Grand Jury Releases Scathing Report On Town Of Century, Calls For Utilities To Be Sold, Finds Misappropriations, Financial Emergency

March 5, 2019

An Escambia County grand jury has issued a scathing report as the result of their investigation into the Town of Century.

The Town of Century is in a state of financial emergency and numerous improper actions have been taken by administration, staff and the town council, according to a grand jury report released Tuesday afternoon.

The Grand Jury is calling for additional investigation by the State Auditor General, State Attorney’s Office and Escambia County.

The grand jury found that the town of Century is a state of financial emergency, and the current administration and council have failed to act in the best interest of the community. It is recommending that the town sell its water, sewer and gas operations, and only remain responsible for roads, parks, and land use programs.

The grand jury found numerous serious financial problems within the town….a gas system that has lost over a half million dollars in two years, a water and sewer system that lost $465,000 in two years (2016-2018), payroll checks written on an account without sufficient funds to cover those checks, and routine bills that are regularly not paid on time because sufficient funds are not available.

The grand jury also found loans made in previous years to business owners dating back to 2003, but the loans did not appear on the audit as owed to the town until 2017.

The town also amended a budget improperly and borrowed funds improperly from a restricted account, including $306,134 that must be repaid from 2017. The town previously wrongly borrowed about $2.7 million from the Special Revenue fund and approved a repayment plan of $300 per month — a 750 year repayment schedule.

The grand jury found a “lack of understanding of the requirements of both the Sunshine and Public Record Laws, digital recordings of at least one meeting were lost, numerous public records requests were not responded to in a timely manner, paperwork for an economic development loan to one council member has been lost and cannot be located, and three council members were previously charged with non-criminal violations of the Sunshine Law.

For additional details, click here.

The grand jury findings were as follows:

I. We find that the Town of Century is in a state of financial emergency. The current administration and Council have failed to act in the best interest of the community. Town officials have shown a clear lack of knowledge and understanding as to the operations of a governmental organization.

2. The current administration and Council have failed to prepare and approve a budget that is realistic or financially solvent.

3. We find that the administration and Council have improperly borrowed funds from the gas tax account and the Local Option Sales Tax account.

4. We find that there has been a lack of accountability between the Mayor and supervisors and between supervisors and employees.

5. We find that the Mayor has failed to follow proper procedure when approving the use of Town equipment and manpower on private property. This appears to be as a result of a misunderstanding of public purpose and the definition of private and public property. Regular consultation with the Town’s attorney may prevent this type of misunderstanding in the future.

6. We recommend that Century sell the assets of its utility services, sanitation, natural gas, and water and sewer, and use the proceeds to repay the amounts borrowed from the restricted fund. The loss of
customers and problems with the operation of these services make it unlikely that they can ever consistently produce a profit for the Town in the future.

7. Amendments should be made to the Charter or ordinances to provide that the Town will be solely responsible for roads, parks, and land use programs.

8. We recommend that this matter be brought to the attention of the State Auditor General’s Office and that forensic financial audits be done for the past five years. Any irregularities should be referred lo the appropriate agencies, including professional licensing boards if such action is warranted. All contracts for third party professional services should be audited as well.

9. We recommend that Century seek the assistance of a municipal consulting firm to assist in the development of policies and procedures. As part of this process we recommend that an operational audit be done. These policies should provide both job descriptions and salary ranges. All employee benefits should be consistent with industry standards. Employee handbooks should be updated and should contain an anti-nepotism provision. The Florida League of Cities may be able to assist in this matter.

10. All loans by Century should be clearly listed on all appropriate financial statements. No person who has an outstanding loan from the Town should be able to run for any Century public office. Loans should not be made to any Town employee or official.

11.We have heard testimony that there is a lack of written contracts and that contracts do not have expiration dates. All contracts should be reviewed and amended as necessary. All businesses or individuals providing professional services to the Town should have written contracts containing appropriate expiration dates.

12.We recommend additional training in the area of Sunshine and Public Records. This may be done by the Town’s attorney, the First Amendment Foundation or the Attorney General’s Office. We request that the Office of the State Attorney continue to investigate allegations of missing public records as well as the failure to properly respond to public records requests.

13.We recommend that before funds are spent that they be clearly allocated and approved. We have heard testimony that economic development funds may have been spent without proper county approval. In addition, all expenditures must comply with the limitations set forth in the Town Charter.

