.C. Venom is stands for “Tri-County.”

The APDFL is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to the promotion and advancement of adult minor league football teams throughout the Southeast, according to their website. Players are between the ages of 18 and 30 looking to obtain a second chance of reaching their college or professional football dreams. The APDFL provides these athletes a place to improve their football skills and a platform to showcase their talents by attracting scouts from the collegiate and professional levels.

Pictured top: A fight erupted on the field following a minor league football game in Century Saturday night. Pictured top inset: A player was down after the gunfire rang out, but there were no reports of any injuries. Pictured below: The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office investigates. exclusive photos, click to enlarge.


36 Responses to “Gunfire Erupts During Fight At Crowded Football Game In Century (With Video Of Shooting)”

  1. John on April 11th, 2019 6:52 am

    I’m from Pensacola, and one weekend I took family over to Century to visit the Alger Sullivan museum, and at first and was reluctant because I have heard of negatively about the town. So, I thought I can’t possibly be that bad….so we go there and no sooner get out of the car people toward the end of the street were yelling at each other and making threats to each other and escalating……and I had a reflection after ordering family to get back into our vehicle maybe it really is true.

  2. JB on April 10th, 2019 9:34 pm

    Y’all make sure to keep that mess over in Escambia County. We don’t need that trash over here in Jay or in SRC.

  3. Shayah on April 9th, 2019 4:30 pm

    Everyone is downing century like its so bad well maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if it had better remodels your suppose to help one another there are good people there and bad people but so does everywhere else… I know first hand how Pensacola plays dirty you can even enjoy a high school game without the players fighting or people in the stands… Every town has there up and downs don’t hate on them help them attest there trying…. Instead of hating the town be grateful and thankful know one was hurt

  4. Mark L on April 8th, 2019 1:03 pm

    Good God, things never change. Who doesn’t love a side of wannabe thug violence with their football? This kinda crap is exactly why I left Century as soon as I possibly could. The place will never change, except maybe for the worse. If you can get out, get out. Especially if you have children and value their upbringing/well-being in any way. I could go on and on about all the things I’ve seen and heard about over the years, but it wouldn’t change anything about this absolutely toxic community. Just leave, people.

  5. w.w. on April 8th, 2019 7:41 am

    Yea…… That is one way to draw a decent and mild mannered crowd…. fighting and firing shots. Lock’m up 5-0!!

  6. Armywife on April 8th, 2019 6:00 am

    It’s a shame that this happened. I grew up in Century and nothing like this ever happened while I was young. With that being said, do people actually think this violence is just in Century or because of Century? Escambia County itself is riddled with drugs and violent crime. The per capita crime rate is astounding to me. Pensacola is always in the news for murders, rape, abductions… you name it. Escambia county is ranked 4th in the most violent counties in the state of Florida. 4th… That speaks volumes especially due to its lower population. There is a reason why people move to Santa Rosa County. I can say I’m glad I no longer live there and my kids are being raised in safer locations.

  7. The greater Pensacola jets (Fan) on April 7th, 2019 11:50 pm

    The TC venom coach was suppose to have police at the game. But he decided he didn’t need them! But I do apologize for all the things that happened. I’ve stayed in Brat and I know how them boys are. They are some dirty players. But I’m glad everyone is safe.

  8. People try on April 7th, 2019 5:19 pm

    People tried so hard to make that town better… Give money to help..All the government funds they get and THE PEOPLE THAT LIVE THERE do not demand better from theirself, their children nor grandchildren… They just want FREE with NO WORK…We must leave them alone and just let it go..There are really people that want a deserve the help and guess what THEY WOULD HELP THEIRSELF…Sad but we got to demand better from that town or let them FALL .. ..

  9. Aco711sig on April 7th, 2019 3:01 pm

    You tell them Scott. Aco711sig

  10. Chelleepea on April 7th, 2019 2:34 pm

    The only thing Century did was to provide a well kept park for this football game. Too bad one hothead individual ruined it for everybody! Smh!

