Two Teens Charged In Alleged Sexual Battery At Pine Forest High School

April 12, 2019

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office has concluded their investigation into an alleged sexual battery of a 15-year old at Pine Forest High School on April 9.

“The investigation revealed that no force was proven in the incident,” the ECSO stated Friday afternoon.

The two alleged assailants are age 16 and 17. Due to their ages, the ECSO said charges of lewd and lascivious  behavior is being brought.

The investigation was conducted by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Special Victims Unit, in conjunction with the State Attorney’s Office.


13 Responses to “Two Teens Charged In Alleged Sexual Battery At Pine Forest High School”

  1. David Huie Green on April 17th, 2019 9:07 pm

    “minors can not give consent”

    If we actually believed that, any two minors having sexual relations with each other are simultaneously victims and rapists of each other. That should be obviously silly.

    David for reality

  2. Robert on April 15th, 2019 10:14 am

    I have no opinion on the case, because we know very little based on this report.

    However, Wikipedia is much more reliable than most information on the internet. Everything on the site should be linked to an external reference. If something about the entry is incorrect, it doesn’t take long for users to notice it and correct it, or present a dissenting opinion with references. It is reviewed by the entire world, so any mistake is going to be caught.

    News sites, on the other hand, are reviewed by one or a handful of editors. This is why they frequently have typos, misspellings, and stories that only present one side of the equation.

    In otherwords, don’t bash wikipedia if you believe most of what you hear from the Huffington Post or Fox News. Wikipedia stands up quite well to most sources that are not peer-reviewed academic journals.

  3. Rasheed Jackson on April 15th, 2019 7:23 am

    James, James ,James, Never, never, NEVER use Wikipedia as a source. What Wiki was referring to was the “Romeo and Juliet” law. Florida Statute, 943.04354. But just because there was no Physical force or signs of force doesn’t mean the person wasn’t coerced or threatened. There can be a big difference in a persons physical and sexual , and mental development during the teen years. An underdeveloped 15 year old is match for an 18 year old that at the top of the developmental scale fir their age. I have seen 18 year old students that look and act like 15. On the other hand I have seen some 15 year old teen that look like they are 20. This difference in maturity makes the teen years a slippery slope when it comes to one consenting and being of legal age, which is why we have the “Romeo and Juliet” law, and other laws protecting teens who many times think they are older than they really are.

  4. Chris on April 14th, 2019 4:41 pm

    Look out everyone, he broke out Wikipedia.

  5. James on April 14th, 2019 3:56 am

    By Florida law, a person under 18 is considered a minor. My point, which was overlooked or wiped over from several of the rebuttals due to emotional or objective leaning, is that all 3 persons are considered minors under the law so I’m not understanding why the 16 & 17 y/o’s are charged while the 15 y/o isn’t facing charges. Perhaps their is a designation under Florida law between ages 15 & 16?

    Taken from Wikipedia: “The age of consent in Florida is 18, but close-in-age exemptions exist. By law, the exception permits a person 23 years of age or younger to engage in legal sexual activity with a minor aged 16 or 17.”

    @David & @Kate:
    If @Anne’s post is accurate then my post seems to be corroborated. At any rate, shame on you for attacking me personally when my opinion differs and/or counters your own opinion. If you wish to debate then fair enough, but don’t waste my time by trying to shame my counter opinion into silence.

  6. Denny on April 13th, 2019 9:23 am

    James, the statute states that when the parties are minors, the victim did not consent, or was mentally “defective” to knowingly give consent, or was physically helpless to resist. It also defines force as physical force likely to cause serious personal injury. So, the victim was raped but not seriously injured physically.

  7. Bell on April 13th, 2019 9:13 am

    @James from my understanding the age of consent in Florida is 16. I may be wrong though. I agree with what you said. That would be the only reason why the are charged and not all 3

  8. Kate on April 13th, 2019 7:59 am

    Perhaps James has not experienced devastating fear in his life, perhaps he has not experienced a fear of dying at the hands of a person who is much larger, heavier and even known to be violent. WEhy judge something you don’t know. CONSENSUAL means both persons agree to the act, and not acting in fear of reprisal, pain or death.

  9. Big Jim on April 13th, 2019 7:46 am

    A 15 year old is a child.. not capable of giving consent…

  10. Anne on April 13th, 2019 6:32 am

    Understand the way this came to light was a VIDEO that someone had made during the alleged “sexual battery”.
    Lord are these kids so ________ (fill in the blank) that they have to Video Everything and then pass it around the school?
    Totally inappropriate, however, it happens among young kids very frequently.
    Not much the school, parents or anyone else can do to stop these incidents, they are going to happen.
    Parents, the morals and lives of our kids and grandkids have changed a LOT since my day in school. Back in the day this would have ruined one’s reputation.

  11. david on April 13th, 2019 6:01 am

    @James…minors can not give consent…by your thinking tgere should be no age limit…shame on you

  12. Lisa Watson on April 13th, 2019 3:41 am

    Nope. No force does not mean no threats. It does not mean no menacing. And, just because no force was proven, does not mean no force was used.

  13. James on April 13th, 2019 1:03 am

    If there was no force then the implication is this act was consensual. Not understanding why two minors are being levied with this charge. If it was consensual then there should be no charge, or all 3 participants should be charged as each showed or participated in an act against another minor. Sounds an awful lot like a parent is upset after finding out and is pushing this or the 15 y/o is regretting the choice. Either way this reads as an unjust path for the 16 & 17 year olds.