Felony Child Abuse Charge Dropped As Unfounded Against Cantonment Woman

March 8, 2019

A felony child abuse charge against a Cantonment woman has been dropped.

The State Attorney’s Office dropped the charge against Marshall Gage Gilley after the Florida Department of Children and Families found the case was unfounded. The SAO said further investigation into the facts and circumstances of the incident failed to find sufficient evidence to charge a crime.

The child told deputies that Gilley slammed on brakes several times in an attempt to make him hit his head on the dash and head-butted him, but DCF’s findings did not support the claim.


10 Responses to “Felony Child Abuse Charge Dropped As Unfounded Against Cantonment Woman”

  1. L. Law on March 11th, 2019 12:22 am

    @ Just Saying – I personally whole heartedly agree!! My children have gotten spankings in only severe instances. Which has been few and far between. When it was called for. However, anytime we are out and about or in restaurants… we get compliments on their behavior. They know that what myself and my husband says goes.

  2. Just Saying on March 10th, 2019 2:44 am

    The clerk told them to leave because they were “creating a disturbance”. The officer observed her pull the child out of the store, and it was recorded on his dash cam. Can anyone explain to me why this was child abuse, much less FELONY child abuse, at all? The kid was misbehaving in the store and so she dragged him/her out.

    I’m sorry, but if mine was misbehaving in the store…you’d better believe I’m going to create a disturbance and teach this child an important lesson: MAMA is the adult here. MAMA is the boss. MAMA tells you what to do and how to act in public, and MAMA expects that behavior and will not tolerate a child thinking they can do whatever they please. MAMA is the parent, and as such MAMA is the absolute authority and will be respected.

    Before anybody says I’m abusive for saying that, I have a large family, and I very rarely even popped one on the rear, much less whipped them. Whether society wishes to acknowledge this or not, it is IMPERATIVE for the parent to be respected and obeyed for the safety of all involved. We’ve been so busy worrying about coddling everybody’s sensitive feelings that we’ve made the world much more dangerous for our kids.

    People need to stop making mountains out of molehills. There’s a reason our noses are on our own faces…because they belong in OUR business, not anyone else’s.

  3. Bewildered on March 9th, 2019 6:23 am

    TV Judge Judy’s observation: “do you want to know when a teenager lies? “. When his mouth moves.” Society is being coached to loose sight what is abuse and necessary discipline. Maybe that is the reason that the age of these “children” is never disclosed.

  4. NativeTongue on March 8th, 2019 1:49 pm

    Kane – You’re right. There were witnesses to that day’s particular event. Both a store clerk and a deputy watched the woman grab the child and scream at him. It’s also highly plausible that the kid made up or exaggerated the events without witnesses and drove the woman to a breaking point (which to be fair, every parent has been there before).
    I’ve parented a child with extreme behavior problems, they make you want to ram your own head into a wall some days so I hope the whole family is getting the help they need to control the situation.

  5. Kane on March 8th, 2019 12:44 pm

    Didn’t the original story say that an officer witnessed her dragging the child out of a convenience store by his shirt? Also wasn’t this women told to leave the store by the clerk because she was screaming at this kid? I am pretty sure it was something like this. So physical abuse is bad but mental abuse (with witnesses)not so much? I’m confused clarification would be appreciated.

  6. C on March 8th, 2019 11:26 am

    People seem to forget that law enforcement is there to do just that, enforce the law. They are not the judge, jury or executioner, they are tasked with enforcing the law as it is written. If someone is being accused of breaking a specific law, it’s not up to the police to decide if it’s true. That’s for the courts. It’s sad if she did lose or job or endure unnecessary hardship, that’s our society for you, society assumes the worst. Thank you North Escambia for bringing it to our attention when charges are dropped; there is rarely follow up beynd the arrest with most publications. If I were her I would print out this article and keep it handy for the future.

  7. A momma on March 8th, 2019 8:59 am

    I don’t know what that family went through or will go through but this is good if everything is on the up and up. If so thank you DCF but why can’t more be said like Mr. Neese said. Your right Mr. Neese they will do that and sometimes the family suffers when they do. Sometimes the parents and siblings suffer more than they do. That’s where the kid needs a good ole fashion butt whipping. It depends who responds and what is seen and heard and how it’s portrayed by who responds perspective. Which is sad because another person might’ve seen differently. Blame this on society, and schools.

  8. Duns Megus on March 8th, 2019 8:07 am

    A “child” that big unable to keep from banging his head from brake-slamming? Get real.

  9. Don Neese on March 8th, 2019 7:22 am

    In other words..DCF is saying sometimes “Children do Lie”.
    As a matter of fact, I personally have never met a child that wouldn’t lie.

  10. Wondering on March 8th, 2019 6:39 am

    I wonder if she lost her job while she was waiting for the investigation to be completed. If there are no facts to support the charges, why was she arrested