McDonald’s Shooting Victim Arrested; Incident Related To Child Custody Dispute

March 29, 2019

The man shot Thursday afternoon at a Highway 29 McDonalds is now behind bars.

Roger David Madden, 45, was charged with felony burglary with assault and battery.

A dispute erupted between Madden, described as a boyfriend, and another man in the restaurant parking lot on Highway 29 near Old Chemstrand Road. Madden walked away from the vehicle, returned and jumped through an open driver’s side window into the vehicle, according to Maj. Andrew Hobbs of the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

The man inside the vehicle fired one shot in self defence, striking Madden in the arm, Hobbs said. Madden was arrested after being released from the hospital.

There were no children present in the vehicle at the time of the shooting, but children were present on the scene.

Madden is being held with bond set at $100,000. photos by Kristi Barbour, click to enlarge.


29 Responses to “McDonald’s Shooting Victim Arrested; Incident Related To Child Custody Dispute”

  1. Concerned citizen on March 30th, 2019 3:11 pm

    Surprised it hasn’t happen before. Maybe now a concerned citizen can have returned all the property that he stole from him. By the way. David madden has warrants for him in Andalusus Al for Theft and few now as well. Cant get high on your supply David.

  2. David Huie Green on March 30th, 2019 3:00 pm

    How does this differ from my statement that in a perfect world guns would not be needed but that “This is NOT a perfect world”?

    David still dealing with provocation
    hoping for reading comprehension

  3. Austin on March 30th, 2019 5:19 am

    Mike J I agree they have a right to say what they want.But if you don’t have the whole story you shouldn’t take sides. I was right this was self defense. David green it changes things showing that a legal gun owner used his weapon to stop someone who was threatening his life. If he did not have a gun and this man had something like a knife.he could have killed him and we would be having a different discussion.

  4. telyman on March 30th, 2019 12:03 am

    As a CCW holder I feel a need to make a couple of points here:

    1) If someone were to jump through my truck window in an attempt to harm me or mine that someone should feel lucky to be only shot in the arm. The gun in this case was used as intended: self-defense.

    2) The best gun control would be to enforce the laws already on the books not make new ones or ban those “scary black assault” rifles. We already HAVE background checks to obtain a CCW permit or to purchase a firearm. Without a CCW there is already a waiting period to get take possession of the handgun you purchased.
    What most gun owners object to is a permanent register of gun owners.

  5. David Huie Green on March 29th, 2019 8:45 pm

    “enlighten us”

    I shall try, but can not promise, based on my previous failure.

    First, notice the quotation marks. They mean someone else said it.

    Second, words like “CONSIDERING” and “REGARDING” mean I am responding to what that other person said. For example, the comment about idiots was not mine. I don’t call people idiots (despite the occasional provocation).

    Thus, just because I quote something Kane said does not mean I agree with it any more than when you quote what I said.

    If you understand that, you won’t worry about needing to say things like “Hey David green you might want to keep your mouth closed about gun control before you stick your foot in you mouth this could be self defense,” because you will realize:

    I was not supporting governmental gun control exactly because it very well might be self-defense and even if it weren’t that doesn’t mean it is wise to disarm those who obey laws while leaving others unaffected. The very concept of violating the rights guaranteed by the Constitution proves you can’t trust the government to obey its own laws. Even if I am being paranoid, this reminds us paranoiacs walk among us — along with the criminals.

    Any enlightenment yet?

    Oh well, I tried.

    David for patient effort

  6. Jim on March 29th, 2019 6:52 pm

    According to this, the man who was shot was not a “victim”. He was the aggressor.

  7. chris on March 29th, 2019 12:50 pm

    The man hit the target he was aiming for. Sounds like pretty good gin control to me.

  8. Wayne on March 29th, 2019 12:29 pm

    @ MR. DAVID GREEN “not every idiot needs a gun”
    WHAT IS AN IDIOT..and which type of your phrase “type of idiot
    in your opinion should be able to have a gun.
    I would surmise. really are at a lose of words and comprehension of describing various types of idiots.
    You have an opinion as everyone…but enlighten us to the deciding which idiots should our legislature set for for the “idiot” definition under law to which idiots can gave a gun or weapon

  9. David Huie Green on March 29th, 2019 12:26 pm

    “Hey David green you might want to keep your mouth closed about gun control…this could be self defense”

    And how would that change what I said?

    David for literacy

  10. Myself on March 29th, 2019 11:41 am

    Self defense. That’s why I have a legal concealed carry

  11. ALEX on March 29th, 2019 11:29 am

    I believe 100% in gun control. when I pull my gun I want to have complete control of it so I can hit what I aim at.

    this story sounds pretty incomplete. we need more info.

  12. Michael for freedom of speech on March 29th, 2019 10:16 am

    We are all concerned about gun control/confiscation and the dispicable acts that people do with guns involved….but what about the innocent bystander Tee Bug that was almost hit during this exchange of hostilities, no one mentions him or what might have happened…..

  13. EMD on March 29th, 2019 9:53 am

    Taking away guns will solve nothing. The people that shoot at other people need to be taken away. THEY are the danger, NOT the guns. Something is wrong with people. Seems they do not believe in or fear God and do not respect Him or their fellow man. They seem to believe that vengeance belongs to them. Seems there is a whole generation of people that believe that things should always go their way. We have raised a whole generation or two that think only of themselves. Spoiled brats. Tall two -year olds. Disgusting!

