County Fire Chief Rusty Nail Rescinds His Resignation

April 30, 2019

Escambia Fire Chief Rusty Nail rescinded his resignation Tuesday, one day after the commission chose Janice Gilley as the next county administrator.

On April 3, Nail submitted his resignation to be effective on June 1, calling it a “personal decision”.

But in a letter to Interim County Administrator Amy Lovoy on Tuesday, Nail said:

“Many changes have occurred since my resignation in early April, and in good conscience I cannot leave my position or departments without a succession plan. Uncertainties regarding future direction make it even more critical to stay involved.

“Other factors include the obvious show of support from the Escambia County BOCC towards not only County-wide improvements, but also initiatives aimed at improving the County’s emergency services. These are all great undertakings that will benefit the citizens for decades to come.

“Hearing the new County Administrator’s vision for the future; I hereby rescind my resignation as Fire & EMS Chief.”

On Sunday, Nail had provided another letter to Interim Public Safety Director Matt Coughlin requesting that he begin administrative leave on Monday, April 30 and amending his resignation date from June 1 to June 15. That request was granted.

Lovoy, Coughlin, former public safety director Mike Weaver and Human Resources Director Erik Kleinert have all submitted their resignations. Weaver is no longer on the job.


18 Responses to “County Fire Chief Rusty Nail Rescinds His Resignation”

  1. Me on May 1st, 2019 2:33 pm

    @“Y’all mad ain’t ya” I think you misread my comment. I am in full support of Chief Nail staying.

  2. mickey POWELL on May 1st, 2019 9:13 am

    Can’t find a job huh!

  3. Nay on May 1st, 2019 9:06 am

    To: “Me”, thank you for your words! I agree

  4. retired on May 1st, 2019 8:16 am


  5. G on May 1st, 2019 7:29 am

    This is wonderful, the first step back in the right direction. Public Safety needs a boss over Fire and ems. The ems administration NEEDS to be shaken up now and start writing their letters. Chief Nail is the man for the job. Personaly they need start over create ems as a division of Fire Rescue like chicago and new york. Force the city of pensacola to provide their own ems service to their citizens or at a cost per call to the city (downtown parking should help cover that cost lol) good to see that Nail hasn’t given up on his departments and will stay and push them through this. We dont need the joke of the local applicant pool for thr job

  6. Y'all mad ain't ya on May 1st, 2019 7:10 am

    Y’all so mad about Chief Nail its funny. You speak from ignorance. Gilley apparently was the best choice. I would have liked to have seen an outsider however, she was the most qualified. She interviewed with all 5 BOCCers. She apparently had great things to say to Chief Nail. He would not have rescinded on assumptions. He had a plan and the BOCCers didn’t provide the support necessary for him to put the plan in motion and he forewarned them about it if that happened. They called his hand and he played it. They then realized, “we screwd up”. The FD needs funding, period. They need boots on the ground. The union did not organize a “political hit”. If you think so, then you just let them know how strong they are. I admire you placing your feelings above facts. Willis, Johnny, Me, Resident, Alex, and Wilton, y’all sure are opinionated. Why are you so hateful? Why don’t you want him to stay? Was he threatening your existence? Was he going to make someone you love accountable for their actions? Funny how y’all are so mad with no reasons. Keep being ignorant. I’m here all day. Love ya, mean it.

  7. Bewildered on May 1st, 2019 7:07 am

    Obviously his new job prospects did not pan out. He does not give a flip about Escambia County. Just like all the politicians in Washington – everyone is only looking out for themselves.

  8. A.Wilton Thompson on May 1st, 2019 4:56 am

    Somebody drive him home

  9. Me on May 1st, 2019 4:12 am

    30 year veterans with 30 year old ideas hiring local yokels just because they’re friends is the reason we have the staffing and coverage crisis we have now. The good ole boy system doesn’t work anymore and that is becoming painfully apparent. Taking policies and protocols from when EMS ran 35,000 calls a year and applying them the current call volume of nearly over 70,000 a year is asinine. It doesn’t scale. Chief Nail brings an outside perspective to a closed minded administration. The County is growing by leaps and bounds and if we don’t recognize that County’s essential departments have to grow and adapt to this we are doomed to fail. When it comes to the Safety of the Public failure is Not and option.

  10. resident on May 1st, 2019 1:50 am

    Looks like this whole thing was an orchestrated political manipulative hit from the fire fighters union. I hope interim admin calls his bluff and lets him hit the road. She doesn’t have to accept this.
    No thanks.
    His and one commissioner’s hamfisted co opt of the county seems unethical.

  11. ALEX on April 30th, 2019 9:16 pm

    he does not think the local yokles , like Janice Gilley for one, are good enough, we need to get rid of him, do not accept his rescinded letter, and appoint one of our local people that knows the people and what we need. go home rusty nail. you are not from here we do not need your waffling decisions. I agree with willis. He turned in his resignation ,get him gone.,

  12. Willis on April 30th, 2019 8:23 pm

    Better off with a new Penny then a rusty nail.

    He turned in his resignation ,get him gone.

  13. Johnny on April 30th, 2019 6:27 pm

    So the new better job prospect didn’t pan out. I think he is just using our county for a stepping stone for his career. But just my personal opinion. That is all.

  14. Mike on April 30th, 2019 6:25 pm

    Dude’s name is Rusty Nail. I love it. Glad he’s staying.

  15. Jacqueline on April 30th, 2019 6:13 pm

    This is great and a good step in the right direction.
    I think with the new Administrator (she’s already instilled confidence!) and Chief Nail staying, things are looking up for the Public Safety department and the County as a whole.

  16. Cathy Melton on April 30th, 2019 6:02 pm

    So grateful that Chief Nail had decided to stay! He is a wonderful leader and the department is in good hands.

  17. Resident on April 30th, 2019 5:55 pm

    I’m not sure I’d take back someone who quit because things got tough.

  18. God Answers Prayers on April 30th, 2019 5:29 pm

    This is going to make SO many people happy! The future for Escambia County is looking very bright now! Thank you, Chief Nail, for being dedicated to our agency and community! I, for one, am BEYOND ecstatic and cannot wait to see what the future holds!