14.The State of Florida and Escambia County should investigate the misappropriation of gas tax and LOST funds.

15.Spending restrictions should be placed on any funds provided by outside governmental entities that are not otherwise limited in their use. Prior approval should be obtained by the Town before these funds are spent. Specifically, before any funds provided to the Town of Century by Escambia County can be spent, the County should review the proposed expenditure and determine that such expenditure is appropriate.

Pictured top: Century Council members (L-R) Luis Gomez, Jr., Ann Cofield Brooks and Sandra McMurray Jackson at a December 17, 2018, meeting. The three received civil fines last month for non-criminal violations of the Sunshine law. photo, click to enlarge.


37 Responses to “Grand Jury Releases Scathing Report On Town Of Century, Calls For Utilities To Be Sold, Finds Misappropriations, Financial Emergency”

  1. Connie Harris on March 14th, 2019 6:45 pm

    Wow, after reading this, well we wondered why we could not get anything done? Funding? We had asked for a tree to be cut, it is in a power line to our house, this was about 3 years ago? Finally I believe it was last year they came out and red flagged the tree for cutting, never saw them again. The marsh was going to have a crew come out and clean out the other end to drain it better, it is mosquito haven, no one ever came out. So is there not funding for the community needing help? I am curious, been here almost 4 years myself, so needing answers or where do I turn to? Who in the community is taking care of our issues while money is being spent and/or missing? If we need the law for problems, where are they?

  2. William on March 11th, 2019 12:25 am

    First thing the town of century should do is quit paying the escambia sheriffs office to patrol the area and bring back a local police department and look into thoes bank accounts that work in office i guarantee some $$ has paid for some of thers items at home..

  3. Pat on March 9th, 2019 9:48 am

    Remove every one of these people from the offices they hold. Keep a few admin people to help with paperwork and the county should take over.
    These country bumpkins do not have the first clue on how to operate a town budget.
    Good grief people. Can you really be this naïve?

  4. David on March 7th, 2019 4:35 pm

    Sounds like the whole town could be bought for next to nothing. I’ll start the bid at $2.00

  5. Williewonka on March 7th, 2019 7:16 am

    Sounds like somebody should be going to jail.

  6. David Huie Green on March 6th, 2019 1:01 pm

    “What happen to ignorence of the law is no excuse?’

    That’s a lie they like to tell. Juries acquit people all the time for being too stupid to know what they were doing was wrong.

    It doesn’t usually apply at government levels, but Century is exceptional, so who knows?

    David for pity

  7. Southernmama97 on March 6th, 2019 12:20 pm

    You know…the majority of the town voted for Henry Hawkins. Now look…the man has NO IDEA how to run this town! He doesn’t listen to the town citizens, all he cares about is himself. I say we get him out of town hall and put somebody in that KNOWS what they’re doing and can try to fix all this mess he’s created. And the council…the council needs to be relieved of their duties and a whole new council chosen. NOBODY ON THE BOARD really cares about the town. But as a citizen of century, I think I speak for us all when I say, WE DESERVE ANSWERS. More than just this post on northescambia. We need answers so we can know and understand where the town of century is headed…what’s in store for the future of OUR town?

  8. SW on March 6th, 2019 5:48 am

    Just pull the charter, sell off assets.

  9. Bob on March 6th, 2019 4:58 am

    The Town of Century is mismanaged? I am shocked…did not see this coming!

  10. Resident on March 5th, 2019 11:45 pm

    So what next? Who makes the decision and who sells the utilities to who? Will the state send in a transition team. They have to keep the water running in and sewer out and trash picked up. The residents need to know what is happening there are no people qualified to take over. The incorporation needs to disappear. The ones there are incapable of even doing what the grand jury recommended. Don’t drag this out. Contact the governor. This has been apparent and allowed to go on too long.

  11. Stumpknocker on March 5th, 2019 11:35 pm

    So I guess they all can use the excuse of we didn’t know? What happen to ignorence of the law is no excuse?

  12. David Huie Green on March 5th, 2019 10:17 pm

    ” they all know exactly what they were doing.”

    It doesn’t read that way.

    David for better

  13. Charlotte's Web on March 5th, 2019 9:38 pm

    Sad day for Century.

    But that wasn’t any semblance of a functioning government.

    Years of sub-par representation due to baked-in nepotism and “good ole boy bull hockey.

