Molino Woman Charged With Meth Possession After Traffic Stop

March 2, 2019

A traffic stop on Highway 29 led to the arrest of a Molino woman on drug charges.

Angie Dahl Hart, 43, was a passenger in a vehicle stopped by an Escambia County deputy on Highway 29 at Cedar Tree Lane for no brake lights.  She was charged with felony possession of methamphetamine with intent to sell and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Hart allegedly had 7.7 grams of methamphetamine inside a book bag and a glass crack pipe, according to an arrest report.

The driver of the vehicle was not arrested.

Hart remained in the Escambia County Jail Saturday morning with bond set at $11,000.


19 Responses to “Molino Woman Charged With Meth Possession After Traffic Stop”

  1. Whisperjet on March 6th, 2019 7:36 am

    ..Rasheed is exactly right..the only answer to this world-wide epidemic is Jesus can not get off these drugs alone..Only the power of God can give us the strength and decernment to rid ourselves of this..we have to have His wisdom and determination and the love of fellow Christians..

  2. Sue on March 4th, 2019 12:58 pm

    Someone’s sister, mother, daughter, etc. She could still have said No.

  3. Chris on March 4th, 2019 12:07 pm

    Pensacola has become nothing but a drug den. The elected officials haven’t done a damn thing for that city in decades. They think the tourist will save the state, but what about the people who live there? The navy base is all but closed up, Navy federal and very few others are all the new industry. Someone has to get into the office that cares about its people. Not everyone aspires to be on government assistance and food stamps. The pandemic of opioids and other drugs flooding that city rests on the shoulders of those officials running that city. They want you on the system or IN the system. Plain and simple !!!

  4. Robinhood on March 4th, 2019 9:13 am

    Turn to JESUS and not drugs. The LORD will most definitely help her get through her addiction IF she really wants to change her life and get control back. I know, I have friends of my own that had that terrible problem and they tried a road they never had tried before called going to Church and giving their lives over to the LORD. They are now free of drugs and living a life as a good example what the LORD truly can do with our lives IF we only allow him to take control of our lives / soul. Praying for your Sister and your family as well. Charity Baptist Church on West Roberts road is a good place to start changing lives.

  5. just sayin on March 4th, 2019 9:04 am

    Crystal. You are a prosecutors dream come true with your statements about your sisters drug use. Talk about letting the cat out of the bag.

  6. Matt Gainey on March 3rd, 2019 10:30 pm

    Crystal rocheblave, very sorry for this n knew her through school n after school. Try n see if she can get into Teen challenge for any sentencing she has to do. Its a Christian organization but its not jail n it will help her. Known coupke people who went through it. Need anything, yal just holler

  7. Crystal R Rocheblave on March 3rd, 2019 2:16 pm

    Thank you Rasheed Jackson for the kind words. Hopefully one day people will see this stuff is the Devil and it does not discriminate it effects all kinds of people. The rich the poor and all kinds of diffent walks of life. But if we could stick together as a COMMUNITY we can over come this. Hope everyone has a blessed Sunday.

  8. Crystal on March 3rd, 2019 11:15 am

    This is really sad. I’ve met her once and gave her a uber ride. We ended up praying together becauuse she admitted to being a user and was free from it for two weeks. The devil is strong when it comes to this stuff and I’ll continue to pray for her. My ex husband lost his mind from this evil and I feel your families pain. Many prayers for all of you! She really was a nice lady and she’s aware of her issue and trying. Maybe this will help get her back in the right direction.

  9. Rasheed Jackson on March 3rd, 2019 9:59 am

    Crystal R Rocheblave, When a person is arrested the record is public, and this is a public forum. It is sad when an individual is arrested and their face is plastered all over the news, and yes people will make comments that are not very kind and many time rude. You ask these people to remember the innocent family members that are affected by this and to have respect. I can truly see where you are coming from but the person who has been arrested failed to think of the innocent family members, her children, and failed to be respectful of her family name, your name and your families name. Drugs will do this to people. They are destroying our nation, communities, and our families. Most families in today’s world have suffered the the heartache and pain of seeing a family member destroyed by drugs.It is a sad and difficult thing to see some one you love do this to them-self and bring this type of embarrassment, shame, and hurt on their family. It grieves me to see anyone, and families go through this but it is the reality of our day. I pray that you and your family find comfort and that your sister will get the needed help to overcome this life style that has taken control of her. Be strong, pray continually, and keep God first in your life and you will find victory.

