Century Correctional Officer Assaulted By Inmate

March 11, 2019

A correctional officer was recently assaulted at Century Correctional Institution, according to information released by the Florida Department of Corrections.

Last week, inmate Alexis Vargas assaulted an officer. According to the FDC. Vargas punched the officer in the face

Staff responded, and the inmate was subdued..

Medical staff examined the officer and noted injuries. Vargas, 35, will receive a disciplinary report for the assault.

Vargas remains at Century CI serving a 15 year sentence for numerous burglary and grand theft convictions from Miami-Dade.


13 Responses to “Century Correctional Officer Assaulted By Inmate”

  1. Anne on March 11th, 2019 5:34 pm

    Well, Well, Well there Alexis Vargas it seems you have mistook the Century Correctional Institution for an Extended Stay (Graybar) Motel.

    Only real problem is you have earned yourself More Time at the Expense of We the Taxpayers and that OFFENDS me.

  2. ALEX on March 11th, 2019 2:03 pm

    cut off his recreation!!!!!!!!

  3. Ex FL officer on March 11th, 2019 12:16 pm

    Paul Poe there are no tasers in side the prison. All an officer has is a small can of pepper spray and nothing else. No night sticks, baton or anything else that might help them. They are pretty much at the mercy of the inmates. Anyone says any different has never walked in an open housing dorm with seventy four inmates on each side.

  4. Tim Barberi on March 11th, 2019 12:15 pm

    Plain and simple…. They don’t care… They are lowering the hiring age to 18… So instead of hiring more experience… more maturity … a more skilled individual…. They are hiring a child to do an adults job…. Let’s all guess how that’s gonna turn out… The privatization efforts continue…

  5. anne 1of2 on March 11th, 2019 12:06 pm

    These officers need protective face gear.

  6. Rasheed Jackson on March 11th, 2019 10:25 am

    Assault on a Corrections Officer should be the same as a Police officer. They should be charged and time added to their sentence as well as loss of privileges such as visitors. Loosing canteen privileges is a joke. They can get anything they want form other inmates. Personally I feel three meals and maybe a couple of snacks during the day is plenty, and the canteen needs to be removed from all prisons as well as inmate spending accounts. All this does is create a medium of exchange, on the prison grounds, that can be used within the inmate population as a tool of manipulation.

  7. Joseph on March 11th, 2019 9:46 am

    Paul Poe, stop watching too much TV. Officers in Florida Prisons do not have tasers. If he assaulted an officer and was injured while being subdued, it was because he resisted to being handcuffed. There are body cameras on staff and video surveillance throughout that facility, so the actions by the inmate and staff will be captured and investigated.

    Stop being such a tool and trying to stir up garbage.

  8. chillywilly on March 11th, 2019 9:03 am

    Inmate assaults an officer he gets a DR disciplinary report, goes to DC disciplinary confinement , loses his canteen privileges But if a officer touches a inmate he gets outside charges, goes to jail or prison, stripped of his/her certification, loses job and ability to ever work in law enforcement. and loses retirement . No wonder FDOC has to give $ 1000 bonuses to get people to work there. What a Joke FDOC is losing experienced officers faster than they can hire new officers with NO experience.

  9. My2Cents on March 11th, 2019 8:29 am

    More time should be added to his sentence. A write up is nothing but then I’m on the outside looking in. I don’t think these officers get paid enough.

  10. One of our own on March 11th, 2019 8:17 am

    How about additional charges

  11. Concerned on March 11th, 2019 5:16 am

    It is bull that these inmates locked up for there crimes have more rights than those who guard them. In the old days beat them and throw them in a hot box. Now all you can do is write them up. It’s a joke, that’s why prisons are short on guards. That’s like raising a child but don’t spank them. If there’s no consequences for there actions they will run over the guards, take them out back and punish them. They are probably in the prison system because someone didn’t believe in spanking them as a child.

  12. Master Mechanic on March 11th, 2019 2:41 am

    A write up,,,,,,,,how about a lock up,24/7,1 hr. per month rec time for 20 years

  13. Paul Poe on March 11th, 2019 1:52 am

    Staff responded, and the inmate was subdued. Should have read ” Staff responded, and the inmate was tased for punching the officer in the face”