Rep. Bradley Byrne Announces Candidacy For U.S. Senate

February 21, 2019

Congressman Bradley Byrne (R-AL) announced his candidacy Wednesday night at a downtown Mobile restaurant, just down the street from where he grew up.

In announcing his candidacy, Bradley said his campaign will focus on his record as a fighter for Alabama’s values.

The fight for America’s future is too important to sit on the sidelines. I am running for the United States Senate to defend the values important to Alabama. We need a Senator who will fight with President Trump “to defend the Constitution, build the wall, stand up for the unborn, push for lower taxes, make health care more affordable, and protect the Second Amendment. I will fight every day to bring Alabama’s conservative values to Washington,” he said.

Pictured top: Congressman Bradley Byrne during a town hall meeting last year in Atmore ( photo). Pictured below: Byrne announces his candidacy for U.S. Senate Tuesday night in Mobile.


9 Responses to “Rep. Bradley Byrne Announces Candidacy For U.S. Senate”

  1. tg on February 24th, 2019 8:43 am

    Tom ! Rachel Maddow is getting in your head.

  2. Learn the Facts on February 21st, 2019 5:08 pm

    Doug Jones (D, AL) has voted in unison with Richard Shelby (R, AL) 69% of the time.

    Hardly a “Palosi” or Schumer puppet.

    Y’all might want to listen to something other than the right wing echo chamber.

  3. CW on February 21st, 2019 12:36 pm


    I get sick of hearing about “Alabama values”. You have your values and I have mine, so don’t act like you get to decide for every Alabamian what their values should be.

    And I did vote for Trump and Jones for the record.

  4. Bridges on February 21st, 2019 9:13 am

    Tom your influenced by the main stream media which has lied and only told one side of the story on Trump, his election and policies. Its a shame the media is damaging their gate keeper role of keeping DC honest and us safe.

  5. Frank on February 21st, 2019 9:07 am

    Tom- you have to be a Dem- to say He is a Trump Puppet- you want to talk about Doug Jones- he is the biggest Palosi Puppet I have ever seen, Which is Not Alabama Values. #removeJones@allcost

  6. no on February 21st, 2019 8:08 am

    NO, we are not better off, now! If you money you are better off but not the average worker. The country is deeper in debt and getting deeper. We need someone that looks out for the working class people. Many followed Thrump thinking he would, simply because he said he would but again that was just to get your votes. He has deeply hurt us and destroying our county and the Republicans are helping him. As a conservative I will not vote for ANY republicans that goes along in this destructions. Put the country first!!!

  7. PEP on February 21st, 2019 7:41 am

    Doug Jones should start polishing his resume and packing! I’ll take a President Trump puppet over a Nancy/Chuck puppet any day.

  8. NoVote on February 21st, 2019 6:56 am

    His office is nonresponsove to some constituents and he’s
    An establishment politician if this is the best AL’s Republican
    Party can put up to run for office I’ll either leave that spot blank
    Or vote for someone else.

  9. Tom on February 21st, 2019 5:29 am

    I do not like this guy, I did some research and he is pretty much a trump puppet. I think whole heartily that Senator Doug Jones has done more for Alabama in over a decade and this guy Bradley just once to regress again as others in the gop tend to do. We need at least 1 Democrat in AL, its time to give the gop a break and lets see what more Doug Jones can offer, its only been 2 years. Lets take a little leap of faith and make the right decision. The Mueller report will be released within the month and in all honesty nobody truly believes Trumps hands are clean of collusion/obstruction.