Cantonment Man Accused Of Firing Gun Into Vehicle, Missing Victim By Inches

March 25, 2019

A Cantonment man has been accused firing a gun into the vehicle, missing a retired postal worker by just inches.

Joseph Craig Kittrell, 25, was charged with attempted aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, discharging a firearm in public and criminal mischief.

The victim told deputies he was visiting Kittrell at a shop at the end of a driveway in the 1200 block of Muscogee Road. As the victim was leaving, he said Kittrell suddenly backed a pickup truck into his path, blocking him from leaving. Kittrell then exited the truck, screaming at the victim for driving too fast and making physical threats, according to arrest report.

The victim, a retired 67-year old postal worker, believed his life was being threatened, picked up his revolver and placed it on the dashboard of his vehicle, drove around the pickup and up the driveway toward Muscogee Road. Kittrell began to shooting at the vehicle, the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office said.

Four 45-caliber handgun rounds hit the vehicle, with one round entering the rear passenger window, traveling through the vehicle and exiting the center of the windshield, just missing the victim by inches, the arrest report states. Three rounds hit the right rear passenger side of the vehicle.

The victim told deputies he never aimed his firearm at Kittrell.

Multiple members of Kittrell’s family told deputies they witnessed the incident and believed the victim was going to shoot Kittrell before he fired into the truck.

Kittrell’s statements to law enforcement were redacted from the arrest report. He was released from the Escambia County Jail on a $41,000 bond.


23 Responses to “Cantonment Man Accused Of Firing Gun Into Vehicle, Missing Victim By Inches”

  1. Charlie on March 27th, 2019 5:09 pm

    @Richard—”drove around the pickup and up the driveway toward Muscogee Road.”

  2. ALEX on March 27th, 2019 12:55 pm

    Richard, how do you know the 67 year old pulled a gun and threatened the boy. was you there or is this just more “hearsay”? the only fact is the boy tried to kill the man when he shot at the truck. that is a fact. but I was not there to see it so I too am going by hearsay.

  3. Richard on March 27th, 2019 10:30 am

    To Mr. Howie,

    About your “hearsay” and “fact” comments… you say it’s a fact that luttrell blocked the man?!?!? How is that a fact???? Tell me that! And can you tell me if the man was blocked from leaving well how did he leave? I didn’t read anywhere the man plowed through another vehicle nor did it say the man ran through brick walls, yards, jumped stumps or anything! The man pulled a gun and threatened a man… that’s a fact!

  4. Howie on March 26th, 2019 9:10 pm

    Hearsay: Multiple members of Kittrell’s family told deputies they witnessed the incident and believed the victim was going to shoot Kittrell before he fired into the truck. (One problem here – they are all family members of the boy and trying to protect him) I get that.

    Fact: After the boy attempted to block the older gentleman from leaving, the gentleman did not fire a gunshot at that boy. He did the right thing and managed to leave the area and luckily not injured. The boy did indeed shoot 4 rounds into the leaving vehicle.

    A few months or years in jail should be assessed for that temper tantrum.

  5. Denny on March 26th, 2019 6:39 pm

    If the older man felt threatened, under Florida law he could have legally shot and killed the younger one – better to be only arrested than dead. All this over driving? Geez, those two either need to stay separated or take anger management classes.

  6. Jr on March 26th, 2019 11:51 am

    A disagreement between a 25 yo and a 67 yo.
    67 yo gets blocked in trying to leave.
    Feels threaten, and places gun on dash.
    Drives around blockage and leaves.
    25 yo fires a weapon into the back of 67 yo vehicle.

    I see a couple of issues here.

  7. J on March 25th, 2019 6:20 pm

    Kind of funny that my first post got removed Mr. Kittrell was defending his family and neighborhood children the “retired postal worker” came speeding down the driveway and was told to slow down when he came down and when he left speeding he was told by family to slow down almost running into the back of Mr. Kittrell work truck and when he brandished a fire arm and pointed at someone holding a two year old and having 10 other children running and playing in a private driveway on a private property what is he supposed to do he felt threatened and worried about everyone else standing outside. And the law enforcement officer was jaded didn’t want to hear the whole story had his mind made up in the supplemental report it stated that the postal work was in his vehicle when he arrived that is not the truth a neighbor had him out of his truck standing to rear of bed there is this lie and multiple more to be brought the light soon the truth will come out.

