SRSO: 87-Year Old Jay Assisted Living Resident Charged With Battery On Woman

February 7, 2019

An 87-year old assisted living facility resident was charged after allegedly slapping an elderly resident with dementia in the face.

William Alford of Jay was charged with felony battery and later released from the Santa Rosa County Jail on a $2,500 bond.

The Terrace At Ivey Acres in Jay contacted the victim’s son and reported the incident, according to arrest report. The son told deputies this was not the first incident between Alford and his mother. Alford and the victim have adjoining rooms separated by a locked door, the report states, with the only access through a public hallway.


9 Responses to “SRSO: 87-Year Old Jay Assisted Living Resident Charged With Battery On Woman”

  1. Joy on February 15th, 2019 1:26 am

    One, this is an facility, which means the residents are able to walk around and pretty much care for themselves. When they are no longer able to do that they go to a nursing home. They have.a day room where they can freely walk around, and can go back and forth to.their room, ss desired. I have a close relative there and.spend a lot of time there. The staff is awesome, but they cannot go and be everywhere. Nor, do they have to as the residents are still mobile. Still adults, the residents sometimes children. They argue, one day my relative was called a b###h. You cannot place them in time out, they’re adults. Staff calms the situation as best.they can. Some the store, unless they have Alzheimer’a. So before.your so quick to judge.the staff realize.there is so much more to the story. I have personally seen these two fussing. He had no right to slap her, she had no right to argue with him. But.considering that they are older and.most act.more like.children than adults, things happen. Pressing charges, I believe is ridiculous. There are cameras in the facility,, staff was able to see what happen and moved to another.facility. the situation was well handled by staff, however, the son chose to press charges on the old man anyway. In my opinion, ridiculous!

  2. Barbara on February 8th, 2019 10:51 pm

    I’ve worked in medical for many years,the same things that happens in the world,happens in our nursing facilities!!what can we do to curb this type of behavior?i dont know,u cant spank them because they have gone back to child hood!there are so many different personalities!!

  3. dh on February 8th, 2019 7:25 pm

    Just because he is 87yo is no reason to NOT arrest him. I know others who are 87yo or older and and they know exactly what they are doing just as much as you or I do. If he had a gun and shot her or if he had slapped a staff member would we not arrest him because he is 87yo? No where in the article does it say HE has dementia. We cannot let anyone get away with abuse to the elderly, especially those who cannot protect themselves or tell someone they are being abused, such as in dementia.
    With all that said, we know very little of the actual details, so lets wait and hear the rest of the story before we judge.

  4. Wow on February 8th, 2019 2:32 am

    @Kane The facility has an AWESOME staff. The residents are very well supervised. and taken care of. Lack of information in article leads to many questions. The facility was not the one that pressed charges, it was the victims son. (Not THEIR son, HER son) The facility done their part it sounds like. They notified the victims POA about incident and he took it from there. The “multi incidents” were prior to moving in at the facility. These two were indeed separated when the verbal abuse and things started. The facility done their part, to me it shows that they take wonderful care of their residents and that they will not put up with any bull.

  5. James on February 7th, 2019 3:22 pm

    The article states the victim has dementia, not the suspect. Although I agree felony battery seems extreme based on the limited article, age is no excuse for breaking the law. Ever heard the term “old enough to know better”?

  6. Incredulous on February 7th, 2019 2:05 pm

    Are you kidding me? 87 year old charged with FELONY BATTERY for slapping a fellow resident in the face? A fellow resident with dementia? Tell me this is not what the world has come to? This is ridiculous! Next we’ll be incarcerating preschoolers for life for biting.

    People with dementia can’t be predicted or controlled. When my mother was in Century Care, a fellow resident with dementia kept wheeling himself into her room. He would never leave until she cracked him across the knee with her walking stick. Once she did that, he’d do wheelies back down the hall. She never hit him hard enough to hurt him, but it’s one of the few things he still understood. He did not like that walking stick. Thankfully common sense prevailed there and no FELONY BATTERY charges were ever filed.

  7. Kane on February 7th, 2019 1:58 pm

    Seems to me if they are living in an Assisted living facility there should be some sort of supervision so where was the staff when this was going on? The son claims there have been “multiple incidents” so why were the two not separated? Maybe move the old man to another room. Last thing last he is 87 why would they arrest him???? 87!! That’s ridiculous does he even know what he did? Man if I were the family of either of these two people I would be hotter then hell at that facility.

  8. tg on February 7th, 2019 10:41 am

    She would not cook supper for him.

  9. ekg on February 7th, 2019 8:39 am

    Easy way to stop him from slapping women is to put all men in rooms around him.