  14. Draintheswamp on March 5th, 2019 9:33 pm

    Sounds a lot like what a grand jury would find investigating Congress (both Senate and House). “Your mouth is writing checks your body can’t cash”. It’s time all politicians realize they are not above the laws either. “Give me Liberty, or give me death”.

  15. David on March 5th, 2019 9:00 pm

    You can’t train,teach, or educate a turnip.
    Thus…the grand jury finds.

  16. Rodney on March 5th, 2019 8:42 pm

    I would like to hear him call the grand jury “a lie”.

  17. Erac on March 5th, 2019 8:38 pm

    This has to be the most incompetent inch of crooks running Century. The mayor is an egotistical jerk and refuses to reply to reaquest for simple receipts. The reason is he stole the money and used it for himself leaving no paper trail. He should be in Escambia County Jail until he complies with any and all requests for information concerning the operations of Century. Maybe the governor will get involved and remove him and all other incompetent city management persons

  18. db on March 5th, 2019 7:10 pm

    just look at who’s running it…would you expect any less?

  19. tg on March 5th, 2019 7:01 pm

    You had to know this could not go on forever. Get out the race card because we know where the buck stops.

  20. No votes! on March 5th, 2019 6:44 pm

    I think the candidate that received no votes could have done better than this!

  21. wendell on March 5th, 2019 6:37 pm

    Who sold the town on annexation, anyway?

  22. Dave on March 5th, 2019 6:36 pm

    Well well well… I see a lot of “misunderstandings” in this grand jury review. The town has an attorney on payroll. What I want to see are attorney general indictments for every one of the council members… they all know exactly what they were doing. Where is the outrage? Where are the cameras? Good grief, where are the handcuffs?!

  23. M in Bratt on March 5th, 2019 6:30 pm

    This report should add fuel to the fire for those that advocate revoking the Town Charter. If all the town’s assets are sold, and all that is left is roads and parks, there is no reason that the County cannot step in and take over these services like they do for the rest of the County. If all the investigations take place that this Grand Jury report recommends, there may not be anybody left to lock up city hall when they all are run off. And yes Mr. Mayor, you will have to supply documentation about the mystery plane tickets, among other things.

  24. Tom on March 5th, 2019 6:26 pm

    Arrest them all

  25. Oversight on March 5th, 2019 6:25 pm

    Looks like it’s time to fold Ali Babbah Henry’s circus tent and close down the town council.

  26. Traumaqueen on March 5th, 2019 6:12 pm

    That’s an awful lot in unpaid loans.

  27. Chelleepea on March 5th, 2019 6:08 pm

    This may seem off topic but if you think about it, it is all related. This report shows us why Ms. Brooks insisted on hiring people with experience if not a degree in a related field. You can’t train experience. All the employees are good people but you can’t just put an entry level person into a senior level position. Experience helps you to be resourceful. You just can’t run a town without it. This should make people think next time they vote. Vote for those with experience not your friends.

  28. sam on March 5th, 2019 6:08 pm

    Impeach and prosecute the mayor. He is corrupt! Always knew it from the start!

  29. just sayin on March 5th, 2019 5:57 pm

    going back as far as 2003 wowww and ms. Brooks trying to point fingers oh my let’s see how this play

  30. IMHO on March 5th, 2019 5:12 pm

    Where’s all the money? hmmmm

  31. sarah on March 5th, 2019 5:12 pm

    So this has been going on for years am I correct? So I think we shouldn’t just start pointing fingers NOW!

  32. Shay on March 5th, 2019 5:09 pm

    Heads will roll over this report.

  33. Sam on March 5th, 2019 5:07 pm

    Should sell tickets to this three ring circus…

  34. Citizen on March 5th, 2019 5:05 pm

    Saw that coming.
    I think unincorporated D5 would do a better job with the road and parks.

  35. Wise man on March 5th, 2019 4:56 pm

    Feel bad for the people of century
    How can this much money be misappropriated and who is actually responsible

  36. Don Reed on March 5th, 2019 4:53 pm

    Wow sounds like someone or all should be prosecuted to the fool extend of the law.This has gone in to long I can say ths because I have skin in this game my entire family is from Century I just hope the The local law steps up to the plate and remove these prople before more damage is done just saying.

  37. Matt T on March 5th, 2019 4:46 pm

    I think we knew that they would find something however, wow this is just … wow!
