Century Council Seeks Help After Grand Jury Recommendations

March 19, 2019

At their first meeting after the release of a scathing grand jury report that found gross mismanagement, the Century Town Council is reaching out to the Florida League of Cities for help.

The grand jury found that the town of Century is in a state of financial emergency, and the current administration and council have failed to act in the best interest of the community. “Town officials have shown a clear lack of knowledge and understanding as to the operations of a governmental organization,” the grand jury report stated.

The council voted unanimously Monday night to accept help from the Florida League of Cities and Bob Inzer, the League’s financial advisor.

“He is available to travel from Tallahassee to spend two or three days making an assessment of the Town’s needs and developing a plan to implement the needs. The Florida League of Cities would send Bob Inzer to Century at no cost to the Town,” Ann Brooks, council president, said. It is expected that he will complete his review by mid-April.

After completion of the review report and recommended plan of action, the council will decide if they need to employ a consultant to perform an operational audit and make recommended changes.

At Monday night’s meeting, the council did not directly address any of the other recommendations and findings by the grand jury, including recommendations that the town divest the water, sewer and gas departments.

The grand jury findings were as follows:

1. We find that the Town of Century is in a state of financial emergency. The current administration and Council have failed to act in the best interest of the community. Town officials have shown a clear lack of knowledge and understanding as to the operations of a governmental organization.

2. The current administration and Council have failed to prepare and approve a budget that is realistic or financially solvent.

3. We find that the administration and Council have improperly borrowed funds from the gas tax account and the Local Option Sales Tax account.

4. We find that there has been a lack of accountability between the Mayor and supervisors and between supervisors and employees.

5. We find that the Mayor has failed to follow proper procedure when approving the use of Town equipment and manpower on private property. This appears to be as a result of a misunderstanding of public purpose and the definition of private and public property. Regular consultation with the Town’s attorney may prevent this type of misunderstanding in the future.

6. We recommend that Century sell the assets of its utility services, sanitation, natural gas, and water and sewer, and use the proceeds to repay the amounts borrowed from the restricted fund. The loss of
customers and problems with the operation of these services make it unlikely that they can ever consistently produce a profit for the Town in the future.

7. Amendments should be made to the Charter or ordinances to provide that the Town will be solely responsible for roads, parks, and land use programs.

8. We recommend that this matter be brought to the attention of the State Auditor General’s Office and that forensic financial audits be done for the past five years. Any irregularities should be referred lo the appropriate agencies, including professional licensing boards if such action is warranted. All contracts for third party professional services should be audited as well.

9. We recommend that Century seek the assistance of a municipal consulting firm to assist in the development of policies and procedures. As part of this process we recommend that an operational audit be done. These policies should provide both job descriptions and salary ranges. All employee benefits should be consistent with industry standards. Employee handbooks should be updated and should contain an anti-nepotism provision. The Florida League of Cities may be able to assist in this matter.

10. All loans by Century should be clearly listed on all appropriate financial statements. No person who has an outstanding loan from the Town should be able to run for any Century public office. Loans should not be made to any Town employee or official.

11.We have heard testimony that there is a lack of written contracts and that contracts do not have expiration dates. All contracts should be reviewed and amended as necessary. All businesses or individuals providing professional services to the Town should have written contracts containing appropriate expiration dates.

12.We recommend additional training in the area of Sunshine and Public Records. This may be done by the Town’s attorney, the First Amendment Foundation or the Attorney General’s Office. We request that the Office of the State Attorney continue to investigate allegations of missing public records as well as the failure to properly respond to public records requests.

13.We recommend that before funds are spent that they be clearly allocated and approved. We have heard testimony that economic development funds may have been spent without proper county approval. In addition, all expenditures must comply with the limitations set forth in the Town Charter.

14.The State of Florida and Escambia County should investigate the misappropriation of gas tax and LOST funds.

