Moose, The Famous East Hill Publix Cat, Hit And Killed By Vehicle

February 20, 2019

Escambia County is mourning the loss of Moose, the “World Famous” East Hill Publix Cat.

Moose spent his days at the East Hill Publix in Pensacola, and headed to his owners’ home at night. The feline with thousands of followers on his very own Facebook page was last seen at the store on Saturday.

His owners said Tuesday night that it appears he was hit and killed by a car on Cervantes Street. A short time later, the Graffiti Bridge was painted in his honor.

“He was a free spirit that could not be confined,” his family wrote Tuesday night on Facebook. “He brought so much joy to us and the community. Thanks to everyone who love on him and gave him pets every day. You all made Moose a very happy kitty. He truly lived his best life.”

“And in the end it’s not the years in your life that counts; it’s the life in your years.”

Courtesy photos for, click to enlarge.


26 Responses to “Moose, The Famous East Hill Publix Cat, Hit And Killed By Vehicle”

  1. MR REALITY on March 7th, 2019 7:55 pm


  2. Shawn Simpkins-Arg on February 24th, 2019 3:12 pm

    He brought joy and happiness to a lot of people including me as he was a thing of joy and happiness everyday as he greeted me as I got off work with a smile and a meow and I gave him a hug and a pat on the head and he will miss Ed by us all including me.He was a special cat to us all and he will hold a special place in our heart.Our condolences and thoughts and prayers go to his owners as I know how they loved and treasuresured as a part of their family and all of ours.We know that he is up in heaven with god and smiling down on us all and watching over us all and doing one of the things that he loved best which was eating.and he holds a special place in our hearts.

  3. P. Haynes on February 23rd, 2019 1:55 pm

    I found him to be a joy. Moose was unique, very smart. I am sure he will be missed.

  4. Byron Keesler on February 21st, 2019 2:51 pm

    Dear, Moose, We’ll all miss your presence and your friendly puss as we visit our
    ( yours and and ours) favorite east hill grocery store You’ve brightened my days, as well as a lot of other’s in your short time on earth. If anyone deserves a shot at an after life, you have my vote. Rest in peace, pussy cat.
    Byron K.

  5. Andy Anderson on February 21st, 2019 7:27 am

    We used to live in East Hill and our cat was identical to Moose. His name was Little Boy. He loved everyone but kids. I think it was because they moved to fast and they were loud. But, we had two little boys in the house, a chihuahua and a German Shephard. He didn’t like all the extra attention we gave to the kids and other animals. We were at 13th and Lee then. He disappeared one day and we searched for weeks. We’d had him since he was 8 wks old. One day about 3 blocks from the house, I was walking toward Bayou Texar and as I called his name he came out of this bush to greet me. It was him for sure, he had about a 1 1/2 bobtail. He had decided to move in with this elderly lady that had thousands of nic nacs everywhere in her house. She told me she let in every morning and he sat at the breakfast table in her kitchen bay window while she had breakfast. That was all I had to hear. I knew that cat very well and loved him very much, but he was where he was most comfortable and that was fine with me. I visited him several times over the next couple of years but I lost track of him and my life was changing too. Maybe Moose is Little Boy reincarnated…. who knows?

  6. MR REALITY on February 20th, 2019 10:26 pm

    Molino resident, actually a cat loving husband and wife (I think) provided the signs after everyone figured out we were at Moose’s Publix.

  7. Adam on February 20th, 2019 9:55 pm

    This cat should still be alive. Basic Rules of Pet Ownership.
    Animal Control Rules; Keep your dog and cat confined to your property or under direct control if it is off your property. Acceptable means of confinement include: in your house or inside a fence, pen or other enclosure. “Control” generally means on a leash. Pets are not permitted to roam at large off your property.

  8. Anne Jacobi on February 20th, 2019 9:28 pm

    I loved Moose! I am really more of a dog person but that friendly cat stole my heart. I would hate to go shopping after teaching school but it was worth it just to see Moose… Don’t think I can go back to Publix for awhile. On Sunday my husband and I were driving home from the Waffle House. My husband saw some Publix workers picking up a cat between 11th and Cervantes. I was on my phone and did not see it. I was so depressed! I kept calling Publix and they said they did not know anything about it. Then I saw in the paper today that they never called the owners. It is so sad when you lose a cat and have no closure. My daughter who moved to Oregon and my daughter in Nashville all grieve about Moose. God gives us special gifts and Moose’s love was a gift to so many. I kept hoping it was the wrong cat and Moose would come back…. Thank you for sharing Moose will us!

  9. Lisa Drasutis on February 20th, 2019 9:02 pm

    I loved that cat. I will miss him so much.

  10. Molino resident on February 20th, 2019 8:59 pm

    I work downtown and love the Publix on Cervantes. I love how Publix put the Moose Crossing sign up. I enjoyed looking for Moose. So sad.

