Local Elementary Schools Place In Science Olympiad

February 26, 2019

The Escambia County School District Science Olympiad was held Saturday at Washington High School. Results were as follows:

Overall Results
1st place: A.K. Suter
2nd place: Pleasant Grove
3rd place: Hellen Caro
4th place: N.B. Cook
5th place: Lipscomb

1st place: Molino Park
2nd place: Pine Meadow
3rd place: Lipscomb
4th place: Jim Allen
5th place: N.B. Cook

1st place: A.K. Suter
2nd place: Beulah
3rd place: Bratt
4th place: Kingsfield
5th place: Hellen Caro

Straw Egg Drop
1st place: Oakcrest
2nd place: Pleasant Grove
3rd place: Ferry Pass
4th place: Cordova Park
5th place: N.B. Cook

Tower Challenge
1st place: C.A.Weis
2nd place: A.K. Suter
3rd place: Pine Meadow
4th place: Pleasant Grove
5th place: Montclair

Science Bowl
1st place: Lipscomb
2nd place: Pleasant Grove
3rd place: Hellen Caro
4th place: Kingsfield
5th place: N.B. Cook

Mystery Powders
1st place: McArthur
2nd place: Hellen Caro
3rd place: N.B. Cook
4th place: A.K. Suter
5th place: Kingsfield

Picture This (Three way tie)
1st place: A.K. Suter
1st place: Hellen Caro
1st place: Pleasant Grove
4th place: Scenic Heights
5th place: Kingsfield

Tennis Ball Catapult
1st place: A.K. Suter
2nd place: Scenic Heights
3rd place: Pleasant Grove
4th place: N.B. Cook
5th place: Warrington

Pictured top: Molino Park Elementary. Pictured below: Additional North Escambia area schools (each photo is labeled). Photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.

Bratt Elementary

Jim Allen Elementary

Kingsfield Elementary

Beulah Elementary

Pine Meadow Elementary

McArthur Elementary

Lipscomb Elementary


One Response to “Local Elementary Schools Place In Science Olympiad”

  1. Nice on February 28th, 2019 3:41 pm

    WAY TO GO!!!!