15.Spending restrictions should be placed on any funds provided by outside governmental entities that are not otherwise limited in their use. Prior approval should be obtained by the Town before these funds are spent. Specifically, before any funds provided to the Town of Century by Escambia County can be spent, the County should review the proposed expenditure and determine that such expenditure is appropriate.

NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


17 Responses to “Century Council Seeks Help After Grand Jury Recommendations”

  1. Pay Attention on March 19th, 2019 10:45 pm

    Why would they hire a consultant after this person from the league of cities travels here? The law clearly states they ARE to report this to the state. They have to report this. The county can’t step in to make a transition until they do. Do the citizens have to petition? My god how much denial steeped in stupidity will these few business and residence endure? The grand jury had one thing wrong the prison is not with in the town boundaries. That a state institution depending on water and waste water in Escambia County. is Steven Barry AWARE!!! ??? He can’t act like it is not his problem.

  2. atmoredude on March 19th, 2019 7:26 pm

    Hummm, wasn’t Robert Hudson getting paid handsomely to do this very job? Wow, I guess this proves he was part of the problem and NOT part of the solution. Only difference between him and the city council is that he is subject to a professional code of conduct that supposedly keeps him bound to a higher standard. Oh yeah, AND they were paying him to keep the financial records in order and to provide consulting.

    Someone needs to find out what he was actually doing for the outrageous fees the Town paid to him…?!?!?!

  3. Bob C. on March 19th, 2019 4:53 pm

    How about putting them all together into a sequestered place that is monitored 24/7 and keeping them there until all the questions are answered and every penny of PUBLIC Money is accounted for?
    Permit only the state forensic accountants and others with skills in detecting who is not telling the truth and Follow the Money until all the cobwebs and deceit is swept away.
    Bet there are a number of folks Not in Century who are puckered up over the actual tracking of funds. All the way around it’s a big circle.

  4. BIG JOHN on March 19th, 2019 4:19 pm


  5. IMHO on March 19th, 2019 3:56 pm

    I still have one question. Where’s the missing money? Until that’s figured out their all crooks, imho.

  6. Bob on March 19th, 2019 1:56 pm

    They did a better job running the sawmill!!!

  7. Bob on March 19th, 2019 1:53 pm

    Blah, blah, blah … we still suck!!!

  8. Wayne on March 19th, 2019 12:53 pm

    So…they are seeking help because someone turned the lights on…
    I use Raid myself

  9. josh on March 19th, 2019 12:39 pm

    get out while you still can the bow is almost under water,,, that is a sinking ship lol

  10. resident on March 19th, 2019 12:20 pm

    The web site domain name they bought expired. I was looking for the charter. Have they even read it?

  11. Watching on March 19th, 2019 12:17 pm

    They are required to report the financial emergency to the Joint Legislative Auditing Committee and also to the Governor of Florida. Maybe getting the impartial well qualified Mr. Robert Izner in will be a great way to avoid drama between the incompetent mayor and council. Mrs Brooks is taking the lead. They need to not drag this out.

  12. chris on March 19th, 2019 10:02 am

    #16. Ignore all recommendations. Blame media. Blame others. Lie some more.

  13. Stumpknocker on March 19th, 2019 7:39 am

    Oral Roberts can’t help them.

  14. tg on March 19th, 2019 7:36 am

    I keep asking myself how long can this go on but i cant get an answer.

  15. Chris on March 19th, 2019 7:08 am

    Mismanagement has got them this far. But, will they actually follow through with what is recommended? LOL

  16. Oversight on March 19th, 2019 6:14 am

    #14. Start putting people who broke the law in jail. Once charged by the state for theft/misappropriation of state and county tax revenue, the Governor can step-in and remove those individuals from office. Then it is the state legislature’s turn; revoke the town charter. DONE!

  17. Gman on March 19th, 2019 5:05 am

    I think that the grand jury finding number 1 sums it up pretty good
    “Town officials have shown a clear lack of knowledge and understanding as to the operations of a governmental organization.” So here we go again on a hiring issue for waste water ect ect.