Town Of Century Meter Reader Bitten By Dog

February 22, 2019

A Town of Century employee was bitten by dog while on the job.

The employee was reading meters at a residence on West Highway 4, according to Mayor Henry Hawkins. The worker was taken to Jay Hospital for evaluation.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office responded to the incident because the emergency Escambia Animal Control officer was on another call, according to Kaycee Lagarde, spokesperson for Escambia County. She said the bite did not break the skin.

Escambia County Animal Control responded to the address on West Highway 4 Thursday morning and is investigating. Citations will be issued if necessary, Lagarde said. file photo, click to enlarge.


10 Responses to “Town Of Century Meter Reader Bitten By Dog”

  1. Bewildered on February 24th, 2019 3:52 am

    I don’t know anyone involved, but would agree it’s now customary to blow things out of proportion to collect money for damages in any kind of accident or mishap. He was TAKEN to the hospital for a bite that did not brake the skin! Come on people – if he got back in his truck and drove off – he did not need help to have a doctor look at his leg or whatever body part was involved. I wonder if they called an ambulance?

  2. concerned citizen on February 23rd, 2019 6:31 pm

    For your knowledge this was a rescue dog that I was watching and me and my son were outside playing and the gas reader came flying up the drive way and I was screaming to the top of my lungs to make him stop because he was about to hit my son that is 2 yrs old so the dogs were on alert because of me screaming not too mention he almost hit the dog to. He drives up and jumps out of the truck and starts for the meter and the dog nipped him. The dogs had not calmed down yet.he told me the dog bit him but I thought he was joking because he never stopped to assess the bite. That’s the first thing I would do is check the wound. He got in his truck and left. They should have some type of spray to scare dogs off. The dog is no where aggressive my 2 yr old lays on top of him. He was in guard mode because of hearing mi voice. You don’t even jump out of a vehicle just because someone is outside that knows the dogs. You better ask someone about them and better know your surroundings.I believe it was blown out of proportion just a little bit, but everyone has there own opinion.

  3. Toni on February 23rd, 2019 6:47 am

    Responding to “Citizen”

    I do not have water through the Town of Century; only gas. My water meter IS on the right of way, outside my fence, by the road. The GAS meter; however, is NOT. It’s under my kitchen window. The meter reader must come ONTO my actual property to read it. I did sign an agreement, and I’M ok with that. My dog, did not sign anything, though. And while she IS an inside dog, she is let out off-leash to potty because we have several fenced-in acres. However, when I see workers doing things about the street, I go out with her. If the meter reader decided to exit his vehicle while she’s out there without alerting me to his presence, that’s on him.

  4. Citizen too on February 22nd, 2019 9:09 pm

    That’s why most of us including the residents that own the dog on well waterwater, ok I don’t know that, but u don’t know that aint. Js

  5. Citizen on February 22nd, 2019 1:04 pm

    “”". Why would a citation need to be issued for someone coming onto PRIVATE property, regardless of whether or not that person is a city worker?”"”

    First of all, you don’t know if the meter reader was on private property. Water meters are on the right of way at the street. Second, read the fine print when you sign up for water, gas or electric service — you give the company/city permission to enter your property for the purpose of reading meters or making repairs. Don’t like that? Don’t get water, gas or electricity. It’s your choice.

  6. Wanda Maltais on February 22nd, 2019 12:00 pm

    Why did they need to go to the hospital for evaluation if it the bite didn’t even break the skin? Seriously, sad the person was bitten but this is truly a waste of taxpayer dollars!

  7. Toni on February 22nd, 2019 11:09 am

    “Citations issued if necessary.”
    They come ONTO your property. Why would a citation need to be issued for someone coming onto PRIVATE property, regardless of whether or not that person is a city worker? Make smart choices: if an animal is about the property, either DON’T get out, honk to announce your presence, or come back later if no one is home. Duh.

  8. Animal lover on February 22nd, 2019 8:26 am

    Did not break the skin?
    Then no harm, no foul.
    Must have been a little ankle biter , house dog that was outside on potty break.. Or if it was a real big dog, then the bite was equivalent to a warning shot. Very respectfully telling a stranger that he was too close to dogs family and home.!

  9. sam on February 22nd, 2019 7:53 am

    most towns issue a dog repellent that the employees can spray to ward off aggressive animals. think century can afford it?

  10. Bama on February 22nd, 2019 7:28 am

    On job or not u should watch out