Molino Man Charged With Threatening To Kill Off-Duty Deputy, Animal Control Officer

February 22, 2019

A Molino man allegedly threatened to kill an Escambia County Animal Control officer and an off-duty deputy.

Seth Ragsdale, 40, was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and booked into the Escambia County Jail without bond.

When the animal control officer arrived to make contact with a witness, 40-year old Seth Ragsdale ran to a fence and screamed at the officer, according to a report. He allegedly threaten to shoot the officer.

The victim attempted to address the situation; however, Ragsdale continued to threaten the animal control officer, even stating he was off his medications and did not care if he went to jail, the report revealed.

An off duty deputy arrived on the scene, and Ragsdale threatened to kill him and any arriving deputies, according to the report.

Ragsdale then walked back to the residence and appeared a short time later carrying a shovel — swinging it at the victims and gesturing he was going to hit them, the report stated.

It was after this the report stated, Ragsdale grabbed the only thing standing between the victims and himself — a low lying fence and began to shake it and threaten to jump over and “bash their heads in with a shovel,” the report stated.

The animal control offer returned to his vehicle and left the scene.

A witness said Ragsdale has a traumatic brain injury and has been diagnosed with Explosive Outburst Disorder which he believed it the reason Ragsdale was threatening people, the report stated.


6 Responses to “Molino Man Charged With Threatening To Kill Off-Duty Deputy, Animal Control Officer”

  1. Keli on February 26th, 2019 11:55 am

    Reasonabiliity, accountability and care are essential tools in handling matters with such a person as Mr. Ragsdale.
    Our police are to protect and to serve. They are not to pacify Mr. Ragsdale in his wrong doing or anyone else in their wrong doings; wherefore, it would be to the detriment of a community – if Mr. Ragsdale get to have his way in ruling a community with evil.
    ‘RN’ says to not judge. At this writing’ there was no commenter that judged.
    ‘Tboy,’ said that Mr. Ragsdale was mean like that before his head injury.’
    No one should be subjected to Mr. Ragsdale meanness and intrusion whether he decides to take his medications or not.
    Mr. Ragsdale should not be allowed to act as a terrorist, traumatizing others including our law enforcement.
    Someone one has to hold him accountable. He is cognitive enough to know right from wrong and therefore should not be allowed to terrorize others.
    The police in Molino seem passive and uncaring – It seems that when responding
    to certain calls, if they get yelled at, they leave and does nothing.
    As ‘Bartender’ commented, ‘Get Mr. Ragsdale some help. ‘

  2. RN on February 23rd, 2019 9:47 am

    @ Dan: Do you have any knowledge about traumatic brain injury? Did you ever stop to think that people that this has happened to don’t think normally at times? Judge not lest ye be judged.

  3. Tboy on February 23rd, 2019 8:54 am

    This guy has acted this way long before his car accident so dont blame this on a so called “brain injury”… He needs to be held accountable for his actions ..

  4. Dan on February 23rd, 2019 12:01 am

    This guy has had so many chances and he continues to think because he is disabled he has the right to do whatever well maybe this time he will see that you can’t always do what you feel

  5. Stumpknocker on February 22nd, 2019 3:54 pm

    @ bartender, I’ve delt with mentally ill for 32 years and yes there is help for them, most do well when they take their prescribed medication. It’s when they stop taking their medication is usually where the problem begins. So who’s responsible for making sure they take their medication the government? Maybe those family members who come out of the wood work after so bad happens needs to step up to the plate before anything happens. There’s no such thing as the medication police nor should there be. You would be surprised how people in this position have family members that live in the same town ignore the sick family member and this also includes the elderly too.

  6. Bartender on February 22nd, 2019 9:57 am

    There you go help for the mental.they gona wait till he kills someone before the system does something.maybe he cant help the way he is but good lord let him get the help he needs.