Congressman Matt Gaetz Introduces His ‘Green Real Deal’ Climate Plan

April 4, 2019

Northwest Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz announced his “Green Real Deal” Wednesday afternoon during a news conference on Capitol Hill.

The Green Real Deal is Gaetz’s plan to address climate change by harnessing the power of free markets, embracing technological innovation and entrepreneurship, and cutting excessive governmental red tape. The plan is a conservative response to Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (NY-14) “Green New Deal” introduced earlier this year.

“The Green Real Deal is a love letter to the American innovator and it is a real serious plan to address climate change,” he said.

Gaetz’s Green Real Deal recognizes that a national commitment to innovation, competitive markets, and the deployment of advanced energy technologies will help the United States as the global leader in clean energy. The Green Real Deal calls for increased investment in clean energy technology and sources, like solar and nuclear power, while improving transparency and accountability for the benefit of customers, investors, and shareholders alike.

He said the Green Real Deal harnesses the power of the free market to create millions of U.S. energy jobs and secure the nation’s position as a global environmental leader.

Pictured: Congressman Matt Gaetz announced his “Green Real Deal” Wednesday on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. Photo for, click to enlarge.


12 Responses to “Congressman Matt Gaetz Introduces His ‘Green Real Deal’ Climate Plan”

  1. nod on April 6th, 2019 4:35 pm

    what is wrong with increasing gov revenues by giving tax incentives to business that create jobs and that improves the lives of millions of working ( not nonworkers) Americans. the answer is nothing. dems have never had an idea with a good outcome.

  2. ALEX on April 6th, 2019 4:30 pm

    the dems are never trying to better our lives, they want to make you think they care by giving you the money other people earn and thereby putting you in a bad position that is hard to get of, it is called socialism which works till you run out of other peoples money. gatez has a good idea if it was accepted by all. the green deal gatez plans is getting cheaper and renewal energy on a large scale that lets the people do it and not the government. it cuts down on pollution and has nothing to do with global warming. climate change is a normal thing that has been going on for thousands of years.

  3. FaithinUS on April 6th, 2019 8:21 am

    Looks like Matt’s crush on Ocasia-Ortez is pretty serious- he’s wakeboarding on her grand idea, but with the typical Republican “free markets” BS to get it done. This just means more tax breaks for those giant megalomonster corporations that’ll find the best way to screw over the Laborers who bring their plans to fruition,while they run to the bank with the profits–paid by us.
    If you don’t believe the US government can do anything to help us, get out on the interstate. Private industry didn’t build that- it was built with tax dollars to benefit everyone. Whatever happened to that sort of thing? Oh year, the “conservatives” brainwashed folks into believing Government Is Bad.

  4. Jack on April 5th, 2019 2:25 pm

    Justsayin- That was the least intelligent comment I have ever seen. While I think Matt Gaetz is an idiot, did not and will not vote for him, the Democrats are not helping anyone but themselves. They are the most corrupt. un-American bunch of traitors there are.

  5. jp on April 4th, 2019 2:40 pm

    Congressman Gaetz has been a great conservative represenative, UNTIL NOW.
    Climate change has been going on for as long as the earth has exsisted.
    That is even before man was any influence on much of anything.

    Most anyone is for clean and efecient living, but there is too much waste of tax payer money with rules and subsidies to bogus scheems. Solyndra is one good example, or ethanol that the government is subsidizing that has less BTUs, is very corrosive to small engines and cost more to produce than gasoline.

    It is one thing when private industral enterprise wants to spend their private energy and money on so called green things and let the market decide if it makes sense.
    It is completely nieve to think that man can change the earth’s environment more than volcanos, earthquakes, the sun, forrest fires, the wobbly axes of the earth, etc.

    One possible influence man is making on the earth’s enviroment is huge increases in population and building, parking lost and roads that hold the sun’s heat. Is anyone going to suggest that any of that be reduced?!?

    Government “research” sponsored by many countries has a huge incenative to penalize the US, and there are many that are making huge profits from pushing the “earth is dying” position.

    Mr. Gaetz there is more than ample proof that man is causing no mesurable changes to the earth’s environment. If you would do a diligent research.
    I do not know why Gaetz is pushing for more government intervention in this. Does he believe? Or is he pandering to the guliable snowflakes that buy into the likes of All Gore?

    There are much bigger issues that need attention in our country than this nonsense.

  6. John on April 4th, 2019 2:38 pm

    Why so much hate on the left?

  7. Kevin Stead on April 4th, 2019 1:33 pm

    Insert face palm.

  8. Justsaying on April 4th, 2019 12:54 pm

    Sorry Republican Party can’t genuinely have a plan for anything, so they jump on the backs of Democrats who are at least trying to better our lives and then claim the idea was theirs. Gaetz is as much of a loser as his idol trumpy pants.

  9. david lamb on April 4th, 2019 11:36 am

    WE have some real clowns seeking public office or already in office.. their suggestions are laughable. The earth climate has gone to one extreme to another and has always made corrections. Our creator designed our world and its climate, HE is in control and will decide the worlds fate in HIS time. Lets do more to control what we can and be more receptive to HYS doctrine. We would be far better off!

  10. yellow dog on April 4th, 2019 10:55 am

    Same old, same old. Too little , too late. This is another attempt to make it look like something is being done when it’s really not. It’s called can kickin’ no matter which side does it, and it’s all you and your ilk have ever been able to come up with, Matt. It’s not us you’re trying to please, it’s The Donald you love. We get it, Matt. You’re on a trip. You want to be a big shot.. Gosh, if Hillary had gotten elected you’d be a Democratic toady instead of a Republican toady. We know you picture yourself as one day being the leader of the free world. You’re only one of many fools who think they can do it, that they should do it, that, as a matter of fact, they owe it to the rest of us to do it. Not that you will ever really do anything to upset the “one percent”. You know how to play the game: You’ve made it obvious that you will say anything, do anything, be anything, to be important and to get attention. That’s not real leadership. You don’t have it in you, and neither does your boy Trump. You’re an embarrassment. And so is he.

  11. Kate on April 4th, 2019 10:29 am

    Looks like that alcohol you have been so fond of has caused some damage young man.

  12. Dee You Eye on April 4th, 2019 8:09 am

    Please stop embarrassing the panhandle, Matty.