  11. MR REALITY on February 20th, 2019 5:05 pm

    Carol, moose lived across the street from where they built the new publix. When the store opened, a cat suddenly started hanging out at the entrance…He would meow at people and just loved everyone. I think he thought everyone was there to see him. Well after a lil while people found out he lived across the street and his name was Moose. His family was interviewd by the PNJ many times and they said LISTEN WE TRIED TO KEEP MOOSE HOME, but he wants to be at the Publix. He was the official greeter of all who entered his store. I went by there to see this sight everyone was talking about. I saw Moose and called his neme. he looked over at me, sashed over, introdiced himself and I swear anytime I went back to the store and he was there he looked at me and meowed…It was like he remembered. He really loved all people and truly was an amazing animal. I wanted to believe deep inside someone had just catnapped him again but I fear that the lil Moosecat so many people loved, is gone forever. NEVER TO BE REPLACED. No cat would endure what Moosecat LOVED!!!

  12. Carol DeLugo on February 20th, 2019 3:39 pm

    I never had the joy to meet Moose… I didn’t even know about him until reading a post on FB. But now, after reading a few articles, I’d love to know his backstory! How did he become the famous East Hill Publix cat? How old was he? Etc…
    Wish I had met him! Blessings to family and friends.

  13. Candace on February 20th, 2019 2:29 pm

    Rip I’m sure he is in a better place

  14. Mir on February 20th, 2019 2:04 pm

    Rest well, sweet Moose. You will be missed by many.

  15. terri on February 20th, 2019 12:56 pm

    animals do not know that cars can kill….but people who drive them ..KNOW. slow down…watch out .. and save a life.. Moose will be missed.

  16. anne 1of2 on February 20th, 2019 11:27 am

    Moose used up his 9 lives wanting to cross the streets but he was happy and made so many humans smile. Helping the Girl Scouts sell their cookies must have been the limit on cute, wish I had seen that. Love to his family, you were so blessed!

  17. Lori on February 20th, 2019 11:08 am

    I’ll never forget the very first time I met Moose. He came running up to me, and to be honest it kinda freaked me out a little bit. He looked up at me from my feet with those big kind eyes like “ are you gonna pet me or what?” I petted him and after a minute or two he was like ok we’re good you can stop now. It really tickled me. I stopped by Publix another day to pick up some things for my daughter & I on the way to the beach, and as we turned into the parking lot I was telling her about Moose. Sure enough as we came out to leave there he was. He came over to us for some petting and a few pictures. Moose you had quite the personality & I saw the joy you brought to the old & new friends you met daily! You will surely be missed!

  18. Chelly on February 20th, 2019 10:22 am

    I have never seen him but my heart breaks for Moose and his family. I couldn’t make it through this story without tears rolling down my face. RIP Precious Little One

  19. MR REALITY on February 20th, 2019 9:43 am

    There will never ever ever ever be another Moose…Not in 1000 years will there be another animal who loved humans so much.

  20. sad on February 20th, 2019 9:36 am

    Poor Moose kitty. I saw him one time down there. He lived in a dangerous world, but brought so much love and joy to those who wanted to ‘pet the kitty’.

  21. Marilee Etier on February 20th, 2019 8:21 am

    Oh sweet Moose, you are so loved and so missed. You brought so much joy to so many people including myself. Rest in Peace Moose.

  22. Kayla on February 20th, 2019 7:47 am

    This is so heartbreaking. Moose was an awesome cat. He brought many people joy. The fact that I wont get to see his sweet face is devastating. You will be missed sweet cat. You’ll always be in my heart.

  23. Anne on February 20th, 2019 6:58 am

    We’d often plan our grocery shopping around Moose. It was always fun to try and guess where he might be hanging out and it was a joy when we found him. Those beautiful blue eyes were full of heart, acceptance of humans and was never afraid of those who wanted – or needed – to share a moment with another life.
    Moose, we thank your human family and your fan base is far and wide – yes, World Famous.
    Love You Moose….You indeed did live the life.

  24. JustSaying on February 20th, 2019 6:57 am

    He has the beautiful markings of a Tabby, the prominent “M” on his forehead that tabbies have! A beautiful cat! I know he will be missed.

  25. Ponderosa hill on February 20th, 2019 5:17 am

    We’ve mostly been Dog people…lucked on a Maine-Coon (95%) bout
    a year ago. He was maybe 2 weeks old. Orange with white and a
    tail like never seen. Fully understand the loss of “moose” to his
    friends and family! He was one of a kind and surely helped humans
    more than vise Versa!

  26. Tamara Ackerman on February 20th, 2019 2:07 am

    I live in East Hill. Moose has been the official Publix greeter since they opened. Moose made everyone smile. Some days he was all affectionate and other days he could be a bit salty. But you could count on him being there. His humans lived right by Publix and Moose became unmanageable if they tried to keep him on house arrest. I can’t imagine my life without this cat. He comforted me the day after my mom died. I believe he really was an angel dressed in cat fur. RIP, precious boy.