Pensacola, Century Mayors Join ‘Mayors Day’ In Tallahassee

March 28, 2019

Dozens of mayors from across Florida, including Pensacola Mayor Grover Robinson and Century Mayor Henry Hawkins, descended on Tallahassee Wednesday for “Mayors Day at the Capitol” sponsored by the Florida League of Mayors.

The mayors are concerned about dozens of bills and the attack on “home rule” — allowing each city and town to craft its laws specifically to its own unique needs instead of increased state control of local issues.

Robinson also met one-on-one with Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Pictured: Pensacola Mayor Grover Robinson (left) met with Gov. Ron DeSantis Wednesday. Courtesy photo for, click to enlarge.


7 Responses to “Pensacola, Century Mayors Join ‘Mayors Day’ In Tallahassee”

  1. Willis on March 28th, 2019 4:18 pm

    Hey i’m just saying……

    Glad it is a free country, you can suggest you like the mayor and feel I should leave and I can say I know the mayor is a bit of a problem.

    Oh and by the way I did not put a comment there for your approval.

  2. Now I'm just saying on March 28th, 2019 12:31 pm

    just sayin on March 28th, 2019 5:58 am

    I usually agree with that ole’ saying (it was what my momma always said,) but in this case there is another ole’ saying that applies also. “If the shoe fits, wear it”.

  3. chris on March 28th, 2019 9:19 am

    Waiting for more unexplained airline tickets after this little junket.

  4. sam on March 28th, 2019 6:35 am

    geeeeez! let’s hope no one finds out that he is there. meaning the century mayor.

  5. just sayin on March 28th, 2019 5:58 am

    @willis if you can’t say something good try saying nothing if you are tired of century the highway always opened God bless ya

  6. Mr. Metoo on March 28th, 2019 5:58 am

    Did the Honorable Mayor of Century get this travel approved or did Commissioner Barry say it was okay?

  7. Willis on March 28th, 2019 5:05 am

    I thought Centurys mayor already crafted his on laws ?
    Just makes them up as he goes I suppose .