  14. ekg on March 29th, 2019 9:35 am

    Steph and Mat…you are so right! Forbidding guns will only take them away from innocent folks…The criminals will still carry them because they do not abide by any law at all….Look what happened when they rewarded people years ago for turning in their guns…I bet not one criminal turned in a gun.

  15. Michael on March 29th, 2019 8:30 am

    All of these comments….NO ONE is concerned about Tee Bug?……

  16. Mike J. on March 29th, 2019 8:16 am

    Hey Austin, if David were standing on a street corner explaining his opinion to a crowd of people, would you walk up and shout real loud so that his voice is not heard? That’s what liberal kooks do on college campuses when conservatives go to speak. I may not agree with David and Kane, but they have just as much right to speak as you do. Have a nice day! :-)

  17. john on March 29th, 2019 7:17 am

    We don’t need gun control, we need bad people control….i have said this over and over….. the people involved what was their character like…..also what type of background history do they have? Yes these questions speak volumes.

  18. bill w on March 29th, 2019 5:00 am

    @ k There is a lot to digest in your post .

    Since the conversation moved to gun control and who or can’t own firearms ( rather does or does not ) I have a question.

    The premise seems to be “I need a gun to protect myself / family”, how many gun owners are shot each year despite owning a firearm?

  19. Austin on March 29th, 2019 1:12 am

    Hey David green you might want to keep your mouth closed about gun control before you stick your foot in you mouth this could be self defense

  20. David Huie Green on March 28th, 2019 9:53 pm

    “People don’t want gun control and that’s the only way to stop things like this from happening. People get spooked thinking that gun control means giving up all guns or not having any guns, they fail to see that not every idiot needs a gun.”

    I don’t know any idiots who need guns — or knives or clubs or poison or cars or fists (basically hands repurposed) or nooses or whips or Molotov cocktails or any other weapon.

    Many criminals — especially killers — need guns to commit crimes. Since they intend to break some laws, what are a few more?

    In a perfect world with perfect people, nobody would need guns. Most do not bother to carry any kind of weapon if they feel safe even in this not-quite-perfect world.

    In a perfect world with perfect people, it would not matter if everyone had every type of weapon ever imagined because they wouldn’t misuse them anyway.

    This is NOT a perfect world.
    (Oh and talking about disarming people while knowing there are dangers we can not avoid, such as criminals and kooks, often convinces people there are crazies around who are trying to kill them. It is thus counterproductive.)

    David for liberty and reality
    imperfect though it might be

  21. Rex S on March 28th, 2019 9:41 pm

    There are too many guns on the streets for any real gun control. You can make all the laws you want but to what end? What is the answer?
    We can from each side debate the answer. What is the real question though?
    Rights? Violence? Responsibility?

  22. k on March 28th, 2019 8:57 pm

    @Kane: your post contained the error that betrays your thoughts.

    You said in your post “Until thier (sic) is some form of honest gun control in our country…”

    Honest gun control is not possible. Because only the law is honest. People are not. Therefore there will always be dishonest gun ownership regardless of any laws passed.

    It follows from dishonest gun ownership that honest ownership must be allowed to counterbalance the dishonest gun owner – who is the real threat.

    Speaking of dishonest gun owners: let the investigation of the matter reported here continue and we will see the person who fired the weapon was *Already* a person not allowed to be in possession of a firearm.

    Which is the full argument which renders your comment invalid. Let’s wait and see, shall we?

  23. No suprise on March 28th, 2019 8:57 pm

    Who even knows what was going on here? Can’t imagine the need for a firearm to deal with anything in the presence of their child? Maybe a crazy ex finally pushed the other parent over the edge? Some bitter exe’s seem to thrive on drama!

  24. Cantonment garbage bag on March 28th, 2019 8:42 pm

    sad to see an innocent childs life at risk due to dangerous and unstable parents. guarantee there was a child present. shameful.

  25. mat on March 28th, 2019 6:44 pm

    It’s not gun control that we need, It’s people control.
    A gun is just a paper weight. It’s the person behind
    the gun that determines the results of that paper weight.

  26. Steph on March 28th, 2019 6:27 pm

    @kane….your idea is ridiculous. I tell you what, you give up your guns if you want too but I’ll keep mine for protection. The problem is not the gun, it’s the idiot behind the gun. Stopping law abiding citizens from owning a gun is not the way to go.

  27. shaking my head on March 28th, 2019 6:19 pm

    No @Kane, It’s not gun control, it’s called being a grown up and behaving for the betterment of your children instead if being such toddlers behaving badly. Clearly, the two of them involved are in desperate need of serious mental counseling to move beyond the anger they have for each other and focus on their child.

  28. Kane on March 28th, 2019 6:04 pm

    People don’t want gun control and that’s the only way to stop things like this from happening. People get spooked thinking that gun control means giving up all guns or not having any guns, they fail to see that not every idiot needs a gun.

    Until thier is some form of honest gun control in our country these things will continue to happen and eventually become a normal every day occurrence that no one bats an eye at.

  29. Tee bug on March 28th, 2019 5:45 pm

    I was there almost got shot heard bullet fly through my truck window and through the other side what is this area turning into. Kind of like the wild wild west