Escambia School Board Hires Consultant To Guide Search For New Superintendent

April 1, 2019

The Escambia County School Board will hire a consulting company to assist in the process to hire an appointed superintendent.

The board vote unanimously to hire the Florida School Boards Association (FSBA) for $25,000. FSBA is a nonprofit corporation representing the elected school boards in Florida.

According to the agreement with the school district, “FSBA will provide consulting services to the School Board for the purpose of selecting an effective Superintendent who will collaborate with the School Board as to the future direction and priorities of the School District. FSBA will guide and assist the School Board through pre-search activities identifying District criteria and priorities in relation to the needs of the district and the qualities desired in a Superintendent; assist the School Board with development of recruitment materials, application procedures, and an advertisement plan; develop a plan for receiving applications and how they will be processed; conduct reference checks and determine a process for selecting candidates for the interview phase; and assist the Board as applicable with any other tasks that lead to the selection of a final candidate for Superintendent.”

Voters in Escambia County approved a local referendum in 2018 to move to an appointed superintendent. The appointed superintendent would begin work as current superintendent Malcolm Thomas retires in November 2020.


10 Responses to “Escambia School Board Hires Consultant To Guide Search For New Superintendent”

  1. Howie on April 3rd, 2019 3:36 pm

    Others (meaning not me) voted to change from receiving the majority of votes for the office of School Superintendent to appointment.

    Be careful how you vote and give away your rights.

  2. Cindy on April 2nd, 2019 8:01 am

    Bob C, Exactly!! And now we the taxpayers also get to foot that $25000 bill to hire someone.

  3. Taxpayers on April 1st, 2019 10:09 pm

    Finally, the years of political favors are over! Accountability is now coming to the forefront. It’s becoming common place to hire out duties the Board and Human Resources are paid to do.. sad, I say replace them in the process, a clean sweep is what’s needed.

  4. Sage2 on April 1st, 2019 7:53 pm

    Having worked on all levels in this district for 39 years, this decision is like eating spaghetti! Make sure you know the end process, who cooked it or it can leave a great taste or one of rancid flavor for a long time after the fact in the public’s mouth1 Remember this dear hearts and gentle people…education is the ONLY profession in which the participants and parents expect 100% success! It ain’t goin’ to happen with either an elected or an appointed superintendent. Lawyers lose cases, doctors lose patients, pilots crash aircraft, but the teachers are expected to perform miracles by educating those individuals that have been subjected to an environment for their first 4-5 years. Lay blame where it should be???

  5. Amazed on April 1st, 2019 3:15 pm

    So you pay someone to help find a qualified candidate, when the people could vote and save the money to spend on something more needed….

  6. Betty on April 1st, 2019 2:45 pm

    It is unbelievable that voters have given away ANOTHER right and privilege! What is wrong with people?? Talk about an open invitation for a communist government!!!! I’m so mad!

  7. amazed on April 1st, 2019 2:08 pm

    Trey. It would have been more easy to vote out one bad super than five board members. The governor wont even be able to fire the appointed superintendent.

  8. Trey on April 1st, 2019 9:52 am

    I think this is a great move for Escambia County. We have 5 elected officials who sit on the School Board, so it’s not as if we’re giving away our rights. We elected those 5 to represent all of us and they’ll do their best to find a competent new leader for Escambia County Schools. It’s about time that we look beyond the same ol’, same ol’ for local politicians and find someone from a nationwide search who’s a great fit for our needs. If you don’t like it, vote out your School Board representative every 4 years.

  9. Frank on April 1st, 2019 9:12 am

    I voted against this – for the life of me I cannot understand why folks would vote their rights away to have a say.

  10. Bob C. on April 1st, 2019 6:04 am

    Shaking my head and Still Amazed that We the Voters have willingly Given Up Our Right to Vote for Supt of Schools.
    Lots of chatter on the streets still about who and which special interest groups were behind the push to “Appoint” someone to this very important position.
    Of course with 5 individual ECSB members influencing the pathways of the district it will be very interesting to see what unfolds for our kids.
    Lord, Please guide this process for a positive result for our kids and grands and those who work so hard in the school system.