  11. josh on April 7th, 2019 2:25 pm

    century is a sinking ship , if you love your kids get them out, the people down there are like feral hogs they are wild glad I got out

  12. Rico Stallworth on April 7th, 2019 1:01 pm

    Smh at some of these comments

  13. MT on April 7th, 2019 12:15 pm

    Thank you for thanking time to invest back into the community. It sounds like you are serving as a role model to these younger men. I hope that this event is a reminder that the work needs to continue. I am sorry for the ones affected by this event. It is scary when a person (or group of people) do not know how to healthily handle emotional reactions.

    Hopefully the league emphasizes professional development as well as athletic development. These younger people need to learn a lot and it takes strong people to partner with them to be successful.

    Many blessings!

  14. Anne on April 7th, 2019 11:03 am

    Flip side of the kid’s games where parents yell obscene comments and shove and fight in the stands and on the field of play.
    Great role models for the younger ones in the stands.
    Society and morals have shifted and not in a good way.
    Saw too where last night Texas Tech fans in Lubbock Texas celebrated their victory over Auburn by rioting in the streets turning over cars and setting them on fire. LEO had to be called in and used riot gear and tear gas to break up the Celebration of Victory.
    We need more God and less crazy.
    Thankful nobody was seriously injured in Century. Whew.

  15. Wilykyote on April 7th, 2019 11:02 am

    Looks like these wannabes gonna run-out of places
    to play unless something changes ! Is anybody in charge ?

  16. Tom on April 7th, 2019 10:51 am

    Thugs playing football! Wasn’t this a movie one time?

  17. John on April 7th, 2019 10:30 am

    That’s why my kids is not allowed to go to century games because u always got someone stupid that messes it up where no one wants to take there kids all because if a fight y’all got to pull a gun because u can’t handle getting beat on well not everyone is going to win a game or a fight u win some u lose some

  18. Luis Waters on April 7th, 2019 10:09 am

    I am the owner and Head Coach for the TC VENOM. I first want to thank God that none of the kids or fans were hurt or injured. We appreciate all the support we have gained from the communities of Century and Flomaton.Greater Pensacola Jets started the fight with my Defensive End while trying to shake hands. Later that night I and a few other team mates of his stood with him at Atmore Hospital for a concussion and dehydration. He is doing ok now, but this event however did show alot of things. Century is my home and forever will be. I love the town and the communities of century and Flomaton. It’s a shame that we have played 6 games this year and unsuccessful to win but nothing like this has happened at any of our games until Pensacola came to century. 2 of the opposing team member were ejected from the game because they couldnt control theirselves during the game. Again I am truly sorry to our fans who come to see us play for what happened.

  19. Tawine on April 7th, 2019 10:03 am

    Please if you dont know what happened dont speak upon it

  20. REALLY on April 7th, 2019 10:00 am

    CENTURY, is a pitiful place. shut down all there recreational activities, before someone gets hurt, every sport over has something bad happen every year

  21. paul poe on April 7th, 2019 9:57 am

    It seems almost every week now the stories reported on from Century are negative, rife with criminal activity, corruption, domestic violence.

  22. Scott Godwin on April 7th, 2019 9:44 am

    Look this is not a reflection of Century but the wannabe thug football players. I’m sick and tired of people attempting to put down Century while every town around here us screwed up in some way. And as usual I put my name on my comments so if your not man or woman to do that , don’t reply.

  23. mnon on April 7th, 2019 9:28 am


  24. Rasheed Jackson on April 7th, 2019 9:17 am

    This reminds me of an incident from several years ago when Century hosted the play offs for youth football and two teams from Pensacola got into a fight on the field. The news reported a riot at a Century football game. So people just assumed it was Century residents involved, which it wasn’t. So here we are 20+ years later and Century is in the news for the actions of a Pensacola resident. Yes we do have our problems but so does most small towns and other communities all across the this country. There are a lot of good hard working people that live in the Century area, maybe not in the town of Century but within the mailing address of the Century post office. I guess I will be hit with a million questions at work Monday, and I wasn’t even there. Oh and for the incident that happened 20+ years ago it was a Century resident that helped the ONE police officer get the crowd under control.

