Escambia Woman Convicted Of Murder, Gets Life For Sitting On Child

March 16, 2019

An Escambia County woman was sentenced to life in prison Friday for killing her 9-year old cousin by sitting on her.

Veronica Green Posey received the life sentence immediately after being convicted. Dericka Lindsay died after Posey sat on her while administering punishment. Posey weighed over 300 pounds at the time.

Posey was called by Lindsay’s adoptive parents, Grace and James Smith, to help discipline her back in October 2017.

Authorities say Posey told deputies and paramedics responding to a 911 call from the family’s home in Pensacola that she sat on  Lindsay because the girl had been out of control. Deputies said the girl told Posey and her adoptive parents during the punishment that she couldn’t breathe.

James Smith is serving a 10 year sentence in state prison for his role in the death. Grace Smith suffer from mental and physical illnesses that have prevented her from going to trial, but she will be tried upon recovery.


14 Responses to “Escambia Woman Convicted Of Murder, Gets Life For Sitting On Child”

  1. Ben Watchin on March 19th, 2019 3:03 pm

    The sad part is that Dericka wasn’t the only child in the room when this happened. Her sister was right there and witnessed the entire thing and SHE IS REALLY TRAUMATIZED and probably will forever be. No wonder Ms. Smith is having mental issues…..she probably replays this over and over in her mind, hearing that little girl scream that she couldn’t breathe.

    I think she deserves a life sentence. They younger sister certainly will spend a lifetime getting past the trauma.

  2. Bewildered on March 17th, 2019 11:10 am

    Howie, do you want to put Grace Smith in prison with her husband even if she has not been to court due to physical and mental problems? She is probably confined to a nursing home. The elderly adoptive father did not intervene In this crazy form of punishment administered by this woman and received 10 years. Some people simply should be prevented from having kids (or any living creature for that matter) and NO – it’s not a discriminating statement because of age, race or sexual orientation!!

  3. Arissia Brown on March 17th, 2019 1:01 am

    God has her with him my heart hurts so bad too know what she went through rest in peace sweet angel

  4. gmp on March 16th, 2019 11:14 pm

    How is it that he only got 10 years and she got life?

  5. Howie on March 16th, 2019 2:36 pm

    James and Grace Smith should be jailed in the couple’s ward together.

    If jails don’t have couples housing, then create one for these scoundrels.

    Grace needs her husband James to help care for her. That relieves some of the money us TAXPAYERS are contributing to their jail time.

  6. nod on March 16th, 2019 2:01 pm

    I think she was punished too severely. very wrong, yes. intentional, no. this was not murder but manslaughter. dopers that kill people over drugs do not receive this punishment. may GOD be with her and comfort her.

  7. anne1of2 on March 16th, 2019 11:51 am

    What can we do to get abused children to report abuse?

  8. Wow.... on March 16th, 2019 8:45 am

    And the idiot crime of the month award goes to………..

  9. Wanda Repine on March 16th, 2019 8:38 am

    I want to know why the Smiths were even allowed to adopt a 9 year old. Articles call her mentally and physically ill. He has been referred to as elderly and the conditions in the house were deplorable. Wouldn’t that little girl have been better off in foster care? I teach 8 and 9 year olds and this breaks my heart.

  10. Janejoe on March 16th, 2019 8:32 am

    Why was someone with mental and physical illness in a position to be adoptive parents anyway?

  11. TJ on March 16th, 2019 6:28 am

    The sad part is that Ms. Posey thought she was helping. I don’t believe it was intentional, but her method was clearly wrong, and that is what happens when a 300 pound person sits on a child 1/10 her wait. Rest in Peace Dericka!

  12. Anne on March 16th, 2019 6:28 am

    :”Grace Smith suffer from mental and physical illnesses that have prevented her from going to trial, but she will be tried upon recovery.”

    I hope that woman is being kept where she is not permitted any contact with children.
    Read that as in a secure mental confinement place.

  13. Bewildered on March 16th, 2019 6:20 am

    The child is in a better place. Looking at the pictures of the individuals when this first happened, I would agree that the adoptive mother is not able to stand trial due to mental and physical health issues. It should have been obvious at the time of the adoption that both adoptive parents were no longer capable to assume the responsibilty of raising a young child. Bizarre that you have to jump through more hurdles if you want to adopt an animal than a child. Obvious that the law against age discrimination has gone amok in this sad case.

  14. Jennifer Allen on March 16th, 2019 12:59 am

    What is wrong with people? You do not sit on a child to punish them. That poor child. What a horrible death that had to be for her. I hope that all of these adults are locked away and can do no harm to anymore children. This is just horrific. Rest In Peace Dericka.