Alabama 10 Cent Gas Tax Increase Signed Into Law

March 13, 2019

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signed a 10-cent gas tax increase into law Tuesday, about two hours after it received final legislative approval.

A six cent increase will go into effect on September 1. There will be another two cent increase in 2020, and another two cents in 2021.

New revenue generated by the increase will be dispersed between state, county, and municipal governments in Alabama. These funds are to be used for transportation infrastructure improvement, preservation and maintenance projects. A separate portion of the revenues will go to pay a bond to be issued to finance improvements to the ship channel providing access to the facilities of the Alabama State Docks.

Pictured: Regular unleaded gas was $2.25 a gallon Tuesday in Atmore as Gov. Kay Ivey signed an Alabama gas tax increase into law (pictured below). and courtesy photos, click to enlarge.


15 Responses to “Alabama 10 Cent Gas Tax Increase Signed Into Law”

  1. Ron Haynes on March 16th, 2019 7:35 pm

    I’ve voted R since 1984. But I’ve reached the point that they’re no different. I will vote against ANY incumbent from now on. I simply don’t care anymore.

  2. Master Mechanic on March 14th, 2019 8:54 am

    We have to do without,just to pay taxes……….When they want something,just raise taxes…….why don’t ya’all learn to be consertative? I.E. government would save a ton of money if they replaced just the engines in vehicles ,approx. $ 5,000. per vehicle,verses $45,000. for one new vehicle,,,,,,,lets see $45,000. x 8 vehicles = $360,000……..$ 5,000 x 8 engines = $40,000.

  3. BIN on March 13th, 2019 8:13 pm

    you just noted a few places to live out a wonderful life.
    good luck, hope to here from you soon.

  4. np630ss on March 13th, 2019 4:50 pm

    The state government already taxes our incomes. They tax everything we buy. Food, medicine, utilities, even our funerals. Pile on top of that every lisence, vehicle registration and tags. Not to mention the mandatory insurance for everything. How many times is government going to vote itself access to our check books? I don’t get “cost of living increases”. I live on what I earn. Every time some beuracrat gets a whim or pet project – I have to sacrifice.
    If I wanted to live in a tax crazy blue state – I would. After this I’ll conceived tax debacle, I’d move if I could.
    Rest assured – I will remember who supported this poor excuse for funding. I will take great pleasure in voting against them at every opportunity.

  5. Satire on March 13th, 2019 3:49 pm

    I’m sure this extra tax money isn’t going to be lining some politicians pockets. I’m sure we will see results soon. The people of Alabama will be happy to pay extra money at the pump so we can keep that terrible lottery out of our proud state!

  6. sam on March 13th, 2019 2:55 pm

    kay is serving her last term. she just sealed it.

  7. James A Thomason on March 13th, 2019 12:25 pm

    Tax increases? What happens to all the taxes we the people already pay ? If good stewardship was applied there would be monies in the government coffers! Not against paying my fair share but .. we the people.. already pay about 85 cents per gallon of fuel we purchase..


  8. Bob C. on March 13th, 2019 11:37 am

    Seems to be fair in that ALL people will Pay at the Pump.
    Everyone wants and whines about wanting good roads and safe travels then they wring their hands and carry on when told “Hey Dude, the roads don’t get paved for FREE”.
    Get your fuel wherever you want or need, you’re paying TAXES everywhere.
    Don’t want to pay gasoline taxes? Park your ride and put on your Boots Made for Walkin’ or get a horse.

    OH…if you are a Smoker or use tobacco take a look at how that addiction is TAXED then put down your smokes or chew or that “Vape” thing.

  9. just sayin on March 13th, 2019 9:59 am

    Now where are all the north Escambia residents going to purchase fuel who swore to purchase gas in Alabama due to Escambia county adding that ECAT gas tax when the bus didn’t even come to the north end? Decisions Decisions.

  10. Tom on March 13th, 2019 9:21 am

    I guess I am in the minority but tax increases are not always a bad thing. Of course we live in a society with others and its expected for government to keep the infrastructure intact and always improving. People love smooth roads fast Internet and clean water along with this clean air we breath. But the word tax seems to not be fully understood by some people, That sad ends me because other countries like the U.K,France,Canada,Australia and of course all of Europe have taxes and they live longer than us and have better roads and cheaper faster Internet. Makes you wonder doesn’t it?

  11. CW on March 13th, 2019 8:57 am

    @Concerned citizen

    In case you haven’t noticed, gas is already about 15 cents higher in FL, so buying it there won’t do you any good.

  12. taxman on March 13th, 2019 8:16 am

    “Should five percent appear too small
    Be thankful I don’t take it all
    Cause I’m the taxman, yeah I’m the taxman…”

  13. William on March 13th, 2019 8:03 am

    I will be going across state lines to get fuel for my boat, lawn mower ,or vehicle

  14. Concerned Citizen on March 13th, 2019 6:41 am

    Add this to another long list of things that I’ll buy in Florida. I already buy my groceries and any clothes, considering the high sales tax % that’s higher than my tithes.

  15. Voter2020 on March 13th, 2019 6:34 am

    VOTE THEM OUT! Just a guess, but a lot of that money will never fill the first pot hole but will be used for a lot of other pet projects. VOTE THEM OUT!