  8. chris on March 25th, 2019 4:59 pm

    The prisons are filled with innocent people. Wasn’t there, didn’t see it. But, if you intentionally block access/egress, you have made the first move. Plus, to shoot at somebody/something as they move AWAY from you, that never ends well for the shooter.

  9. Wayne on March 25th, 2019 3:43 pm

    I guess Joes cellphone or any phone he has didnt have the numbers 911 on them…
    He became a traffic cop and it didnt turn out the way he wanted..also blocking someone from egress becomes a legal issue for the hot head.

  10. Hello on March 25th, 2019 1:07 pm

    Ive known joe a long time even raced with him. No way in he’ll he would do something like that unless he felt threatened. Displaying a gun to break a dispute is a threat. Joe has 2 kids and if they were in any way of harm joe
    Will stop at nothing to protect them.

  11. paul on March 25th, 2019 12:41 pm

    It sure seems like there’s a lot more to this story.. Either way you should keep your guns holstered and Never shoot at a person going away from you..

  12. Rasheed Jackson on March 25th, 2019 11:03 am

    Did some of you not read the article? if the incident actually unfolded as it was reported, then Mr. Kittrell committed the first act of aggression when he tried to block the, supposed, victim’s vehicle with his truck.

  13. jason ward on March 25th, 2019 10:41 am

    Something else going on here. Who blocks someone into there drive way for driving to fast down the drive way. If that’s what really happened I don’t blame the old man for getting ready to shoot his way out, but I just cant see some one trying to trap a man over a posable speeding violation, also his gun must have been ready and loaded for him to but 4 shots into a car that’s trying to get away

  14. Esc co leo on March 25th, 2019 10:41 am

    Not only was the person leaving, but Kittrell started the incident by blocking the guys path. Kittrell cannot start a confrontation and then later claim self defense. Only the retired postal worker had a self defense claim.

  15. Richard Blocker on March 25th, 2019 10:17 am

    Sounds to me that Joe was the one who was threatened.
    When the other guy put his revolver on the dash… well in my eyes that’s a threat!

  16. Richard on March 25th, 2019 9:01 am

    once the person is leaving and has there back to you the situation is over. for Kittrell to shot at the back of the vehicle is wrong. an even headed person would not do this.

  17. Bewildered on March 25th, 2019 8:17 am

    I don’t know any of the individuals involved, I don’t live in the Cantonment/Molino area. . Something smells fishy, however. If a story does not sound believable it’s usually not true.

  18. Blake Noble on March 25th, 2019 7:59 am

    Joe is allot of things but an unprovoked person or killer is not one of them, he is only the type of person to defend himself and his family. I wasnt there but I have to say if someone pulled a gun up like that as of to shoot while driving away I would have pulled my weapon aswell in defense of knowing my family is around or to keep myself hopefully safe. Joe is a good guy I wouldn’t see him doing anything like this without a doubt.

  19. just sayin on March 25th, 2019 7:54 am

    One of the first things they tell you in the CCW class is to never display a firearm to settle an argument. The only time you pull out your weapon is if you are going to shoot and kill someone.

  20. Dennis on March 25th, 2019 7:25 am

    Henry Coe-YUP! All I’m gonna add is that in the heat of a moment-DUMB AND DUMBER!

  21. Rasheed Jackson on March 25th, 2019 7:07 am

    Something missing here!! If the man was driving fast, why? Had there been an altercation before he left? This sounds like a case of he said she said. The problem is one man fired into another’s vehicle, apparently from the rear while the person was trying to leave. Why not just let them drive away. Another thing the arrested party did was he tried to block the individual in. That in its self could be considered holding a person against their will, which could be considered false imprisonment, and a person should and does have a right to protect themselves fro such actions.
    Seem to have been a case of bad judgement, which will cost a person the rest of their life. When you lose your temper you also lose ability to think rationally. BAd judgement produces bad results.

  22. John lawson on March 25th, 2019 1:08 am

    I dont know what happened here but Joe kittrell is a fine young man an had to really be provoked to do what he is accused of

  23. Henry Coe on March 25th, 2019 12:26 am

    I find it hard to believe anyone would pick up a firearm to set it on a dash but if they did it would still be a threat. That being said, if someone looking into someone else’s vehicle sees them raising their arm, with a gun in hand, above the height of the dash, you wouldn’t be standing there watching long enough to see them put the gun on the dash. You would be taking cover and/or arming yourself.
    I bet they both try to use the Stand Your Ground Law as a defense?
    While this scenario has stupid written all over it anyway you look at it, it should make for an interesting trial. Glad no one got shot.