  25. TCVENOM SUPPORTER on April 7th, 2019 9:16 am

    There are many different ways last night could have gone but there was no reason or excuse for it to go as far as it did. There were families enjoying football in the stands, small boys enjoying being apart of the team by being water boys, men playing the game they love. As unfortunate as it is, Greater Pensacola Jets threw the first punch and one young man in particular decided he would escalate the situation for everyone by having a gun and shooting it while in the presence of children from the ages of two weeks and up and adults. This is not what every team in the APDFL is about. TC VENOM was not founded by the same type of people and what is expected of the players is far above the expectations of many other teams as they are held to higher standards. TC VENOM was founded by someone who loves football; sleeps, eats, breathes football. TC VENOM players have recruiters looking at them to help them achieve their goals in life of going further with both their education and career in football. Some of the players may have had life situations that prevented them from going to college ie grades, finances, family health and TC VENOM saw the potential in these young men and wanted to coach and push them to the next level to give them the opportunity to go further than just a minor league football team. The owners love their small towns that they have grown up in but realize these boys deserve better and strive to give it to them. Words cannot express how very disappointed everyone at TC VENOM is over the events that took place last night and give the most sincere apology to each one of the nearly 200 fans and players who all attended the game last night. Thankfully no one has been reported hurt and that is truly a blessing in itself. To the young man who decided to potentially take someone’s life in his hands last night, I pray for you. I pray that you never have to be scared that your family is hurt by someone being careless and ignorant. I pray that you never have someone decide that they can end your own Or someone you love lives if they want to. I pray that justice is served and that you realize the error of your ways and make a change. To the players of TC VENOM I am proud of you and will proudly wear my Lime Green and Grey in full support of you ANY DAY OF THE WEEK! To the Town of Century don’t give up on our local boys, and don’t count them out either, we have some amazing young men who even in an unideal situation were not worried with themselves but children, even those who weren’t their own, and everyone else’s safety and that says something. Go TC VENOM, always remember. Hustle. Attitude. Respect. Discipline.

  26. David Huie Green on April 7th, 2019 8:35 am

    This is the part of Century the grand jury thought the town should keep. Just think, they could have gone fishing for free instead this weekend.

    David for better living

  27. john on April 7th, 2019 8:29 am

    @Chris, you are exactly right, I had a bad experience visiting there one Saturday….May God put it among the cities of the plain of sodom.

  28. M in Bratt on April 7th, 2019 8:21 am

    Sounds like Century is trying to create a great family atmosphere. Where can you buy tickets to the next shoot out?

  29. What Do You Expect? on April 7th, 2019 8:13 am

    What do expect to find in the town if Centry? 1st the town’s leadership is deplorable. 2nd it is not a town that would be considered a safe place to live. It has No police department. 3rd, it is the Joke town of Escambia County and Florida. It has good people there, but it can not govern itself. It really does not deserve or need a Simi-Pro Football Team, especially players who fight or shoot guns.

  30. retired on April 7th, 2019 8:12 am

    @ native
    It is a third world county!!!!!
    they have a dictator in charge, when they get things for the people, it never makes it down the chain. the top just keeps getting fatter.


  31. Hunter on April 7th, 2019 7:57 am

    Sad part is yall making it out like century an my tc family was the ones in the wrong here when they wasnt even the ones who fired shots that would be the other team from pensacola so dont put it all on century the whole reason tc venom was brought to century was to give something back to the town. I back tc venom 100% y’all keep doing yalls thing my brothers

  32. A Alex on April 7th, 2019 7:35 am

    Really, this is a way to improve your game. And your extra equipment is a gun. I’ll watch from the TV.

  33. Native on April 7th, 2019 7:10 am

    More great news for century. It’s like a third world country up there.

  34. Jamie on April 7th, 2019 7:08 am

    Sad he was the same guy that made sexual comments to one of the ladies on the TC side too and there was a total of 6 shots 3 from him and 3 later I’m not sure if the 2nd 3 shots were from him or not bc he did run this is sad there were kids watching their dads play football

  35. Chris on April 7th, 2019 7:04 am

    Yes please come visit Century. Locate your business and invest all your hard earned money in beautiful and safe Century.

  36. Sedition on April 7th, 2019 6:24 am

    Ready to go straight to the NFL, I see.