Lower Minimum Age For Prison Guards Passes Florida House Committees

March 29, 2019

Thursday, a bill that would allow 18-year old corrections officers in Florida passed its final committee in the House.

The bill, backed by the Florida Department of Corrections, unanimously passed the House Judiciary Committee.

The minimum age for a corrections officer in Florida is currently 19. The 18-year old minimum, if passed would apply not only to the state prison system, but also to county jail in an effort to solve staffing issues.

A similar bill is working its way through the Florida Senate.

Pictured: Inside a prisoner dorm at Century Correctional Institution. NorthEscambia.com photo.


12 Responses to “Lower Minimum Age For Prison Guards Passes Florida House Committees”

  1. Concerned on April 27th, 2019 7:35 pm

    18 fresh out of high school. Kids never knowing what really lie behind bars. Kids who think I am going to be a correctional officer and boss inmates around all day. Why, why did you sign a death certificate on someone’s baby? 18 is too young to work for the Florida Department of Corrections. Congress people only think about the money aspect of it. Would you Congress man or women let your 18 year old go behind the wire for 30k a year to endanger their life? I’m 26 years old a mother and been in corrections for 2 years would I let my baby do this at 18. Absolutely not, this isn’t a game this is am I going to walk out of those gates at night alive. Our turn over rate will become higher because they are looking for a pay check. If you would up the pay of officers you had and up the age limit to 21 and making starting off 38-40. You might have officers that wouldn’t mind coming to work. You make decisions for men and women and never been behind that wire or hear that cell lock behind you. How do you know what’s best for us?

  2. Leroy Hill on March 31st, 2019 9:56 am

    The age should be lowered to 16. I just got outta prison and we need dumber guards lol.

  3. David Huie Green on March 30th, 2019 11:27 am

    Two — one plus one
    To — in the direction of or about
    Too — overly

    Example: 18 years is too young to be a prison guard.
    Example: 18 years old is not too young to be a prison guard.

    Maybe we should institute a draft requiring people to serve in unpleasant jobs for two year stretchs.

    (Just joking, forced service is unconstitutional, in my opinion.)

    Maybe you could develop a system of on the job training for the inmates to be guards.

    David for interesting solutions

  4. Papa bear on March 29th, 2019 3:03 pm

    I personally don’t see a problem with a 18 year old doing this job. I mean honestly if you think a 18 year old isn’t ready why do you think a 19 year old is. The person applying for the job needs to decide weather he or she is ready to do the job. I can tell you at 18 I wouldn’t of had an issue doing the job.

  5. 429SCJ on March 29th, 2019 11:47 am

    These people are constantly attempting to run a con on someone, regardless of weather they are inside or outside.

    They may run a con on some of these inexperienced COs, but they would not pull one on me. I can be a pleasant person or the personification of misery inflicted.

  6. Jim W on March 29th, 2019 11:46 am

    Way to young to be a corrections officer. Sounds like a despite move for the politicians to fill a void. How about providing more money and recruiting qualified people for the job! If you provide a decent pay scale you will get the people to fill the positions.

  7. FL co on March 29th, 2019 11:22 am

    They can fix the staffing issues if they would up the pay. We do a dangerous job for the bare minimum.

  8. southerner on March 29th, 2019 9:35 am

    18 year olds are not ready for that.

  9. MIKE O. on March 29th, 2019 8:54 am

    Unreal…. the prisoners already run the prisons, and now we are going to trust kids to watch over the animals? Not good Florida. Not good at all. Just shows how desperate the state is to fill vacancies and staff the prisons. This has disaster written all over it.

  10. Melissa on March 29th, 2019 8:47 am

    That is way to young. The inmates will lure the young ones I. And make them think they can make some extra cash on the side. This is just asking for trouble. In my belief you should have to be 21 to work as any officer. This is just asking for more trouble in the system.

  11. SW on March 29th, 2019 6:58 am

    Hmmm. Can’t buy a firearm or drink alcoholic beverages until age 21, though.

  12. Caveman on March 29th, 2019 6:45 am

    That’s just two young.Way to young