  10. Laughing on March 3rd, 2019 8:40 am

    Leave Mark alone. He’s someone’s Daughter too. His words.

    I’m sure this isn’t the first time your sister has made you shake your head. Being in the public eye is not easy.

    Neither is drugs I suppose.

  11. Hkemhrns on March 3rd, 2019 6:14 am

    Ummm, Just a user, Chrystal?? 7.7 grams of crank is a LOT for a user. Not condemning her because that is a heck of a demon to fight, but it can be done. Just not in her current environment. Chang in latitude, change in attitude.

  12. Crystal R Rocheblave on March 3rd, 2019 1:30 am

    And to mark I don’t think recall asking for any excuses for my sister. All I was asking for was kindness for my family. Thank you.

  13. Crystal R Rocheblave on March 3rd, 2019 1:28 am

    Look guys I think that what I said was clearly taken out of context! I was only saying that it upsets me to see my sister with her face plastered on the front page of the paper and internet! And to what the what what ! I was not asking anything but some respect for my family!! And no I’m not asking much but for you to be a descent person I was not ugly or rude I have not spoken to my sister in about a year. And obviously she was not thinking about anyone when she got arrested. But Angie is no drug dealer if you look on escambia jail view her charges are drug possession and drug equipment possession. SHE IS A USER !!And we are just asking the public to take into consideration that she has a family and younger children who has access to the internet and as we all know kids can be cruel and tease others for things that are out of the control we can not make her stop being a drug user believe me we have done everything we can think of. If you have any suggestions let us know because we have used all of are resources do you think we like the fact that she uses NO!!!! CAN WE CHANGE IT NO!!!!!! SO ALL WE ASK FOR IS A LITTLE DAMN RESPECT THAT’S ALL GOOD GRIEF REALLY!!!!!!! SMH!! WHAT HAPPENED TO SUPPORT IN THE COMMUNITY THIS IS SOMETHING WE CAN NOT CHANGE AS A FAMILY BUT YOU AS A COMMUNITY CAN AT LEAST HAS SOME RESPECT FOR HER INNOCENT CHILDREN AND GRIEVING FAMILY!! AND THAT’S ALL I’M GOING TO SAY ON THIS MATTER IF YOU CHOOSE TO BE RUDE THAN SO BE IT!

  14. Mark on March 2nd, 2019 11:50 pm

    Everyone is someone’s daughter… How does this excuse using illegal substances?

  15. Tammy Schultheis on March 2nd, 2019 11:24 pm

    She’s allegedly done this. Don’t spread rumors until you know the facts.

  16. What the what? on March 2nd, 2019 10:53 pm

    Wait!! A commenter on this article should be more concerned about the families feelings when they read about their loved one than the actual criminal does? Are you serious? Was the daughter, sister, aunt. etc thinking about her family when she was doing meth, risking the chance of going to jail and having her face plastered on the news? Get a grip!! Unbelievable! Expecting more from the public than you do from your own loved one?

  17. Crystal R Rocheblave on March 2nd, 2019 4:15 pm

    This is very sad for some, this woman is someone’s daughter, sister, mother, grandmother, aunt . We all make poor choices in life for what reasons others may not understand , And yes what she has done is very wrong.! And believe me I want more than anything for theese streets to be cleaned up! But please when posting your comments on these people don’t forget of the hurt their families are going threw having to see their loved one rock bottom and the pain they endure every day having to deal with every day. Thank you

  18. di on March 2nd, 2019 3:09 pm

    this idiot as you say is someones daughter. if you are gonna call names make sure you yourself are beyond reproach

  19. Billl on March 2nd, 2019 10:32 am

    Drugs and more drugs that’s all you hear nowadays I hope this idiot understand now it ain’t gonna end good!!!!!!